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Thursday, January 27, 2011

65 Things ALL Men Should Know About Us

1. When a girl likes a guy, we drop hints. 
2. When a girl has fallen in love, we never completely get over that guy, although we make others believe differently. 
3. When a girl says "I love you." we means it. 
4. A girl wants to hear she's beautiful, not hot, sexy or whatever else you guys call us. 
5. Girls biggest wish is to have a guy we can run to in the sweats, make up running down our face and our hair a mess and he'l still say, "Baby, you look beuatiful" And mean it. 
6. When a guy first tells us he loves us, we want to believe it but can't till he proves it. 
7. We may go to the bathroom in groups, but it doesn't mean we'r lesbain. 
8. Girls tell their best friends EVERYTHING. So yes, that does mean our best friends know everything about you! 
9. When girls go out together, don't worry about what we do, it really is only talk about you. 
10. Don't read our messages, it pisses us off, their private. 
11. If we didn't like you, we wouldn't be together with you. 
12. Trust us, even if we have messed up, if we were going to do it again, we wouldv'e dumped you by now. 
13. If we'r in love, no matter what you say or do, we'r still going to love you, and if you break our hearts, we'r still going to love you with the little pieces. 
14. When we see your screen name come up, we do smile. 
15. A girl will subcontiously give the boy we really likes a song, and everytime it plays we will think of him. 
16. If we told you we had a dream about you, we really did. 
17. When we tell you that you look great, it's because you do! 
18. If we say that we'r 'fine' we are everything but fine. 
19. If she stay silent, a million things are going through our heads. 
20. We think way to much. 
21. If you don't call us or text us for a hole day, we will spend hours thinking about why you didn't, eventually coming to the conculsion you don't like us anymore. 
22. If it seems as if we'r giving up on you and don't lov you anymore, it's not that, we really do love you but we'v realised that it's time to let go. It's not giving up, it's realising we don't need all the pain you cause us. 
23. Don't tell us you love us unless you mean it, especially if we really like you, because you could end up hurting us really badly =( 
24. Behind every bitch, there is a guy who made us that way. 
25. If we seem like a slut, and even if we are, it's most likely that a while ago, some idiot who we fell for hard, broke us, and being a so called slut is the only way we can forget. 
26. We all fall in love atleast once. 
27. A girl thinks about the guy she loves 24/7, even if it doesn't seem like it. 
28. Girls completely HATE chasing a guy. So if you'r trying to make us chase you, don't do it for to long, because no matter how much we like you, eventually we'l come to the conclusion that you don't feel the same, and we let go. 
29. When a girl smiles at you for more then 5 seconds, she likes you, alot. 
30. When a girl stands up for you infront of her friends, once more, she really likes you. 
31. We can give you as much love as you want, but it gets difficult if you don't give anything back, we don't mean physical. 
32. Speaking about physical, we love a guy who can sit and watch a movie without trying to make out, or even go a day without having a 20 minute make out session, if we'r in a serious relationship, it isn't for the physicalness, if that's all we wanted, we wouldn't be with you, we can get that from anyone! 
33. If you cheat on us,a nd we forgive you, then we really love you, it doesn't mean you can do it again. 
34. If a girl cries because of you, it means she really really REALLY likes you, because normally, we don't let guys we don't like make us cry. 
35. When you say horrible things about us, even if it's a joke, we act like we don't care and brush it off, but we really do care and it over powers everything good that happened in that day, and eventually, ruins our hole day, so watch what you say. 
36. We don't like guys who play ruff with us. It's okay to play fight, but then always act really weak, if you hurt us physically more then 3 times, we get scared, and end up not wantin to be too close to you, no matter how much we trust you. 
37. Don't be too femine, we like guys who are gentle and understanding, but if you are constantly worrying about your looks and are too sensitive, we might mistake you as being gay, seriously. not that theres anythin rong with that but, we wont want to date you then. 
38. DON'T, I REPEAT DON'T hide away our phones, ipods, hand bag or anything that we really need, their our life supports, we freak when we don't have them. 
39. Just like when you'r watching your sports, you don't like to be disturbed, when we'r watchin our soppies such as greys anatomy or friends, don't disturb us, or we'l be in a bad mood all night. 
40. If we'r tanning, don't wet us or block our sun, as much as we deny it, we go through alot of trouble having to lie in the sun just to get brown, let us get it over and done with, please!? 
41. If we really want to talk to you, we'l end up waiting on msn, mxit or wherever for you to come online, even if it means all day, we'l wait. 
42. If you don't reply to our sms's when we send them, we'l come to conclusion you don't care, and we'l stop sending them. 
43. We love being kissed on the head, cheek and hand, don't just stick your tongue in our mouth, we don't like it. 
44. We love romantic things. 
45. When you tell us you love us, our heart skipps a beat. 
46. When you tell us you like us, it makes us want you just a little bit, even if we ddin't like you in the start. 
47. If you like us, asl us out, we'v most likely been waiting for you to longer then you know. 
48. When other people talk about their bf/gf, there is only one person goin through our mind, the person we love. 
49. When we run to you in tears, don't question or stare ut us, just hold us, and once we'v stopped, just ask "who's ass am I kickin babe?" 
50. We don't like it when you constantly slap our ass. 
51. No girl is fully confident about her body, no matter how we come across, we don't like our body, especially our legs and ass. 
52. We fight back compliments, but in reality, we really do love them, we just don't know how to accept them or know whether or not your joking. 
53. If we'r havin a bad hair day, don't tease us. Bad hair day = Bad mood!!!!! 
54. Don't always be insecure, it makes us insecure! 
55. If you act funny on a day, you'l make us think for hours or days about what's rong, and we'l probly be thinking way off of what is really rong. (for example if you'r tummy hurts we'l probly be thinking you cheated on us with some girl from nebraska and your to scared to tel us. So just tell us whats rong, okay?) 
56. If you miss us, tell us, it makes us feel loved♥ 
57. If we talk, listen, you might be missing some very important facts. 
58. Don't constantly point out what we'r doing rong, point out what we'r doing right, then we'l do it way more often! 
59. No matter how many times we tell you we love you and want to be with you forever and promise it, if you'r acting like a complete jack ass and don't ever call us or get angry with us ofetn, we will eave you, even if we really do love you! 
60. If we say we can't see you, we really can't, its not because we don't want to!

61. If she wears converse shoes, or any flat shoes for that matter when she's around you, it's most likely that she's comfortable with you and not afraid to be herself. 
62. If you think she's beautiful without makeup, wait till she puts make up on, then you'l be blown away. 
63. You'l never know her, that's her best friends job! 
64. If she laughs while kissing with you, it means she REALLY is comfortable around you and trusts you so much. 
65. She's likely to give you what you like once she trusts you, but go tell everyone monday at school, say goodbye to your little girl. 

Stolen from the fabulous Teddy Tutt 

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