Welcome to Uuughhh

A place for me to finally get my unheard opinions out to anyone who would be willing to read it (people with way too much time on their hands)

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Saturday, June 26, 2010

....Random Thought

So this is random (you know because my other pieces are just so planned and well thought out that I wanted you all to realize that I may rant and rave about unimportant issues in this post) but I was watching the repeat of the Khloe Kardashian/Lamar Odom wedding. Let me start out by stating I think these two make an adorably cute couple. There both the same height and she's just as manly as he is and with the whole black/white mix they're guaranteed too have me colored babies!!
But we all know that the two love birds didn't know each other very long before he put that rock on her finger. And that's cool. I mean sure I'm more attached to various items of clothing than I am to a guy I've known for three weeks but I'm not here to criticize their fabulous decision making skills.
The show is on E! Entertainment and the description of the show is as follows:
"After a long and tumultuous romance, Khloe and the love of her life, Los Angeles Laker star Lamar Odom, offer viewers a front-row seat to the celebration and festivities...."
Here are the problems with this run on sentence. A) Long and tumultuous? Their pre-marital relationship wasn't even known until a week before their marriage. And I'm sorry maybe it's me, but I didn't realize that three weeks of unprotected sex constituted as long and tumultuous. I guess me and half my relationships really did have something special. B) It was so unnoticeable the way the producers found a way to fit in that Lamar Odom was a player of the Lakers. Because believe me, no one gave a fuck before. And lastly, C) "Offer viewers a front-row seat" As if their doing us some sort of favor. Like the pictures and home videos didn't make their way into the press at all. Glad to see Kobe was able to make it out of the wedding without raping anybody.


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