Welcome to Uuughhh

A place for me to finally get my unheard opinions out to anyone who would be willing to read it (people with way too much time on their hands)

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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Confession 8

Wow, my first true love.  Well who it is is simple.  It's the same guy from my last confession.
So as I said we met when we were 13 and dated on and off for years after that.  Basically we haven't stopped being in each others lives since we were 13.
We had a very young relationship.
As my first kiss, and my first love, he was also my first...time.  And it was beautiful.
I can honestly say that even though we were so young I truly was in love with this guy.  And I wouldn't want to change anything about our relationship.

The breakup, however, was tough, we were 16, maybe 17 and the argument was so ridiculous.  But to this day I know I was right.  He wanted to be the escort at his ex girlfriends (my friends) sweet 16 that I would be going to.  We broke up after the argument but I always thought we would get back together, accept the fact that the same day we broke up he started dating the girl he claimed he had no feelings towards.

But we were 16 we did stupid things we blew thing out of proportion and we were drama queens (I was still right)

Anyway, a lot of who I am today is because of that relationship and that guy.  Whether that's a good or bad thing....you can be the judge of that.

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