Welcome to Uuughhh

A place for me to finally get my unheard opinions out to anyone who would be willing to read it (people with way too much time on their hands)

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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Don't Be Afraid to Hate

Hate is a really strong word. So is the word terrorist and that doesn't stop our government from throwing that word around every time some white kid dies.
It is okay to hate people, places or things. Hate is an extremely common emotion and by holding your emotions in you just become bitter and just unpleasant to be around.
Studies (Yea I really didn't do any studies, but do you really think everyone who writes 'studies show' really took polls and interviews and such? Don't be so naive. I'm just trying to sound professional.) show that people who let their hatred out live happier and healthier lives. People say it takes too much energy to hate. I think it takes too much energy not to hate. It takes too much energy to pretend to like someone. Fake smiles use more muscles than genuine smiles. The mindless chit chat you have to have with someone you don't like takes way more energy than simply saying "Hey, I hate you. Maybe you didn't do anything to me, but just who you are really rubs me the wrong way." How can anybody be angry with the truth? And even if that person does go home and cry and see a therapist twice a week for six months, at least that person will stop contacting, talking, and even looking at you. One small conversation/comment can help you escape the torturous land of fakeness.


PS. I hate you. Ahhh I sure feel better.

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