Welcome to Uuughhh

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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Above the Influence

There are so many commercials today dedicated to lifting the self-esteem of teens in America. It started out with the living above the influence commercials The one where they show teens not being in control of their lives because their smoking weed. Somebody else is dressing them. As if the not being able to choose your own clothing is on the same level as being addicted to drugs. As if marijuana can even be considered a drug. But I'm getting off on a tangent now.

Besides that commercial, they have the ones that tell girls not to send naked pictures of themselves to boys because "there's a thin line between him, and the entire school." There's the one where they say going through someones phone that you are dating is crossing the line and you may have a control issue. And one of my personal favorites is the one where there's a boy getting mean words tattooed on his arm because somebody online called him those words. It's supposed to be against online bullying.

First of all I've smoked weed, sexted, went through a boyfriends phone and harassed plenty of people in my myspace days, and if that's wrong, then I don't want to be right.

But more importantly why do kids need so much help with their self-esteem. I mean everyone gets made fun of for something at some point in their childhood and that's no excuse to shoot up a school and blame it on bullying. And it says something when tv commercials have become a parental unit to your kids. It's gotten to the point where I can't even go to the mall and make fun of that chubby kid with the mismatched clothes and the crooked glass because that bitch might shank me.


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