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Friday, June 25, 2010

Give Him the Chair

One of the most controversial issues that has been facing American society for decades is the death penalty. It has divided this country into the do's and the don't's. Some states do fry the criminals to tough to tame, other's let them chill in prison for a few years before dispersing them back on our streets.
There are dozens of arguments that intend to prove why the death penalty is wrong. I would take the time to explain them but they are total bullshit. People who oppose capital punishment are giving more rights to the criminals than the victims.
The death penalty proves to be less expensive than keeping one prisoner incarcerated for a life sentence. Capital punishment is a permanent punishment. Jail time is like a paid vacation for serious convicts. In state prisons convicts get a place to sleep, free food, a library, and even a free education where they can obtain their degrees and come back into the world and create a whole new life for themselves. I'm sure their victims would like those same opportunities but they don't get rewarded like prisoners do.
It's not just the criminals that are ruining our society. It's the government as well. Their standards of crime are dangerously out of wack. Child molesters can get away with five years in prison, while drug dealers get up to three times that amount behind bars. Obviously everyone does not deserve the death penalty, but child molesters, rapists, and serial killers cannot be rehabilitated, which is the supposed point of prison.
Joseph Duncan III has molested and raped countless children in the past thirty years. The government keeps sending him to prison and letting him out, clearly unchanged. In his last case, he kidnapped two children, raped them both, and made the girl watch as he killed her brother. If Duncan had been sent to the chair 30 years ago, we could have saved dozens of those children.
What if your daughter, friend, sister, or mom was raped? Would you want their attacker released in five years? 10 years? Ever?


1 comment:

  1. Sorry I posted my comment on the wrong post and I couldn't figure out how to delete it. But I don't want to give more rights to prisoners, I just have faith that with proper punishments and encouragement anyone can be rehabilitated. Killing someone is wrong no matter how you distinguish it, or who does it. God is the only one who can pass judgement on us.
