In this world there are a lot of people who try to tell you how and what to think. I'm not going to tell you to think for yourself, because that's not what I want. I want you to think like me. Because I'm right about everything.
Welcome to Uuughhh
A place for me to finally get my unheard opinions out to anyone who would be willing to read it (people with way too much time on their hands)
But this isn't just for me. If you have something you want to wine about but don't want to leave a comment feel free to email me at
Listen to some hot new music by my personal friends, read some crap post some crap, and share with your friends because this really is a spectator sport.
But this isn't just for me. If you have something you want to wine about but don't want to leave a comment feel free to email me at
Listen to some hot new music by my personal friends, read some crap post some crap, and share with your friends because this really is a spectator sport.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Confession 26
Wow something I desperately want is this new Burberry shirt that I saw on TV when watching Judge Mathis. There was a woman who was a stripper being sued for money she owed her friend/roommate for something or other and she came to court in a button down Burberry shirt with the common Burberry design. The shirt got tighter around the upper waist but then looser at the lower waist and I desperately want that shirt. I haven't found it but I believe it to be around $400.00 and the saddest thing is I WOULD SOOOO PAY FOR THAT SHIRT!
Confession 24
5. We Are Who We Are - Kesha
This song is just a really good party song. I feel like it describes my sorority sisters perfectly!!!
4. Baddest Bitch - Nicki Minaj
This song just perfectly describes me. Plus I LOVE NICKI MINAJ
3. Thinking of You - Katey Perry
It's a really beautiful song. I love the message. I feel like as sad as it is whenever I do meet a new guy I do first think of my first love. I just can't help it.
2. Walk Away - Christina Aguilera
This song is such a sad desperate song where the girl can't help but go back to a relationship she knows is bad and she tries to escape and is some how pulled back in. When I was going through a really hard time I played it and it just helped me cry and get over it and now I'm hooked to it.
1. Jar of Hearts - Christina Perri
It's a relatively new song about a girl who is over an ex lover and he is coming back trying to fix the mistakes he made but it's too late.
This song is just a really good party song. I feel like it describes my sorority sisters perfectly!!!
4. Baddest Bitch - Nicki Minaj
This song just perfectly describes me. Plus I LOVE NICKI MINAJ
3. Thinking of You - Katey Perry
It's a really beautiful song. I love the message. I feel like as sad as it is whenever I do meet a new guy I do first think of my first love. I just can't help it.
2. Walk Away - Christina Aguilera
This song is such a sad desperate song where the girl can't help but go back to a relationship she knows is bad and she tries to escape and is some how pulled back in. When I was going through a really hard time I played it and it just helped me cry and get over it and now I'm hooked to it.
1. Jar of Hearts - Christina Perri
It's a relatively new song about a girl who is over an ex lover and he is coming back trying to fix the mistakes he made but it's too late.
Confessions 22 and 23
Okay so at a first glance I would describe myself as a very attractive, outgoing spunky, spontaneous bitch. I pretty much just say how I feel (no matter what I feel) on the spot. I don't bite my tongue for anybody. I love to have fun I love going out and having a good time. I'm very indecisive I will usually make a decision about someone or something and completely change my mind a few minutes later. I don't do well with relationships and I don't do well when it comes to listening to other people
But if I had to actually describe myself I would have to explain why I am the way I am. The reason I'm outgoing and spontaneous is because I was always moving around when I was younger and I had to make new friends every few years. Being quiet and shy wasn't really working. The reason I'm a bitch is because people used to walk all over me, and people I thought were friends were two-faced so the way I established my dominance over everyone was to just be a bitch. I let everyone in my life know that I was doing what I wanted when I wanted how I wanted and anyone who screwed with me once was DONE. I'm honest about my feelings because I used to hold my feelings in and cut myself as a young teenager. So rather than being suicidal I'd rather just be blunt and if you don't like what I have to say then stop listening to me. I have always liked to have fun but now I am always more willing to go out and meet people and have a good time I just want it to be clear that I'm not at home waiting for anybody. I'm not pining for guys wondering what went wrong in our relationship. The reason I'm so fickle is because I want to change my mind about people before they change their minds about me. I can be interested in a guy but the second I feel that he is even remotely disinterested I turn the tables and make it clear that I have lost interest. I don't do well in relationships because guys just constantly screw me over. I feel like I am pretty honest with what I want and what I am looking for and somehow I still end up hurt. I say that I just want to be single forever, but really no one wants that. Nobody wants to die alone, but at the same time nobody wants to settle for less than what they deserve.
I guess if I had to quickly sum up my personality I am constantly putting up a strong fiscade because I don't want to appear hurt or weak to anyone.
But if I had to actually describe myself I would have to explain why I am the way I am. The reason I'm outgoing and spontaneous is because I was always moving around when I was younger and I had to make new friends every few years. Being quiet and shy wasn't really working. The reason I'm a bitch is because people used to walk all over me, and people I thought were friends were two-faced so the way I established my dominance over everyone was to just be a bitch. I let everyone in my life know that I was doing what I wanted when I wanted how I wanted and anyone who screwed with me once was DONE. I'm honest about my feelings because I used to hold my feelings in and cut myself as a young teenager. So rather than being suicidal I'd rather just be blunt and if you don't like what I have to say then stop listening to me. I have always liked to have fun but now I am always more willing to go out and meet people and have a good time I just want it to be clear that I'm not at home waiting for anybody. I'm not pining for guys wondering what went wrong in our relationship. The reason I'm so fickle is because I want to change my mind about people before they change their minds about me. I can be interested in a guy but the second I feel that he is even remotely disinterested I turn the tables and make it clear that I have lost interest. I don't do well in relationships because guys just constantly screw me over. I feel like I am pretty honest with what I want and what I am looking for and somehow I still end up hurt. I say that I just want to be single forever, but really no one wants that. Nobody wants to die alone, but at the same time nobody wants to settle for less than what they deserve.
I guess if I had to quickly sum up my personality I am constantly putting up a strong fiscade because I don't want to appear hurt or weak to anyone.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
65 Things ALL Men Should Know About Us
1. When a girl likes a guy, we drop hints.
2. When a girl has fallen in love, we never completely get over that guy, although we make others believe differently.
3. When a girl says "I love you." we means it.
4. A girl wants to hear she's beautiful, not hot, sexy or whatever else you guys call us.
5. Girls biggest wish is to have a guy we can run to in the sweats, make up running down our face and our hair a mess and he'l still say, "Baby, you look beuatiful" And mean it.
6. When a guy first tells us he loves us, we want to believe it but can't till he proves it.
7. We may go to the bathroom in groups, but it doesn't mean we'r lesbain.
8. Girls tell their best friends EVERYTHING. So yes, that does mean our best friends know everything about you!
9. When girls go out together, don't worry about what we do, it really is only talk about you.
10. Don't read our messages, it pisses us off, their private.
11. If we didn't like you, we wouldn't be together with you.
12. Trust us, even if we have messed up, if we were going to do it again, we wouldv'e dumped you by now.
13. If we'r in love, no matter what you say or do, we'r still going to love you, and if you break our hearts, we'r still going to love you with the little pieces.
14. When we see your screen name come up, we do smile.
15. A girl will subcontiously give the boy we really likes a song, and everytime it plays we will think of him.
16. If we told you we had a dream about you, we really did.
17. When we tell you that you look great, it's because you do!
18. If we say that we'r 'fine' we are everything but fine.
19. If she stay silent, a million things are going through our heads.
20. We think way to much.
21. If you don't call us or text us for a hole day, we will spend hours thinking about why you didn't, eventually coming to the conculsion you don't like us anymore.
22. If it seems as if we'r giving up on you and don't lov you anymore, it's not that, we really do love you but we'v realised that it's time to let go. It's not giving up, it's realising we don't need all the pain you cause us.
23. Don't tell us you love us unless you mean it, especially if we really like you, because you could end up hurting us really badly =(
24. Behind every bitch, there is a guy who made us that way.
25. If we seem like a slut, and even if we are, it's most likely that a while ago, some idiot who we fell for hard, broke us, and being a so called slut is the only way we can forget.
26. We all fall in love atleast once.
27. A girl thinks about the guy she loves 24/7, even if it doesn't seem like it.
28. Girls completely HATE chasing a guy. So if you'r trying to make us chase you, don't do it for to long, because no matter how much we like you, eventually we'l come to the conclusion that you don't feel the same, and we let go.
29. When a girl smiles at you for more then 5 seconds, she likes you, alot.
30. When a girl stands up for you infront of her friends, once more, she really likes you.
31. We can give you as much love as you want, but it gets difficult if you don't give anything back, we don't mean physical.
32. Speaking about physical, we love a guy who can sit and watch a movie without trying to make out, or even go a day without having a 20 minute make out session, if we'r in a serious relationship, it isn't for the physicalness, if that's all we wanted, we wouldn't be with you, we can get that from anyone!
33. If you cheat on us,a nd we forgive you, then we really love you, it doesn't mean you can do it again.
34. If a girl cries because of you, it means she really really REALLY likes you, because normally, we don't let guys we don't like make us cry.
35. When you say horrible things about us, even if it's a joke, we act like we don't care and brush it off, but we really do care and it over powers everything good that happened in that day, and eventually, ruins our hole day, so watch what you say.
36. We don't like guys who play ruff with us. It's okay to play fight, but then always act really weak, if you hurt us physically more then 3 times, we get scared, and end up not wantin to be too close to you, no matter how much we trust you.
37. Don't be too femine, we like guys who are gentle and understanding, but if you are constantly worrying about your looks and are too sensitive, we might mistake you as being gay, seriously. not that theres anythin rong with that but, we wont want to date you then.
38. DON'T, I REPEAT DON'T hide away our phones, ipods, hand bag or anything that we really need, their our life supports, we freak when we don't have them.
39. Just like when you'r watching your sports, you don't like to be disturbed, when we'r watchin our soppies such as greys anatomy or friends, don't disturb us, or we'l be in a bad mood all night.
40. If we'r tanning, don't wet us or block our sun, as much as we deny it, we go through alot of trouble having to lie in the sun just to get brown, let us get it over and done with, please!?
41. If we really want to talk to you, we'l end up waiting on msn, mxit or wherever for you to come online, even if it means all day, we'l wait.
42. If you don't reply to our sms's when we send them, we'l come to conclusion you don't care, and we'l stop sending them.
43. We love being kissed on the head, cheek and hand, don't just stick your tongue in our mouth, we don't like it.
44. We love romantic things.
45. When you tell us you love us, our heart skipps a beat.
46. When you tell us you like us, it makes us want you just a little bit, even if we ddin't like you in the start.
47. If you like us, asl us out, we'v most likely been waiting for you to longer then you know.
48. When other people talk about their bf/gf, there is only one person goin through our mind, the person we love.
49. When we run to you in tears, don't question or stare ut us, just hold us, and once we'v stopped, just ask "who's ass am I kickin babe?"
50. We don't like it when you constantly slap our ass.
51. No girl is fully confident about her body, no matter how we come across, we don't like our body, especially our legs and ass.
52. We fight back compliments, but in reality, we really do love them, we just don't know how to accept them or know whether or not your joking.
53. If we'r havin a bad hair day, don't tease us. Bad hair day = Bad mood!!!!!
54. Don't always be insecure, it makes us insecure!
55. If you act funny on a day, you'l make us think for hours or days about what's rong, and we'l probly be thinking way off of what is really rong. (for example if you'r tummy hurts we'l probly be thinking you cheated on us with some girl from nebraska and your to scared to tel us. So just tell us whats rong, okay?)
56. If you miss us, tell us, it makes us feel loved♥
57. If we talk, listen, you might be missing some very important facts.
58. Don't constantly point out what we'r doing rong, point out what we'r doing right, then we'l do it way more often!
59. No matter how many times we tell you we love you and want to be with you forever and promise it, if you'r acting like a complete jack ass and don't ever call us or get angry with us ofetn, we will eave you, even if we really do love you!
60. If we say we can't see you, we really can't, its not because we don't want to!
61. If she wears converse shoes, or any flat shoes for that matter when she's around you, it's most likely that she's comfortable with you and not afraid to be herself.
62. If you think she's beautiful without makeup, wait till she puts make up on, then you'l be blown away.
63. You'l never know her, that's her best friends job!
64. If she laughs while kissing with you, it means she REALLY is comfortable around you and trusts you so much.
65. She's likely to give you what you like once she trusts you, but go tell everyone monday at school, say goodbye to your little girl.
Stolen from the fabulous Teddy Tutt
2. When a girl has fallen in love, we never completely get over that guy, although we make others believe differently.
3. When a girl says "I love you." we means it.
4. A girl wants to hear she's beautiful, not hot, sexy or whatever else you guys call us.
5. Girls biggest wish is to have a guy we can run to in the sweats, make up running down our face and our hair a mess and he'l still say, "Baby, you look beuatiful" And mean it.
6. When a guy first tells us he loves us, we want to believe it but can't till he proves it.
7. We may go to the bathroom in groups, but it doesn't mean we'r lesbain.
8. Girls tell their best friends EVERYTHING. So yes, that does mean our best friends know everything about you!
9. When girls go out together, don't worry about what we do, it really is only talk about you.
10. Don't read our messages, it pisses us off, their private.
11. If we didn't like you, we wouldn't be together with you.
12. Trust us, even if we have messed up, if we were going to do it again, we wouldv'e dumped you by now.
13. If we'r in love, no matter what you say or do, we'r still going to love you, and if you break our hearts, we'r still going to love you with the little pieces.
14. When we see your screen name come up, we do smile.
15. A girl will subcontiously give the boy we really likes a song, and everytime it plays we will think of him.
16. If we told you we had a dream about you, we really did.
17. When we tell you that you look great, it's because you do!
18. If we say that we'r 'fine' we are everything but fine.
19. If she stay silent, a million things are going through our heads.
20. We think way to much.
21. If you don't call us or text us for a hole day, we will spend hours thinking about why you didn't, eventually coming to the conculsion you don't like us anymore.
22. If it seems as if we'r giving up on you and don't lov you anymore, it's not that, we really do love you but we'v realised that it's time to let go. It's not giving up, it's realising we don't need all the pain you cause us.
23. Don't tell us you love us unless you mean it, especially if we really like you, because you could end up hurting us really badly =(
24. Behind every bitch, there is a guy who made us that way.
25. If we seem like a slut, and even if we are, it's most likely that a while ago, some idiot who we fell for hard, broke us, and being a so called slut is the only way we can forget.
26. We all fall in love atleast once.
27. A girl thinks about the guy she loves 24/7, even if it doesn't seem like it.
28. Girls completely HATE chasing a guy. So if you'r trying to make us chase you, don't do it for to long, because no matter how much we like you, eventually we'l come to the conclusion that you don't feel the same, and we let go.
29. When a girl smiles at you for more then 5 seconds, she likes you, alot.
30. When a girl stands up for you infront of her friends, once more, she really likes you.
31. We can give you as much love as you want, but it gets difficult if you don't give anything back, we don't mean physical.
32. Speaking about physical, we love a guy who can sit and watch a movie without trying to make out, or even go a day without having a 20 minute make out session, if we'r in a serious relationship, it isn't for the physicalness, if that's all we wanted, we wouldn't be with you, we can get that from anyone!
33. If you cheat on us,a nd we forgive you, then we really love you, it doesn't mean you can do it again.
34. If a girl cries because of you, it means she really really REALLY likes you, because normally, we don't let guys we don't like make us cry.
35. When you say horrible things about us, even if it's a joke, we act like we don't care and brush it off, but we really do care and it over powers everything good that happened in that day, and eventually, ruins our hole day, so watch what you say.
36. We don't like guys who play ruff with us. It's okay to play fight, but then always act really weak, if you hurt us physically more then 3 times, we get scared, and end up not wantin to be too close to you, no matter how much we trust you.
37. Don't be too femine, we like guys who are gentle and understanding, but if you are constantly worrying about your looks and are too sensitive, we might mistake you as being gay, seriously. not that theres anythin rong with that but, we wont want to date you then.
38. DON'T, I REPEAT DON'T hide away our phones, ipods, hand bag or anything that we really need, their our life supports, we freak when we don't have them.
39. Just like when you'r watching your sports, you don't like to be disturbed, when we'r watchin our soppies such as greys anatomy or friends, don't disturb us, or we'l be in a bad mood all night.
40. If we'r tanning, don't wet us or block our sun, as much as we deny it, we go through alot of trouble having to lie in the sun just to get brown, let us get it over and done with, please!?
41. If we really want to talk to you, we'l end up waiting on msn, mxit or wherever for you to come online, even if it means all day, we'l wait.
42. If you don't reply to our sms's when we send them, we'l come to conclusion you don't care, and we'l stop sending them.
43. We love being kissed on the head, cheek and hand, don't just stick your tongue in our mouth, we don't like it.
44. We love romantic things.
45. When you tell us you love us, our heart skipps a beat.
46. When you tell us you like us, it makes us want you just a little bit, even if we ddin't like you in the start.
47. If you like us, asl us out, we'v most likely been waiting for you to longer then you know.
48. When other people talk about their bf/gf, there is only one person goin through our mind, the person we love.
49. When we run to you in tears, don't question or stare ut us, just hold us, and once we'v stopped, just ask "who's ass am I kickin babe?"
50. We don't like it when you constantly slap our ass.
51. No girl is fully confident about her body, no matter how we come across, we don't like our body, especially our legs and ass.
52. We fight back compliments, but in reality, we really do love them, we just don't know how to accept them or know whether or not your joking.
53. If we'r havin a bad hair day, don't tease us. Bad hair day = Bad mood!!!!!
54. Don't always be insecure, it makes us insecure!
55. If you act funny on a day, you'l make us think for hours or days about what's rong, and we'l probly be thinking way off of what is really rong. (for example if you'r tummy hurts we'l probly be thinking you cheated on us with some girl from nebraska and your to scared to tel us. So just tell us whats rong, okay?)
56. If you miss us, tell us, it makes us feel loved♥
57. If we talk, listen, you might be missing some very important facts.
58. Don't constantly point out what we'r doing rong, point out what we'r doing right, then we'l do it way more often!
59. No matter how many times we tell you we love you and want to be with you forever and promise it, if you'r acting like a complete jack ass and don't ever call us or get angry with us ofetn, we will eave you, even if we really do love you!
60. If we say we can't see you, we really can't, its not because we don't want to!
61. If she wears converse shoes, or any flat shoes for that matter when she's around you, it's most likely that she's comfortable with you and not afraid to be herself.
62. If you think she's beautiful without makeup, wait till she puts make up on, then you'l be blown away.
63. You'l never know her, that's her best friends job!
64. If she laughs while kissing with you, it means she REALLY is comfortable around you and trusts you so much.
65. She's likely to give you what you like once she trusts you, but go tell everyone monday at school, say goodbye to your little girl.
Stolen from the fabulous Teddy Tutt
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Confessions 20 and 21
I know I already described this in one of my previous confessions. I don't think think I was ever suicidal. I did a lot of dumb things. I used to cut my wrists but I never did it in the way that would result in my death. I was just an angry confused typical young teen expressing myself in all the wrong ways.
And I did see a therapist. I didn't think I needed one because I knew I would never really kill myself. But clearly when my parents became aware of the fact that I was hurting myself they wanted explanations and I couldn't give them one. So they brought me to someone who they thought would get me to talk.
However, my therapist was like crazier than me. Where do you send therapists that need therapy?
And I did see a therapist. I didn't think I needed one because I knew I would never really kill myself. But clearly when my parents became aware of the fact that I was hurting myself they wanted explanations and I couldn't give them one. So they brought me to someone who they thought would get me to talk.
However, my therapist was like crazier than me. Where do you send therapists that need therapy?
Monday, January 24, 2011
Confession 19
I don't think I have a hero. I don't really have someone that I look up to in a heroic sense. I don't think anyone is worth worshipping in that sense. So this is going to be a really short confession....
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Confessions 16 17 & 18
I attract assholes.
I'm just being completely honest. When it comes to the men in my life, I can count on one finger the amount of guys that haven't been a problem for me, and that one guy is a homosexual.
Its really weird, I attract the lowest of the low scumbags. Loud, obnoxious, ghetto guys are the guys that are most likely to talk to me.
I feel like the past is in the past. I try not to dwell on it because I can't change it. Howeer, there are things in my past that I haven't been able to fully let go of. There are things that have recently happened that I can't let go of. But even though I do still think about the past, I don't let it consume me. I have learned from it and the only goal I have now is to not repeat the same mistakes.
As for life...I think life is what you make of it. It's really easy to complain about how horrible your life is, it's a lot harder to do something about it.
I'm just being completely honest. When it comes to the men in my life, I can count on one finger the amount of guys that haven't been a problem for me, and that one guy is a homosexual.
Its really weird, I attract the lowest of the low scumbags. Loud, obnoxious, ghetto guys are the guys that are most likely to talk to me.
I feel like the past is in the past. I try not to dwell on it because I can't change it. Howeer, there are things in my past that I haven't been able to fully let go of. There are things that have recently happened that I can't let go of. But even though I do still think about the past, I don't let it consume me. I have learned from it and the only goal I have now is to not repeat the same mistakes.
As for life...I think life is what you make of it. It's really easy to complain about how horrible your life is, it's a lot harder to do something about it.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Confession 15
Asking me aabout how I feel about drugs and alcohol is like asking God what he thinks of himself! I love it!
But seriously when it comes to drugs, while I may have experimented in the past, I think it is very important that people know their limits. I think it's a total lie that one try will turn you into an addict. In fact I know it's a lie because I have a tried a lot and I am not addicted to anything. I just think if you have no self control then you shouldn't be using drugs of any kind because clearly you cannot stop yourself when you have had enough, or when it is inappropriate for you to be doing it.
As for alcohol, I think it's always a right time to drink. Life is way too short to wait for happy hour. I don't think it matters how much you drink, I think it matters how much you let it affect your life. I get hammered basically every night. It never stopped me from going to class, work, or doing whatever it is I had to do.
But seriously when it comes to drugs, while I may have experimented in the past, I think it is very important that people know their limits. I think it's a total lie that one try will turn you into an addict. In fact I know it's a lie because I have a tried a lot and I am not addicted to anything. I just think if you have no self control then you shouldn't be using drugs of any kind because clearly you cannot stop yourself when you have had enough, or when it is inappropriate for you to be doing it.
As for alcohol, I think it's always a right time to drink. Life is way too short to wait for happy hour. I don't think it matters how much you drink, I think it matters how much you let it affect your life. I get hammered basically every night. It never stopped me from going to class, work, or doing whatever it is I had to do.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Confession 14
I feel as though I have definitely expressed how I feel about religion. Whether you follow Catholicism, Judaism, Hinduism, doesn't really matter, because they are all full of shit.
Part of me feels like, in a world where there is so much crime, war, violence, and heartache, how can anyone believe that there is a God behind all that?
However, another part of me believes what I was taught to believe in my years of Christian and theology classes, which is that God gave us free will, therefore, though we were all made in God's image, we have the mentality to choose things as we please.
Then there is another part of me that totally agrees with a man named Bill Maher on his views on religion.
This is a clip from Bill Maher's documentary entitled Religulous. I strongly recommend watching the full film which you could also find online.
In this film I see how stupid every religion is. This film shows all the things in different religions that don't make any sense. Things like talking snakes and virgin births that make absolutely no sense are the backbone of most of our religious faiths. Faith means to blindly follow an unproven belief, since when is that a good thing?
On the other hand, I was in a car WRECK that left my car totalled, and I walked away with a scratch on my arm. Science and statistics tell me I should have ejected out of my seat, crashed my head through the wind shield and have been, at the very least, seriously injured. But today, I'm still standing, and I know there is someone to thank for that.
My last feeling about religion is that God (or whatever version of that you pray to) gets all the credit for anything good that happens. When someone survives a surgery the family members are most likely to say "thank God" before they thank the doctor. When was the last time you ever heard someone say "blame God"? NEVER...because no one ever blames God. Instead people say "everything happens for a reason" without having the answers to back it up.
Therefore, I think my true feelings on religion is that I don't put too much stock in any of it, because I don't know. I can't just ignore the controversies in every religious document, but at the same time, I do think someone or something is watching over me.
The church, priests, and rabbi's are all selling certainty in their beliefs, I'm following Bill Maher's book of the gospel I DON'T KNOW.
Part of me feels like, in a world where there is so much crime, war, violence, and heartache, how can anyone believe that there is a God behind all that?
However, another part of me believes what I was taught to believe in my years of Christian and theology classes, which is that God gave us free will, therefore, though we were all made in God's image, we have the mentality to choose things as we please.
Then there is another part of me that totally agrees with a man named Bill Maher on his views on religion.
This is a clip from Bill Maher's documentary entitled Religulous. I strongly recommend watching the full film which you could also find online.
In this film I see how stupid every religion is. This film shows all the things in different religions that don't make any sense. Things like talking snakes and virgin births that make absolutely no sense are the backbone of most of our religious faiths. Faith means to blindly follow an unproven belief, since when is that a good thing?
On the other hand, I was in a car WRECK that left my car totalled, and I walked away with a scratch on my arm. Science and statistics tell me I should have ejected out of my seat, crashed my head through the wind shield and have been, at the very least, seriously injured. But today, I'm still standing, and I know there is someone to thank for that.
My last feeling about religion is that God (or whatever version of that you pray to) gets all the credit for anything good that happens. When someone survives a surgery the family members are most likely to say "thank God" before they thank the doctor. When was the last time you ever heard someone say "blame God"? NEVER...because no one ever blames God. Instead people say "everything happens for a reason" without having the answers to back it up.
Therefore, I think my true feelings on religion is that I don't put too much stock in any of it, because I don't know. I can't just ignore the controversies in every religious document, but at the same time, I do think someone or something is watching over me.
The church, priests, and rabbi's are all selling certainty in their beliefs, I'm following Bill Maher's book of the gospel I DON'T KNOW.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Confession 13
Well this is going to be easy, and rather short.
I got home at the wee hours of the morning today, then I slept until noon-ish, I helped my mother with the laundry, I ate and watched TV on the couch.
I apologize for having such a boring day.
I got home at the wee hours of the morning today, then I slept until noon-ish, I helped my mother with the laundry, I ate and watched TV on the couch.
I apologize for having such a boring day.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Confessions 11 & 12
Sorry for the delay on the confessions, BUT my 21st birthday was this weekend so I have a legitimate excuse. YOU TRY WRITING WHEN YOU'RE HUNGOVER!!!
Anyway, I would go gay for Kim Kardashian hands down. She has an amazing body and a beautiful face. No matter what anyone says about her I believe she is a sexy, classy, wonderful woman that I would feel honored to do lesbian things with.
I would also go gay for Nikki Minaj because she's hot and fucking hillarious. I love her huge fake ass and I would love a threesome with both these lovely ladies lol.
Moving on to my 12th confession, I would honestly have to say I was at my lowest point in life in probably my sophomore year of highschool (or freshman year I try to block out the four horrible years I spent at CHS) and between problems at home (I hated my moms boyfriend) and the stress of school, I think I had broken up with who I believed to be the love of my life (but aren't they all 'the one' in high school?) and I had stupidly resorted to cutting myself. I think I had done it for two years, and my parents sent me to a therapist. I have clearly grown up a lot since then. I never had any legitimate desire to kill myself. I honestly believe on some psychotic level I wanted attention. I really can't explain why I did what I did, but I haven't done that in years and I never will. I am able to voice my feelings to anyone and everyone with holding anything in, and I think that helps a lot.
Anyway, I would go gay for Kim Kardashian hands down. She has an amazing body and a beautiful face. No matter what anyone says about her I believe she is a sexy, classy, wonderful woman that I would feel honored to do lesbian things with.
I would also go gay for Nikki Minaj because she's hot and fucking hillarious. I love her huge fake ass and I would love a threesome with both these lovely ladies lol.
Moving on to my 12th confession, I would honestly have to say I was at my lowest point in life in probably my sophomore year of highschool (or freshman year I try to block out the four horrible years I spent at CHS) and between problems at home (I hated my moms boyfriend) and the stress of school, I think I had broken up with who I believed to be the love of my life (but aren't they all 'the one' in high school?) and I had stupidly resorted to cutting myself. I think I had done it for two years, and my parents sent me to a therapist. I have clearly grown up a lot since then. I never had any legitimate desire to kill myself. I honestly believe on some psychotic level I wanted attention. I really can't explain why I did what I did, but I haven't done that in years and I never will. I am able to voice my feelings to anyone and everyone with holding anything in, and I think that helps a lot.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Confession 10
My parents met when they were teenagers. When they were married my mother was 19 and my father was 25. And their little pride and joy, me, was born one year later. Four or five years later they had finalized their divorce and my father had moved to Florida.
I grew up mostly with my mom and in my teenage years we bumped heads A LOT. I saw my father a few times a year and I spent my summers with him and his wife of the week. I'm sure my parents think they made mistakes in raising me but I would not be where I am in life without my parents. I would not be who i am today without my parents and I applaud them for working so hard and sacrificing their own happiness and futures to give me everything I ever needed or wanted.
I can't complete this confession without expressing my gratitude for what I consider to be my second set of parents. My grandparents took a great deal of responsibility in raising me as well. Especially financially, my grandparents made sure I was always taken care of.
If there were one thing I could say to my parents today, it would be that I hope I have made them proud at least once in my life, because they make me proud every day.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Confession 9
Well my life has been FULL of problems to be completely honest.
There might be a tie between two problems I have had this month that were really stressful for me.
The first problem was a long ongoing disaster with my school concerning my dorm situation for this semester, but I feel as though I have talked about this problem in depth so there is no need to rehash those details.
My more recent problem is the fact that I turn 21 this weekend (Sunday, and yes I accept gift cards) and I had originally planned to take a limo and have an extravagant party in Atlantic City with all of my friends for the weekend. However, little by little my closest friends were making excuses to bail out and my guest list was quickly dwindling. It came to the point where I didn't have enough people to split the cost of a limo with me because a lot of the people were already in New Jersey and they were just going to meet me at the hotel. So I had to find a person who was 21 with a car and willing to drive from New York to Jersey in the middle of January and split the costs of a hotel. So I thought I had found this person and for the past month there was no question that he had agreed to take me. My father booked the hotel on Wednesday this week, and I haven't heard from my supposed friend who was taking me since Tuesday of this week. He won't answer my calls, texts, or facebook messages. I had no choice but to call off the party (or what was left of it) and cancel the reservations at the hotel. Unfortunately, because of the late notice my father lost half the cost of the room. And now I'm stuck in Long Island for my 21st birthday.
There might be a tie between two problems I have had this month that were really stressful for me.
The first problem was a long ongoing disaster with my school concerning my dorm situation for this semester, but I feel as though I have talked about this problem in depth so there is no need to rehash those details.
My more recent problem is the fact that I turn 21 this weekend (Sunday, and yes I accept gift cards) and I had originally planned to take a limo and have an extravagant party in Atlantic City with all of my friends for the weekend. However, little by little my closest friends were making excuses to bail out and my guest list was quickly dwindling. It came to the point where I didn't have enough people to split the cost of a limo with me because a lot of the people were already in New Jersey and they were just going to meet me at the hotel. So I had to find a person who was 21 with a car and willing to drive from New York to Jersey in the middle of January and split the costs of a hotel. So I thought I had found this person and for the past month there was no question that he had agreed to take me. My father booked the hotel on Wednesday this week, and I haven't heard from my supposed friend who was taking me since Tuesday of this week. He won't answer my calls, texts, or facebook messages. I had no choice but to call off the party (or what was left of it) and cancel the reservations at the hotel. Unfortunately, because of the late notice my father lost half the cost of the room. And now I'm stuck in Long Island for my 21st birthday.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Confession 8
Wow, my first true love. Well who it is is simple. It's the same guy from my last confession.
So as I said we met when we were 13 and dated on and off for years after that. Basically we haven't stopped being in each others lives since we were 13.
We had a very young relationship.
As my first kiss, and my first love, he was also my first...time. And it was beautiful.
I can honestly say that even though we were so young I truly was in love with this guy. And I wouldn't want to change anything about our relationship.
The breakup, however, was tough, we were 16, maybe 17 and the argument was so ridiculous. But to this day I know I was right. He wanted to be the escort at his ex girlfriends (my friends) sweet 16 that I would be going to. We broke up after the argument but I always thought we would get back together, accept the fact that the same day we broke up he started dating the girl he claimed he had no feelings towards.
But we were 16 we did stupid things we blew thing out of proportion and we were drama queens (I was still right)
Anyway, a lot of who I am today is because of that relationship and that guy. Whether that's a good or bad can be the judge of that.
So as I said we met when we were 13 and dated on and off for years after that. Basically we haven't stopped being in each others lives since we were 13.
We had a very young relationship.
As my first kiss, and my first love, he was also my first...time. And it was beautiful.
I can honestly say that even though we were so young I truly was in love with this guy. And I wouldn't want to change anything about our relationship.
The breakup, however, was tough, we were 16, maybe 17 and the argument was so ridiculous. But to this day I know I was right. He wanted to be the escort at his ex girlfriends (my friends) sweet 16 that I would be going to. We broke up after the argument but I always thought we would get back together, accept the fact that the same day we broke up he started dating the girl he claimed he had no feelings towards.
But we were 16 we did stupid things we blew thing out of proportion and we were drama queens (I was still right)
Anyway, a lot of who I am today is because of that relationship and that guy. Whether that's a good or bad can be the judge of that.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Confession 7
My first kiss isn't something you're ever going to find in a fairy tale, or in a disney movie, or winning any of those covetted best kiss of the year awards. But for me, that kiss was magical.
I was 14 years old and in the 8th grade and I had been dating my boyfriend for like a year on and off (and by dating I mean whatever you could consider dating in middle school.)
Now my first kiss was a long time coming. So I was dating this guy since I was 13 and for the first few months we barely even touched each other. The first time we tried to kiss I got nervous and I turned my head to side and gave him like a cheek kiss.
But our real first kiss was on the second floor of Copiague Middle School. We were talking about something, I don't remember what it was but I was in mid-sentence when he grabbed me and kissed me. We were kissing for like I don't know how long, but long enough that a teacher walked all the way from the other end of the school to pull us apart complaining that this was 'not the time or place.'
It was like we were in our own little world, or at least I was. I didn't think about anything. I will keep that kiss forever.
I was 14 years old and in the 8th grade and I had been dating my boyfriend for like a year on and off (and by dating I mean whatever you could consider dating in middle school.)
Now my first kiss was a long time coming. So I was dating this guy since I was 13 and for the first few months we barely even touched each other. The first time we tried to kiss I got nervous and I turned my head to side and gave him like a cheek kiss.
But our real first kiss was on the second floor of Copiague Middle School. We were talking about something, I don't remember what it was but I was in mid-sentence when he grabbed me and kissed me. We were kissing for like I don't know how long, but long enough that a teacher walked all the way from the other end of the school to pull us apart complaining that this was 'not the time or place.'
It was like we were in our own little world, or at least I was. I didn't think about anything. I will keep that kiss forever.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Confession 6
I'm not sure that there is anything about me that would surprise people anymore.
I guess something that people would be shocked to hear about me is that I do actually take things seriously.
"I act like shit don't phase me, inside it drives me crazy" -Eminmen's Hallie's Song
Wow Marshall just always knows exactly what to say to really hit home hard.
But anyway, there are a lot of things that happen that in my life that a shrug off as if it didn't really mean anything to me. But somethings do really bother me. If I get a bad grade in school I would probably say something like "Big surprise! I was hungover during that test" I'm almost never hungover for a test because I work really hard. I do everything possible to get good grades and when I fall short I am disappointed in myself. I take my future very seriously and my education is an important step towards my future.
I can't think of anything more shocking than the fact that I do actually take things seriously.
I guess something that people would be shocked to hear about me is that I do actually take things seriously.
"I act like shit don't phase me, inside it drives me crazy" -Eminmen's Hallie's Song
Wow Marshall just always knows exactly what to say to really hit home hard.
But anyway, there are a lot of things that happen that in my life that a shrug off as if it didn't really mean anything to me. But somethings do really bother me. If I get a bad grade in school I would probably say something like "Big surprise! I was hungover during that test" I'm almost never hungover for a test because I work really hard. I do everything possible to get good grades and when I fall short I am disappointed in myself. I take my future very seriously and my education is an important step towards my future.
I can't think of anything more shocking than the fact that I do actually take things seriously.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Confession 5
I don't want to say I have a regrets. I don't like the term 'regrets.' I have definitely done things that I am ahsamed of, but I think that those things have made me the person I am today, and I love me.
A regret is defined as something one wishes they could take back, and I don't have any of those.
So this is going to be a short confession.
A regret is defined as something one wishes they could take back, and I don't have any of those.
So this is going to be a short confession.
Bad Girls Club is a reality show that features seven self proclaimed 'bad girls' in a mansion where they are forced to deal with each other and hopefully change some of the questionable personality traits they have. Or at least, that's how the Oxygen television station describes it. Now what this show really is, from the perspective of a religious viewer, is a bunch of bitches brawling in a house together for six weeks, and America loves to watch girl fights.
There have been five season to date.
These are the girls from season 1. Honestly, this was the most boring season ever. However, it is understandable because I doubt the producers of the show new exactly what they were looking for or how they wanted the show to be portrayed. I don't know any of their names and I think there might have been a grand total of two fist fights for the entire season.
Season 2 is when The Bad Girls Club officially started.
Season 2 definitely did pop off. Jenevecia and Tenecia were mortal enemies in the house. In case you didn't watch season 2, and in that case you might really want to catch up before 9pm tonight, Tenecia is the plus sized black woman in the red, and Jenevecia if the white girl with the poof and her stomach completely shown. They fought constantly and had serious prank wars. However, Tenecia pretty much fought with anyone.
The best fight was when Tenecia was kept up all night by Jenevicia and the two girls to right of her (who were one alliance) and their partying ways so at 6am Tenecia decided to wake the entire house up by banging pots and pans together and yelling "I didn't get no sleep cause of y'all. y'all won't get no sleep cause of me" in a melody.
For awhile Jenevecia was my favorite character because she was just ruthless. Not only was she just as loud as over powering as Tenecia (even though she was half the size) BUT she was so calculating. Her pranks were devious and just damn right hilarious.
But season 3 is when the girl fights went past talking, and went towards a solution.
These girls were not afraid to throw down. KayCee was the first to go home because of the fight she had with Amber. Than Boston and Alliya got sent home for their participation in jumping Amber. Wow I just realized how many bruised Amber had from her time on this show.

There have been five season to date.
Season 2 is when The Bad Girls Club officially started.
Season 2 definitely did pop off. Jenevecia and Tenecia were mortal enemies in the house. In case you didn't watch season 2, and in that case you might really want to catch up before 9pm tonight, Tenecia is the plus sized black woman in the red, and Jenevecia if the white girl with the poof and her stomach completely shown. They fought constantly and had serious prank wars. However, Tenecia pretty much fought with anyone.
The best fight was when Tenecia was kept up all night by Jenevicia and the two girls to right of her (who were one alliance) and their partying ways so at 6am Tenecia decided to wake the entire house up by banging pots and pans together and yelling "I didn't get no sleep cause of y'all. y'all won't get no sleep cause of me" in a melody.
For awhile Jenevecia was my favorite character because she was just ruthless. Not only was she just as loud as over powering as Tenecia (even though she was half the size) BUT she was so calculating. Her pranks were devious and just damn right hilarious.
But season 3 is when the girl fights went past talking, and went towards a solution.
Amber and Amber (the Ambers, the Amber show) were my favorite characters. Because they were hot and they were funny. They talked a lot of shit about their roommates behind their backs, but I feel like everyone did in that house. The only difference is they got caught, and the other girls made sure they punished them for it.
Natalie Nunn (girl on the left) ran season 4! She is also my favorite character.
I can discuss this show around the things that have happened to Natalie on the show. Natalie gets into a fight with Porcia. They fought because Porcia kept calling Natalie a whore, so Natalie called her a bad mother.
Which brings me to a point that I wanted to bring up about the first four seasons. Why are their so many mothers on the bad girls club? Season 2 had three mothers on it. Newsflash for those women, the bad mothers club is on the Country channel.
Anyway, after that fight, Natalie and her sidekick got into a physical fight. But Natalie used her C List celebrity contacts to influence her to keep her in the house.
Natalie got into a fight with Flo because Natalie left Flo behind when she went to a club.
Natalie went home after she got into another physical altercation with her sidekick. Actually, no one is sure where she went because all you see in the show is that she stopped a random car, and got in and drove off.
Natalie doesn't only run LA, but she ran the Bad Girls Club and therefore once she left, the show was pretty lame.
Bad Girls 5 is easily my favorite season!! Because I had so many favorites!
Morgan (first picture) was my absolute favorite. Even though she was only apart of the season for the one episode. She was an uber bitch. She lived in South Beach, she was hot, she was well dressed with very expensive clothing and she was very outspoken. She was sent home because four of the girls voted her out of the house and then packed her clothes and left them outside. Which caused a huge fight between Morgan and the other girls. She was basically jumped by four girls on the show. When the producers didn't stop it she kicked down the security door and was sent home by the producers.
Cat was also involved in this fight, and also my second favorite person on the show. (Second picture on the bottom row) She was upset because she thought it was trashy for someone to touch someone else's belongings while they weren't there. Which I totally agree with. She was so hot. She had big boobs and a fat ass and she was a video dancer and model. She went home on her own accord. After countless arguments and fist fights, Cat decided that she was too good for this show and left her roommates in the middle of the night during their vacation in Jamaica.
The person who was probably most upset about Cat leaving was Kristen aka Blondie (third picture on the top) who is my third favorite. She was a spoiled brat whose parents STILL pay for everything. She was friends with the first two girls I had mentioned, and Leah. Surprisingly, Kristen was sent home because she punched Leah in the face while she was drunk in Key West.
Which brings me to my last favorite, Leah. (second pic from the top) Leah was a brutally honest girl. She said what she had to say and she wasn't afraid of anyone. She had an alliance with Blondie that clearly ended when she punched her in the face. However, Kristen was drunk when she attacked Leah and she apologized for it the next day. Leah would have been one of my top favorite girls, but she falls at number four because of her inability to forgive such a good friend for making a drunken mistake.
All these five seasons have paved the way for what is happening tonight. Which is Bad Girl's Club Season 6 tonight on the Oxygen channel at 9pm. If you miss it, don't worry because it repeats four times after the original episode.
We all know and love the little 4'10'' spunky reality star Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi from the Jersey Shore.
I am preparing for my date with Snooks tomorrow. I am planning to wear leapord print high heels to impress her!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
3rd FB Confession
We had a really good time.
But I don't think it's a good idea for us to do that again. I think there are conflicting interests in the sense of family values if you know what I mean.
I do miss you though and would LOVE to see you again!!! So let me know if you want to regularly hang out!!
But I don't think it's a good idea for us to do that again. I think there are conflicting interests in the sense of family values if you know what I mean.
I do miss you though and would LOVE to see you again!!! So let me know if you want to regularly hang out!!
You may have noticed that I have changed up my blog background and what not, and if you have you spend way too much time on my blog....thank you for the support but maybe you should spend a little more time with FRIENDS or having a LIFE.
Anyway, this change is because with my month worth of confessions I feel it's like a path to redemption. With this uncensored honesty about my personal life, I am on the road to vindication.
And in case you don't get the metaphor, there is a road in the background of the display for my blog.
Good job public education system.
Anyway, this change is because with my month worth of confessions I feel it's like a path to redemption. With this uncensored honesty about my personal life, I am on the road to vindication.
And in case you don't get the metaphor, there is a road in the background of the display for my blog.
Good job public education system.
Confession 4
This is hard.
When I look in the mirror I have to admit I think I see a very attractive person. Like everything about my appearance I love. When I was younger I was self conscience about my body because I'm no where near skinny. No one is ever going to mistake me for that size 00 supermodel on the cover of Vogue Magazine. But I am happy with my body. I look great in the clothes I wear, I was blessed with amazing curves in ALL THE RIGHT places. Everything about me is beautiful and I'm secure enough with my appearance to not really care how anyone else feels about how I look.
While I may see a gorgeous creature whenever I stop to stare at myself in the mirror (which I do a lot) I also see a girl that has made a lot of mistakes. In the past five years I KNOW that I have done a shit load of things that I shouldn't have been doing. I still stand by the fact that I don't regret any of it because it made me stronger, if not for all the mistakes I made I might still be that cute naive girl that thought everyone would like me for who I am. Though I would never want to necessarily take back any of the things that I have ever done, I wish they wouldn't have affected my loved ones the way they did. I have hurt so many people in my family with my stupidity and I never want to hurt them like that again.
I guess all in all when I look in the mirror, I see a hot girl just trying to find herself. Wow a twenty-something girl looking to find herself, pretty cliche.
When I look in the mirror I have to admit I think I see a very attractive person. Like everything about my appearance I love. When I was younger I was self conscience about my body because I'm no where near skinny. No one is ever going to mistake me for that size 00 supermodel on the cover of Vogue Magazine. But I am happy with my body. I look great in the clothes I wear, I was blessed with amazing curves in ALL THE RIGHT places. Everything about me is beautiful and I'm secure enough with my appearance to not really care how anyone else feels about how I look.
While I may see a gorgeous creature whenever I stop to stare at myself in the mirror (which I do a lot) I also see a girl that has made a lot of mistakes. In the past five years I KNOW that I have done a shit load of things that I shouldn't have been doing. I still stand by the fact that I don't regret any of it because it made me stronger, if not for all the mistakes I made I might still be that cute naive girl that thought everyone would like me for who I am. Though I would never want to necessarily take back any of the things that I have ever done, I wish they wouldn't have affected my loved ones the way they did. I have hurt so many people in my family with my stupidity and I never want to hurt them like that again.
I guess all in all when I look in the mirror, I see a hot girl just trying to find herself. Wow a twenty-something girl looking to find herself, pretty cliche.
Even if I'm covered in pee...
So I had an amazing time last night with this really cool guy (no he is NOT one of my ex boyfriends) and he said so many of the cutest things.
One of the cutest and funniest things he said was possibly when we were trying to warm ourselves up in a Manhattan Subway station and he was tickling me and I made a joke about how I might urinate all over myself. So then he says "Alright, lets get out of here."
And I'mm like "Oh no back in the cold"
He said "But at least I'll be with you"
so then I say "even if I have pee all over me?"
and he says "yea, even if your covered in pee."
FUNNY AND ROMANTIC I know total keeper right? I'll keep you posted.
One of the cutest and funniest things he said was possibly when we were trying to warm ourselves up in a Manhattan Subway station and he was tickling me and I made a joke about how I might urinate all over myself. So then he says "Alright, lets get out of here."
And I'mm like "Oh no back in the cold"
He said "But at least I'll be with you"
so then I say "even if I have pee all over me?"
and he says "yea, even if your covered in pee."
FUNNY AND ROMANTIC I know total keeper right? I'll keep you posted.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
2nd FB Confession
I would have to say what makes me really nervous about seeing you might be like what we actually do in the first seconds that we meet. I know that sounds really lame, but would we shake hands? Or would we do the face kiss thing? Or would we hug? And if we did hug would it be an awkward hug with our bodies not really close to each other?
I think after we get over the first few seconds of temporary awkward-ness we will have a great time.
I think after we get over the first few seconds of temporary awkward-ness we will have a great time.
So I have opened up my 30 day confession challenge to my facebook friends as well. For the next 27 days my facebook friends are able to send me messages containing questions they would like me to answer on this blog.
So this is to my first FB confession.
If I were a color, I would choose leopard print because it's wild and hard to ignore. And I would want everyone to notice me. BUT if you happen to be one of those fascists who think leopard print doesn't count as a color, I would choose hot pink for the same reasons as leopard and because it's really cute and for some reason comforting to me.
If I were a food I would be a potato because a potato can be so many different things. Mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, french fries, potato chips are all birthed from the potato. Similar to the potato I have many different sides.
Lastly, if I were a car I would be a Bentley, because its very high maintenance, hard to obtain and classy.
So this is to my first FB confession.
If I were a color, I would choose leopard print because it's wild and hard to ignore. And I would want everyone to notice me. BUT if you happen to be one of those fascists who think leopard print doesn't count as a color, I would choose hot pink for the same reasons as leopard and because it's really cute and for some reason comforting to me.
If I were a food I would be a potato because a potato can be so many different things. Mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, french fries, potato chips are all birthed from the potato. Similar to the potato I have many different sides.
Lastly, if I were a car I would be a Bentley, because its very high maintenance, hard to obtain and classy.
Confession 3
I have, if you haven't been able to tell already, a passion for writing.
I go to school now as a Journalism major and I minor in Criminal Justice and Public Relations.
My dream job is to write for the Sex and Health section of Cosmopolitan Magazine.
But the point is I want to be a writer.
However, I also really love law, and I want to change the world. Therefore I wouldn't mind being a lawyer or a politician.
And Public Relations really goes with both career paths, in the sense of campaigning and marketing. But also, I would love to maybe do public relations for celebrities.
So I guess it's safe to say that my career isn't set in stone yet.
As for my personal life, I guess I expect to get married one day but I wouldn't be shocked if I never did because not only am I really hard to handle and really picky, but I get bored very easily. If I were to get married I wouldn't mind having one child if it was a boy. However, I wouldn't want to have a child any later than 35 because I don't want to be an old fashioned mom. And I wouldn't have a child until I was married for five years. Therefore the latest I could be married is 30 years old...which is like nine years from now.
Good luck with that.
I go to school now as a Journalism major and I minor in Criminal Justice and Public Relations.
My dream job is to write for the Sex and Health section of Cosmopolitan Magazine.
But the point is I want to be a writer.
However, I also really love law, and I want to change the world. Therefore I wouldn't mind being a lawyer or a politician.
And Public Relations really goes with both career paths, in the sense of campaigning and marketing. But also, I would love to maybe do public relations for celebrities.
So I guess it's safe to say that my career isn't set in stone yet.
As for my personal life, I guess I expect to get married one day but I wouldn't be shocked if I never did because not only am I really hard to handle and really picky, but I get bored very easily. If I were to get married I wouldn't mind having one child if it was a boy. However, I wouldn't want to have a child any later than 35 because I don't want to be an old fashioned mom. And I wouldn't have a child until I was married for five years. Therefore the latest I could be married is 30 years old...which is like nine years from now.
Good luck with that.
The Problem With Men
So I was hanging out with one of my ex boyfriend to watch the Jersey Shore (which by the way is a BRAND NEW SEASON!With an added cast member WHO IS JUST SO ADORABLE! Its like having 2 SNOOKI'S and clearly nothing can be better than that!!!)
But back to the point, Snooki had sex with Vinny in Miami, and she had developed feelings for him. Vinny,knows that he's going to hook up with random sluts in SLEAZESIDE and he doesn't want to bang Snooki and then bring these girls home right in front of her face. Snooki was a little upset.
After this scene my ex boyfriend said "You see that's the problems with girls, there is no way to make them happy."
This sentence is what's wrong with all men. There is always a way to make a woman happy. It may not be fun, or easy, or something the man actually wants to do, but it is always possible. For example, in Vinny's case all he has to do is commit to only hook up with Snooki. I know it's a huge sacrifice for a guy like him to stop hooking up with random tramps on the boardwalk, but if he cared about her, that would be all he had to do to make her happy.
Which brings me to the personalized point of this post, this guy I dated in high school has expressed the fact that he would love to have a chance to date me again. Now when we were dating he was...less than charming, to say the least. Now that we're not dating he's in and out of every and any girl possible, and his 'relationships' last for about two weeks. I told him that that until he changed or at least proved to me that he actually wanted to be with me and not every tramp at the trailer park that we could never be anything more than friends. His solution is to do.....more girls, and then tell me about it. If he was serious about wanting to be with me, he has the most insincere way of showing it. Don't get me wrong he's a GREAT friend, maybe we are supposed to keep it that way.
But back to the point, Snooki had sex with Vinny in Miami, and she had developed feelings for him. Vinny,knows that he's going to hook up with random sluts in SLEAZESIDE and he doesn't want to bang Snooki and then bring these girls home right in front of her face. Snooki was a little upset.
After this scene my ex boyfriend said "You see that's the problems with girls, there is no way to make them happy."
This sentence is what's wrong with all men. There is always a way to make a woman happy. It may not be fun, or easy, or something the man actually wants to do, but it is always possible. For example, in Vinny's case all he has to do is commit to only hook up with Snooki. I know it's a huge sacrifice for a guy like him to stop hooking up with random tramps on the boardwalk, but if he cared about her, that would be all he had to do to make her happy.
Which brings me to the personalized point of this post, this guy I dated in high school has expressed the fact that he would love to have a chance to date me again. Now when we were dating he was...less than charming, to say the least. Now that we're not dating he's in and out of every and any girl possible, and his 'relationships' last for about two weeks. I told him that that until he changed or at least proved to me that he actually wanted to be with me and not every tramp at the trailer park that we could never be anything more than friends. His solution is to do.....more girls, and then tell me about it. If he was serious about wanting to be with me, he has the most insincere way of showing it. Don't get me wrong he's a GREAT friend, maybe we are supposed to keep it that way.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Confession 2
Of course there is someone I miss, there are tons of people I miss.
I thought when I wrote this confession I would be writing about my ex boyfriend. (not the psycho ex) The ex boyfriend I am talking about it is basically like someone I fell for when I was 13 years old, and I'm about to be 21 in a week. I guess you could say we had a very long a tumultuous relationship. We haven't seriously dated since high school, we have only talked about our relationship and the possibility of getting together and what we wanted for our future together. However, given the events that have happened over the past two months (and by events I mean on November 24 2010 was the last time I heard from him, and I have no idea why) I think I miss who he used to be, not who he is today.
So now this bring me to someone else I have to admit I miss. It's a guy I met in my Discover The World program while I was abroad. And I had a lot of fun with him, I haven't seen him since due to the fact that we're on a winter break from school. But I'm excited to see him again.
-Erica S.
I thought when I wrote this confession I would be writing about my ex boyfriend. (not the psycho ex) The ex boyfriend I am talking about it is basically like someone I fell for when I was 13 years old, and I'm about to be 21 in a week. I guess you could say we had a very long a tumultuous relationship. We haven't seriously dated since high school, we have only talked about our relationship and the possibility of getting together and what we wanted for our future together. However, given the events that have happened over the past two months (and by events I mean on November 24 2010 was the last time I heard from him, and I have no idea why) I think I miss who he used to be, not who he is today.
So now this bring me to someone else I have to admit I miss. It's a guy I met in my Discover The World program while I was abroad. And I had a lot of fun with him, I haven't seen him since due to the fact that we're on a winter break from school. But I'm excited to see him again.
-Erica S.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Confession 1
My last relationship started when I was 18 it was an on and off situation that ended during my time abroad.
I guess I am going to need to divulge a little bit of a history so that you can fully understand why we ended our relationship for good.
We started dating March 28, 2008 I was 18 and a senior in highschool, he was 31, divorced, with a kid working in some sort of factory and hustling on the side. So you can appreciate why I didn't tell my family about him. We dated exclusively for almost one year, and then he went to North Carolina for two weeks. When he came back we had planned to see each other, but he bailed on me. And I was furious. I decided we should end the relationship just for a bit, like a break. He went crazy. He was cursing at me, calling me all kind of names and threatening me. At that point, we were done (Like Sammy and Ronnie done from Jersey Shore) on January 23, 2009.
We didn't speak for approximately one month. Then I contacted him because I wanted some of what he was selling on the side. And from there on we started seeing each other but without any strings attached. It pretty much continued this way until September 2010.
While I was abroad (still single) I wasn't faithful to the situation I had at home. I told him about it, because I thought that would be fair to the both of us. He once again when crazy. Saying the same thing he had said over two years ago, he was threatening to kill me. I decided when I got home I would contact the police and get a restraining order. He kept contacting me after the argument and apologizing, I don't know why but I did want to see him again when I got home. I wanted to talk to him and see if there might have been some way we could at least be friends (this is something I never told anyone) However, when he looked at this blog daily he would assume some things were happening that weren't happening, and he would assume that I was saying things about him that I wan't saying. Basically he threatened me again, and in November 2010 I emotionally walked away from the situation. Becuase honestly, I already knew before then that we could never be together, I could never bring him around my friends or family or ever feel like I could trust him or be safe with him ever again. I was just entertaining the thought of trying to make it work, and after the last threat I was no longer thinking about him.
So that's how my last relationship ended.
Where do we stand now? Well I stand far far away from him. He has apologized and promised to stop contacting and he has kept his word. I have also blocked him from this site, my facebook, and changed my number. I haven't gotten a restraining order because I almost feel like that might provoke him to harass me. I just want to be left alone, and right now he's doing that. However, I have informed officers in my family about the situation and if something else were to happen he would be investigated and probably arrested for the third time in his life.
Erica S.
I guess I am going to need to divulge a little bit of a history so that you can fully understand why we ended our relationship for good.
We started dating March 28, 2008 I was 18 and a senior in highschool, he was 31, divorced, with a kid working in some sort of factory and hustling on the side. So you can appreciate why I didn't tell my family about him. We dated exclusively for almost one year, and then he went to North Carolina for two weeks. When he came back we had planned to see each other, but he bailed on me. And I was furious. I decided we should end the relationship just for a bit, like a break. He went crazy. He was cursing at me, calling me all kind of names and threatening me. At that point, we were done (Like Sammy and Ronnie done from Jersey Shore) on January 23, 2009.
We didn't speak for approximately one month. Then I contacted him because I wanted some of what he was selling on the side. And from there on we started seeing each other but without any strings attached. It pretty much continued this way until September 2010.
While I was abroad (still single) I wasn't faithful to the situation I had at home. I told him about it, because I thought that would be fair to the both of us. He once again when crazy. Saying the same thing he had said over two years ago, he was threatening to kill me. I decided when I got home I would contact the police and get a restraining order. He kept contacting me after the argument and apologizing, I don't know why but I did want to see him again when I got home. I wanted to talk to him and see if there might have been some way we could at least be friends (this is something I never told anyone) However, when he looked at this blog daily he would assume some things were happening that weren't happening, and he would assume that I was saying things about him that I wan't saying. Basically he threatened me again, and in November 2010 I emotionally walked away from the situation. Becuase honestly, I already knew before then that we could never be together, I could never bring him around my friends or family or ever feel like I could trust him or be safe with him ever again. I was just entertaining the thought of trying to make it work, and after the last threat I was no longer thinking about him.
So that's how my last relationship ended.
Where do we stand now? Well I stand far far away from him. He has apologized and promised to stop contacting and he has kept his word. I have also blocked him from this site, my facebook, and changed my number. I haven't gotten a restraining order because I almost feel like that might provoke him to harass me. I just want to be left alone, and right now he's doing that. However, I have informed officers in my family about the situation and if something else were to happen he would be investigated and probably arrested for the third time in his life.
Erica S.
30 Days of Confessions...
I almost feel like I spend so much time writing about things that I've seen and things I believe the world should change, I feel like I have no personal connection with my followeres (however few of you their might be)
I am going to have 30 days dedicated to my most personal and intimate information about my life. Here are the 30 things that I will be sharing.
1. How did your last relationshup end?
2. Is there anyone you miss?
3. What are you're future goals and aspirations?
4. What do you see when you look in the mirror?
5. Do you have any regrets, anything that you are ashamed of?
6. What is one thing that people might be suprised to know about you?
7. Describe your first kiss.
8. Discuss the ins and outs of your first true love.
9. What is the biggest problem you have had this month?
10. What do you honestly think about your parents?
11. Who would you go gay for?
12. Think of the lowest point of your life. How have you changed since then?
13. Describe your entire day.
14. How do you feel about religion?
15. How do you feel about drugs and alcohol?
16. What kind of people do you think you attract?
17. How do you feel about life?
18. How do you feel about your past?
19. Who is your hero?
20. Have you ever been suicidal?
21. Have you ever thought to seek professional help for psychiatric reasons?
22. Describe yourself.
23. Now truly describe yourself.
24. Name your 5 favorite songs/most played songs and why?
25. Reveal something that people would be suprised to know about you.
26. Something you desperately want.
27. What are you views on life.
28. What is your favorite hobby.
29. Something you are seriously afraid of.
30. Your overall motto for life.
That is is everyone. Be prepared because these answers will not be the cutesy, bitchy, funny responses that you would usually expect from me, well it is still me so it might be a little bitchy. I've always been honest, but I've never been honest with you readers about myself.
In fact, even my signature is fake on my blogs. I started this blog anonymously becuase I didn't know what I wanted to say and if I wanted people knowing that these were really my views and my opinions. But that ends now as well, so allow me to reintroduce myself as
Erica S.
I am going to have 30 days dedicated to my most personal and intimate information about my life. Here are the 30 things that I will be sharing.
1. How did your last relationshup end?
2. Is there anyone you miss?
3. What are you're future goals and aspirations?
4. What do you see when you look in the mirror?
5. Do you have any regrets, anything that you are ashamed of?
6. What is one thing that people might be suprised to know about you?
7. Describe your first kiss.
8. Discuss the ins and outs of your first true love.
9. What is the biggest problem you have had this month?
10. What do you honestly think about your parents?
11. Who would you go gay for?
12. Think of the lowest point of your life. How have you changed since then?
13. Describe your entire day.
14. How do you feel about religion?
15. How do you feel about drugs and alcohol?
16. What kind of people do you think you attract?
17. How do you feel about life?
18. How do you feel about your past?
19. Who is your hero?
20. Have you ever been suicidal?
21. Have you ever thought to seek professional help for psychiatric reasons?
22. Describe yourself.
23. Now truly describe yourself.
24. Name your 5 favorite songs/most played songs and why?
25. Reveal something that people would be suprised to know about you.
26. Something you desperately want.
27. What are you views on life.
28. What is your favorite hobby.
29. Something you are seriously afraid of.
30. Your overall motto for life.
That is is everyone. Be prepared because these answers will not be the cutesy, bitchy, funny responses that you would usually expect from me, well it is still me so it might be a little bitchy. I've always been honest, but I've never been honest with you readers about myself.
In fact, even my signature is fake on my blogs. I started this blog anonymously becuase I didn't know what I wanted to say and if I wanted people knowing that these were really my views and my opinions. But that ends now as well, so allow me to reintroduce myself as
Erica S.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Here's my question of the day.
You know how in most places of the world you are not allowed to bring your pets into public places? Animals are kept on a leash, don't make noise unless they feel threatened, and when trained properly listen to their owner without any problems.

On the other hand, kids are permitted to run wild and raise havoc everywhere they go. They cry, they scream, they touch things that are not theirs, they have no sense of discipline whatsoever. That doesn't stop them from being allowed to trespass on property all over the place.

Who do you guys feel safer with?
You know how in most places of the world you are not allowed to bring your pets into public places? Animals are kept on a leash, don't make noise unless they feel threatened, and when trained properly listen to their owner without any problems.
On the other hand, kids are permitted to run wild and raise havoc everywhere they go. They cry, they scream, they touch things that are not theirs, they have no sense of discipline whatsoever. That doesn't stop them from being allowed to trespass on property all over the place.
Who do you guys feel safer with?
here's a follow up
Yesterday I had sent a cute little email to Michelle McCullers who is one of the Residence Directors at St. Johns who is in charge of student placements in Residence Halls.
Now I'm not sure if you all realize this by the many rants I have had on my page. But I paid for my housing deposit before I went Abroad, so around May of 2010 I put a $500 deposit on my room. Because of the school's incompetence I they didn't get my papers and money together until December 2010.
I had requested a single room in Seten Hall off campus housing. By December 2010 there were no singles left on or off campus and now I am stuck in a triple room. Due to the many mistakes made by this education system I am forced to, for the first time, live with strangers away from home.
I am beyond disappointed, but I am doing my best to look on the bright side of things and not let this ruin my possible last semester living at St. Johns.
The way I;'m looking at it, is in retrospect it is only four months out of my entire life. What could possibly go wrong?
Keep reading...something bound to go wrong.
Now I'm not sure if you all realize this by the many rants I have had on my page. But I paid for my housing deposit before I went Abroad, so around May of 2010 I put a $500 deposit on my room. Because of the school's incompetence I they didn't get my papers and money together until December 2010.
I had requested a single room in Seten Hall off campus housing. By December 2010 there were no singles left on or off campus and now I am stuck in a triple room. Due to the many mistakes made by this education system I am forced to, for the first time, live with strangers away from home.
I am beyond disappointed, but I am doing my best to look on the bright side of things and not let this ruin my possible last semester living at St. Johns.
The way I;'m looking at it, is in retrospect it is only four months out of my entire life. What could possibly go wrong?
Keep reading...something bound to go wrong.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
......this is an email i just sent to the Residence Director at St. Johns...what do u think?
My name is Erica Curtiss and my x number is x019*****
I can't begin to express my anger and frustration for everything this system has put me through, however, you can believe that I am going to try.
I have to first state that this is the most imcompetant and unprofessional office I have ever come in contact with in my life. For weeks my parents and I have been contacting this office with one simple question, a question that everyone I talk to claims to have the answer to but refuses to tell me. I want to know what dorm I have been placed in for the 2011 Spring Semester and I don't want any more excuses.
First your office takes my housing check and just uses it for whatever you think is necessary when it was specifically to hold a position for me to dorm next semester. Then after finally fixing your mistake, you take weeks longer to place me in a dorm. Every time I talk to you people I get a different answer from a different person.
My father, Anthony Curtiss, personally spoke to someone in your office on December 19, 2010 when I first arrived back from Europe and he was advised that I was placed and an email was in my account with the information. Three weeks later and I am still waiting for this magical email that is supposedly in my account.
Yesterday, I personally spoke with Cecillia Weeks and she advised me that no one had recieved any emails or any information about their living situations. Which is not only the exact opposite of what we were informed with weeks ago, but it is also completely false. I know it's false because every student that was in the DTW program abroad with me had recieved confirmation emails about their living arrangements before we left Europe, and when I had questioned why I hadn't recieved anything I was told it was because of the money issue (which you made an issue) and I would recieve an email shortly.
I don't know what your definition of shortly is but three weeks wouldn't be considered shortly by me, or anyone in the professional world who properly understands the english language.
I tried to be civil with this entire situation, I let my father handle everything so that I wouldn't have to deter my attention from my school work. So until this time, you were only familiar with my father and his constant requests, but now you can deal directly with me, which I can promise you will be a lot more unpleasant.
Now the point of my contacting you is because I requested a single room in Seten off campus housing, and with all the mistakes your office has made and the stress you have put my family and I through I would expect that my request be honored. Either way, I have been told that I was placed and I need to know where.
I will continue to email, call, and personally come to the offices until this situation has been resolved, therefore it seems in everyone's best interest that someone, ANYONE, contact me with the simple information I have been requesting for nearly a month.
Thank you for your attempted customer service
Erica Curtiss
I can't begin to express my anger and frustration for everything this system has put me through, however, you can believe that I am going to try.
I have to first state that this is the most imcompetant and unprofessional office I have ever come in contact with in my life. For weeks my parents and I have been contacting this office with one simple question, a question that everyone I talk to claims to have the answer to but refuses to tell me. I want to know what dorm I have been placed in for the 2011 Spring Semester and I don't want any more excuses.
First your office takes my housing check and just uses it for whatever you think is necessary when it was specifically to hold a position for me to dorm next semester. Then after finally fixing your mistake, you take weeks longer to place me in a dorm. Every time I talk to you people I get a different answer from a different person.
My father, Anthony Curtiss, personally spoke to someone in your office on December 19, 2010 when I first arrived back from Europe and he was advised that I was placed and an email was in my account with the information. Three weeks later and I am still waiting for this magical email that is supposedly in my account.
Yesterday, I personally spoke with Cecillia Weeks and she advised me that no one had recieved any emails or any information about their living situations. Which is not only the exact opposite of what we were informed with weeks ago, but it is also completely false. I know it's false because every student that was in the DTW program abroad with me had recieved confirmation emails about their living arrangements before we left Europe, and when I had questioned why I hadn't recieved anything I was told it was because of the money issue (which you made an issue) and I would recieve an email shortly.
I don't know what your definition of shortly is but three weeks wouldn't be considered shortly by me, or anyone in the professional world who properly understands the english language.
I tried to be civil with this entire situation, I let my father handle everything so that I wouldn't have to deter my attention from my school work. So until this time, you were only familiar with my father and his constant requests, but now you can deal directly with me, which I can promise you will be a lot more unpleasant.
Now the point of my contacting you is because I requested a single room in Seten off campus housing, and with all the mistakes your office has made and the stress you have put my family and I through I would expect that my request be honored. Either way, I have been told that I was placed and I need to know where.
I will continue to email, call, and personally come to the offices until this situation has been resolved, therefore it seems in everyone's best interest that someone, ANYONE, contact me with the simple information I have been requesting for nearly a month.
Thank you for your attempted customer service
Erica Curtiss
Monday, January 3, 2011
Goodbye 2010
As we ring in the new year, we are also saying goodbye to the 365 days that have just passed.
Here are a list of 10 things that I am glad to leave behind in 2010...
10. My Juicy Couture White winter boots.
9. My Revlon straightening iron.
8. Marc Jacobs sunglasses
7. Every ex boy friend from high school
6. Friends that were never real
5. 3 inches of my hair
4. Oversized Monroe piercing ring
3. Brown Eye liner
2. My fear of driving
and the number one thing I am so ready to move on from
May the year 2011 bring us shameless fun!
Here are a list of 10 things that I am glad to leave behind in 2010...
10. My Juicy Couture White winter boots.
9. My Revlon straightening iron.
8. Marc Jacobs sunglasses
7. Every ex boy friend from high school
6. Friends that were never real
5. 3 inches of my hair
4. Oversized Monroe piercing ring
3. Brown Eye liner
2. My fear of driving
and the number one thing I am so ready to move on from
May the year 2011 bring us shameless fun!
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