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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Confession 1

My last relationship started when I was 18 it was an on and off situation that ended during my time abroad.
I guess I am going to need to divulge a little bit of a history so that you can fully understand why we ended our relationship for good.

We started dating March 28, 2008 I was 18 and a senior in highschool, he was 31, divorced, with a kid working in some sort of factory and hustling on the side. So you can appreciate why I didn't tell my family about him.  We dated exclusively for almost one year, and then he went to North Carolina for two weeks.  When he came back we had planned to see each other, but he bailed on me.  And I was furious.  I decided we should end the relationship just for a bit, like a break.  He went crazy.  He was cursing at me, calling me all kind of names and threatening me. At that point, we were done (Like Sammy and Ronnie done from Jersey Shore) on January 23, 2009.
We didn't speak for approximately one month.  Then I contacted him because I wanted some of what he was selling on the side.  And from there on we started seeing each other but without any strings attached.  It pretty much continued this way until September 2010. 
While I was abroad (still single) I wasn't faithful to the situation I had at home. I told him about it, because I thought that would be fair to the both of us.  He once again when crazy.  Saying the same thing he had said over two years ago, he was threatening to kill me.  I decided when I got home I would contact the police and get a restraining order.  He kept contacting me after the argument and apologizing, I don't know why but I did want to see him again when I got home.  I wanted to talk to him and see if there might have been some way we could at least be friends (this is something I never told anyone)  However, when he looked at this blog daily he would assume some things were happening that weren't happening, and he would assume that I was saying things about him that I wan't saying.  Basically he threatened me again, and in November 2010 I emotionally walked away from the situation.  Becuase honestly, I already knew before then that we could never be together, I could never bring him around my friends or family or ever feel like I could trust him or be safe with him ever again.  I was just entertaining the thought of trying to make it work, and after the last threat I was no longer thinking about him.
So that's how my last relationship ended.

Where do we stand now?  Well I stand far far away from him.  He has apologized and promised to stop contacting and he has kept his word.  I have also blocked him from this site, my facebook, and changed my number.  I haven't gotten a restraining order because I almost feel like that might provoke him to harass me.  I just want to be left alone, and right now he's doing that.  However, I have informed officers in my family about the situation and if something else were to happen he would be investigated and probably arrested for the third time in his life.

Erica S.

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