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Friday, January 7, 2011

Confession 2

Of course there is someone I miss, there are tons of people I miss.
I thought when I wrote this confession I would be writing about my ex boyfriend.  (not the psycho ex) The ex boyfriend I am talking about it is basically like someone I fell for when I was 13 years old, and I'm about to be 21 in a week.  I guess you could say we had a very long a tumultuous relationship.  We haven't seriously dated since high school, we have only talked about our relationship and the possibility of getting together and what we wanted for our future together.  However, given the events that have happened over the past two months (and by events I mean on November 24 2010 was the last time I heard from him, and I have no idea why) I think I miss who he used to be, not who he is today.
So now this bring me to someone else I have to admit I miss.  It's a guy I met in my Discover The World program while I was abroad.  And I had a lot of fun with him, I haven't seen him since due to the fact that we're on a winter break from school.  But I'm excited to see him again.

-Erica S.

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