Welcome to Uuughhh

A place for me to finally get my unheard opinions out to anyone who would be willing to read it (people with way too much time on their hands)

But this isn't just for me. If you have something you want to wine about but don't want to leave a comment feel free to email me at bajastiletto@gmail.com

Listen to some hot new music by my personal friends, read some crap post some crap, and share with your friends because this really is a spectator sport.


Saturday, January 8, 2011


So I have opened up my 30 day confession challenge to my facebook friends as well.  For the next 27 days my facebook friends are able to send me messages containing questions they would like me to answer on this blog.

So this is to my first FB confession.
If I were a color, I would choose leopard print because it's wild and hard to ignore.  And I would want everyone to notice me.  BUT if you happen to be one of those fascists who think leopard print doesn't count as a color, I would choose hot pink for the same reasons as leopard and because it's really cute and for some reason comforting to me.
If I were a food I would be a potato because a potato can be so many different things.  Mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, french fries, potato chips are all birthed from the potato.  Similar to the potato I have many different sides.
Lastly, if I were a car I would be a Bentley, because its very high maintenance, hard to obtain and classy.

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