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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

......this is an email i just sent to the Residence Director at St. Johns...what do u think?

My name is Erica Curtiss and my x number is x019*****

I can't begin to express my anger and frustration for everything this system has put me through, however, you can believe that I am going to try.

I have to first state that this is the most imcompetant and unprofessional office I have ever come in contact with in my life. For weeks my parents and I have been contacting this office with one simple question, a question that everyone I talk to claims to have the answer to but refuses to tell me. I want to know what dorm I have been placed in for the 2011 Spring Semester and I don't want any more excuses.

First your office takes my housing check and just uses it for whatever you think is necessary when it was specifically to hold a position for me to dorm next semester. Then after finally fixing your mistake, you take weeks longer to place me in a dorm. Every time I talk to you people I get a different answer from a different person.

My father, Anthony Curtiss, personally spoke to someone in your office on December 19, 2010 when I first arrived back from Europe and he was advised that I was placed and an email was in my account with the information. Three weeks later and I am still waiting for this magical email that is supposedly in my account.

Yesterday, I personally spoke with Cecillia Weeks and she advised me that no one had recieved any emails or any information about their living situations. Which is not only the exact opposite of what we were informed with weeks ago, but it is also completely false. I know it's false because every student that was in the DTW program abroad with me had recieved confirmation emails about their living arrangements before we left Europe, and when I had questioned why I hadn't recieved anything I was told it was because of the money issue (which you made an issue) and I would recieve an email shortly.

I don't know what your definition of shortly is but three weeks wouldn't be considered shortly by me, or anyone in the professional world who properly understands the english language.

I tried to be civil with this entire situation, I let my father handle everything so that I wouldn't have to deter my attention from my school work. So until this time, you were only familiar with my father and his constant requests, but now you can deal directly with me, which I can promise you will be a lot more unpleasant.

Now the point of my contacting you is because I requested a single room in Seten off campus housing, and with all the mistakes your office has made and the stress you have put my family and I through I would expect that my request be honored. Either way, I have been told that I was placed and I need to know where.

I will continue to email, call, and personally come to the offices until this situation has been resolved, therefore it seems in everyone's best interest that someone, ANYONE, contact me with the simple information I have been requesting for nearly a month.

Thank you for your attempted customer service

Erica Curtiss

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