Welcome to Uuughhh

A place for me to finally get my unheard opinions out to anyone who would be willing to read it (people with way too much time on their hands)

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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Confession 4

This is hard.
When I look in the mirror I have to admit I think I see a very attractive person.  Like everything about my appearance I love.  When I was younger I was self conscience about my body because I'm no where near skinny.  No one is ever going to mistake me for that size 00 supermodel on the cover of Vogue Magazine.  But I am happy with my body.  I look great in the clothes I wear, I was blessed with amazing curves in ALL THE RIGHT places. Everything about me is beautiful and I'm secure enough with my appearance to not really care how anyone else feels about how I look.
While I may see a gorgeous creature whenever I stop to stare at myself in the mirror (which I do a lot) I also see a girl that has made a lot of mistakes.  In the past five years I KNOW that I have done a shit load of things that I shouldn't have been doing.  I still stand by the fact that I don't regret any of it because it made me stronger, if not for all the mistakes I made I might still be that cute naive girl that thought everyone would like me for who I am.  Though I would never want to necessarily take back any of the things that I have ever done, I wish they wouldn't have affected my loved ones the way they did.  I have hurt so many people in my family with my stupidity and I never want to hurt them like that again.
I guess all in all when I look in the mirror, I see a hot girl just trying to find herself.  Wow a twenty-something girl looking to find herself, pretty cliche.

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