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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Who's Going To Die First

Unless you have been living under a rock for the past few decades, everyone knows that smoking cigarettes leads to lung cancer and a bunch of other nasty diseases and infections. People who smoke know that, therefore if all the commercials, advertisements, and warnings about cigarette smoking haven't stopped smokers than what makes you think you can?
Here's the scenario: Woman standing outside of her place of business smoking a cigarette on her lunch break, another woman comes up to her and says "You should quit, you know smoking kills right?"
The details of this story are as follows. The woman smoking was a 20 year old girl who eats well and exercises. The woman who told her to quit was a grossly over weight 30 year old who was drinking a Wendy's ice-cream shake.
Now here's a pop quiz, what is the number 1 killer in America? OBESITY! And when the girl who was smoking saw the 400 pound woman drinking at least 1000 empty calories did she say"Hey fat ass you should really put down the shake and run a few miles"?? No because the way people live their lives is no one else's business.
We have already taken away smoking in public places in New York and even made it illegal to smoke 30 feet near a public place. Therefore smokers aren't hurting anyone but themselves, the same way obese people aren't hurting anyone but themselves. The next time you want to advise a smoker to quit, why don't you advise Fat Albert to put down the cheeseburger. It's only fair.


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