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Monday, January 10, 2011


Bad Girls Club is a reality show that features seven self proclaimed 'bad girls' in a mansion where they are forced to deal with each other and hopefully change some of the questionable personality traits they have.  Or at least, that's how the Oxygen television station describes it.  Now what this show really is, from the perspective of a religious viewer, is a bunch of bitches brawling in a house together for six weeks, and America loves to watch girl fights.

There have been five season to date.

These are the girls from season 1.  Honestly, this was the most boring season ever.  However, it is understandable because I doubt the producers of the show new exactly what they were looking for or how they wanted the show to be portrayed.  I don't know any of their names and I think there might have been a grand total of two fist fights for the entire season.

Season 2 is when The Bad Girls Club officially started.


Season 2 definitely did pop off.  Jenevecia and Tenecia were mortal enemies in the house.  In case you didn't watch season 2, and in that case you might really want to catch up before 9pm tonight, Tenecia is the plus sized black woman in the red, and Jenevecia if the white girl with the poof and her stomach completely shown. They fought constantly and had serious prank wars.  However, Tenecia pretty much fought with anyone. 
The best fight was when Tenecia was kept up all night by Jenevicia and the two girls to right of her (who were one alliance) and their partying ways so at 6am Tenecia decided to wake the entire house up by banging pots and pans together and yelling "I didn't get no sleep cause of y'all. y'all won't get no sleep cause of me" in a melody. 
For awhile Jenevecia was my favorite character because she was just ruthless.  Not only was she just as loud as over powering as Tenecia (even though she was half the size) BUT she was so calculating.  Her pranks were devious and just damn right hilarious.

But season 3 is when the girl fights went past talking, and went towards a more....direct solution.

  These girls were not afraid to throw down.  KayCee was the first to go home because of the fight she had with Amber.  Than Boston and Alliya got sent home for their participation in jumping Amber.  Wow I just realized how many bruised Amber had from her time on this show. 
Amber and Amber (the Ambers, the Amber show) were my favorite characters.  Because they were hot and they were funny.  They talked a lot of shit about their roommates behind their backs, but I feel like everyone did in that house.  The only difference is they got caught, and the other girls made sure they punished them for it. 


Natalie Nunn (girl on the left) ran season 4!  She is also my favorite character.
I can discuss this show around the things that have happened to Natalie on the show.  Natalie gets into a fight with Porcia.  They fought because Porcia kept calling Natalie a whore, so Natalie called her a bad mother. 

Which brings me to a point that I wanted to bring up about the first four seasons.  Why are their so many mothers on the bad girls club?  Season 2 had three mothers on it.  Newsflash for those women, the bad mothers club is on the Country channel. 

Anyway, after that fight, Natalie and her sidekick got into a physical fight.  But Natalie used her C List celebrity contacts to influence her to keep her in the house.

Natalie got into a fight with Flo because Natalie left Flo behind when she went to a club.

Natalie went home after she got into another physical altercation with her sidekick.  Actually, no one is sure where she went because all you see in the show is that she stopped a random car, and got in and drove off.

Natalie doesn't only run LA, but she ran the Bad Girls Club and therefore once she left, the show was pretty lame.

Bad Girls 5 is easily my favorite season!!  Because I had so many favorites!
Morgan (first picture) was my absolute favorite.  Even though she was only apart of the season for the one episode.  She was an uber bitch.  She lived in South Beach, she was hot, she was well dressed with very expensive clothing and she was very outspoken.  She was sent home because four of the girls voted her out of the house and then packed her clothes and left them outside.  Which caused a huge fight between Morgan and the other girls.  She was basically jumped by four girls on the show.  When the producers didn't stop it she kicked down the security door and was sent home by the producers. 

Cat was also involved in this fight, and also my second favorite person on the show. (Second picture on the bottom row)  She was upset because she thought it was trashy for someone to touch someone else's belongings while they weren't there.  Which I totally agree with.  She was so hot.  She had big boobs and a fat ass and she was a video dancer and model.  She went home on her own accord.  After countless arguments and fist fights, Cat decided that she was too good for this show and left her roommates in the middle of the night during their vacation in Jamaica.

The person who was probably most upset about Cat leaving was Kristen aka Blondie (third picture on the top) who is my third favorite.  She was a spoiled brat whose parents STILL pay for everything.  She was friends with the first two girls I had mentioned, and Leah.  Surprisingly, Kristen was sent home because she punched Leah in the face while she was drunk in Key West.

Which brings me to my last favorite, Leah. (second pic from the top)  Leah was a brutally honest girl.  She said what she had to say and she wasn't afraid of anyone. She had an alliance with Blondie that clearly ended when she punched her in the face.  However, Kristen was drunk when she attacked Leah and she apologized for it the next day.  Leah would have been one of my top favorite girls, but she falls at number four because of her inability to forgive such a good friend for making a drunken mistake.

All these five seasons have paved the way for what is happening tonight.  Which is Bad Girl's Club Season 6 tonight on the Oxygen channel at 9pm.  If you miss it, don't worry because it repeats four times after the original episode.

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