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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Confession 14

I feel as though I have definitely expressed how I feel about religion.  Whether you follow Catholicism, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism...it doesn't really matter, because they are all full of shit.
Part of me feels like, in a world where there is so much crime, war, violence, and heartache, how can anyone believe that there is a God behind all that?
However, another part of me believes what I was taught to believe in my years of Christian and theology classes, which is that God gave us free will, therefore, though we were all made in God's image, we have the mentality to choose things as we please.
Then there is another part of me that totally agrees with a man named Bill Maher on his views on religion.


This is a clip from Bill Maher's documentary entitled Religulous.  I strongly recommend watching the full film which you could also find online.

In this film I see how stupid every religion is.  This film shows all the things in different religions that don't make any sense.  Things like talking snakes and virgin births that make absolutely no sense are the backbone of most of our religious faiths.  Faith means to blindly follow an unproven belief, since when is that a good thing?

On the other hand, I was in a car WRECK that left my car totalled, and I walked away with a scratch on my arm.  Science and statistics tell me I should have ejected out of my seat, crashed my head through the wind shield and have been, at the very least, seriously injured.  But today, I'm still standing, and I know there is someone to thank for that.

My last feeling about religion is that God (or whatever version of that you pray to) gets all the credit for anything good that happens.  When someone survives a surgery the family members are most likely to say "thank God" before they thank the doctor.  When was the last time you ever heard someone say "blame God"? NEVER...because no one ever blames God.  Instead people say "everything happens for a reason" without having the answers to back it up.

Therefore, I think my true feelings on religion is that I don't put too much stock in any of it, because I don't know.  I can't just ignore the controversies in every religious document, but at the same time, I do think someone or something is watching over me. 

The church, priests, and rabbi's are all selling certainty in their beliefs, I'm following Bill Maher's book of the gospel I DON'T KNOW.

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