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Monday, January 31, 2011

Confessions 22 and 23

Okay so at a first glance I would describe myself as a very attractive, outgoing spunky, spontaneous bitch.  I pretty much just say how I feel (no matter what I feel) on the spot.  I don't bite my tongue for anybody.  I love to have fun I love going out and having a good time.  I'm very indecisive I will usually make a decision about someone or something and completely change my mind  a few minutes later. I don't do well with relationships and I don't do well when it comes to listening to other people

But if I had to actually describe myself I would have to explain why I am the way I am.  The reason I'm outgoing and spontaneous is because I was always moving around when I was younger and I had to make new friends every few years.  Being quiet and shy wasn't really working.  The reason I'm a bitch is because people used to walk all over me, and people I thought were friends were two-faced so the way I established my dominance over everyone was to just be a bitch.  I let everyone in my life know that I was doing what I wanted when I wanted how I wanted and anyone who screwed with me once was DONE. I'm honest about my feelings because I used to hold my feelings in and cut myself as a young teenager.  So rather than being suicidal I'd rather just be blunt and if you don't like what I have to say then stop listening to me.  I have always liked to have fun but now I am always more willing to go out and meet people and have a good time I just want it to be clear that I'm not at home waiting for anybody.  I'm not pining for guys wondering what went wrong in our relationship.  The reason I'm so fickle is because I want to change my mind about people before they change their minds about me.  I can be interested in a guy but the second I feel that he is even remotely disinterested I turn the tables and make it clear that I have lost interest. I don't do well in relationships because guys just constantly screw me over.  I feel like I am pretty honest with what I want and what I am looking for and somehow I still end up hurt.  I say that I just want to be single forever, but really no one wants that.  Nobody wants to die alone, but at the same time nobody wants to settle for less than what they deserve.

I guess if I had to quickly sum up my personality I am constantly putting up a strong fiscade because I don't want to appear hurt or weak to anyone.

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