Welcome to Uuughhh

A place for me to finally get my unheard opinions out to anyone who would be willing to read it (people with way too much time on their hands)

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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Confession 15

Asking me aabout how I feel about drugs and alcohol is like asking God what he thinks of himself!  I love it!

But seriously when it comes to drugs, while I may have experimented in the past, I think it is very important that people know their limits.  I think it's a total lie that one try will turn you into an addict.  In fact I know it's a lie because I have a tried a lot and I am not addicted to anything. I just think if you have no self control then you shouldn't be using drugs of any kind because clearly you cannot stop yourself when you have had enough, or when it is inappropriate for you to be doing it.

As for alcohol, I think it's always a right time to drink.  Life is way too short to wait for happy hour. I don't think it matters how much you drink, I think it matters how much you let it affect your life.  I get hammered basically every night.  It never stopped me from going to class, work, or doing whatever it is I had to do.

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