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A place for me to finally get my unheard opinions out to anyone who would be willing to read it (people with way too much time on their hands)

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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I Don't Like Kids, I Didn't Even Like Myself Until I Was 14

Why does everyone love kids? Kids are not cute, they are not fun, they are not worth gaining 50lbs over!! Kids suck the life out of you until you have nothing left, and then when their old enough to take care of themselves they start doing drugs and drinking in the house and become a whole other different type of a nuisance. And even when their out of the house your still paying for their school, and helping them get a car and even a house one day. When does your life become yours again when you have kids? NEVER!!
I understand that some people are meant to be parents. Some people only have one purpose in life, and if they want to waste it on having kids then who am I to stop them. But other people must accept the fact that they are not meant to procreate. For example, Britney Spears should have gotten divorced before having kids with that trailer trash Federline, Mr. Bin Ladin should have thought twice before letting Mrs. Bin Ladin take off that turban dress thing. And Mr. and Mrs. Hitler should have just kept it in their pants.
Kids do nothing but interrupt peoples lives, no matter what point of your life your in. They interrupt your education, your career, your night life. I mean look at that dumb ass Kourtney Kardashian. Now she's stuck with a sociopath boyfriend (I believe you Khloe) and a kid, she has to drive a mini van, she can't even get drunk on a yacht without having a panic attack because there's alcohol in her breast milk and Mason might die if he has to drink formula! This is what having a kid does to people, you forget about the fun stuff like dancing and partying and you replace it with dumb stuff like going to the zoo at the crack of dawn when you're hung over with an infant who not only doesn't know where he is, but won't remember in the future anyway.
And if that doesn't stop you from getting pregnant, remember if you have kids their no guarantee that it will be as beautiful and perfect as me, are you willing to take that chance?


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