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Friday, June 25, 2010

Blood Is Thicker Than Water

It's true. Family is family. I get it, we are bound by blood to always look out for one another. But how deep does the feeling of family obligation run? Why are we forced to drop everything and open our hearts to a family member solely because that person shares some similar DNA with us?
Here's the scenario: Thirty year old woman owns two houses, a mustang convertible, has a Master's degree in Business Finance and is a successful stock broker. Fast forward to to ten years later and replace the houses with her uncle's basement, her mustang for walking shoes, and the stock broker for straight broke. After her father has passed away and she has pushed away everyone in her immediate family she is left with no where to go but her uncle's basement, where she has become a complete inconvenience for everyone who lives there. Her life style scares everyone she comes in contact with. Between the drunk driving, the drugs, the psychologist, and jail no one wants to be around her. Unfortunately her uncle feels obligated to help her because she's family and no one else will. He also feels like there is nothing wrong with her, she just needs a little help.
If EVERYONE else in the family has isolated her one must ask oneself is it her, or is everyone else insane? Chances are it's her.
The uncle hasn't seen his niece for the ten years that she was ruining her life, and now that her accomplishments are laying in the sewer with my shit and dirty tampons she comes knocking on his door begging for help. But why does he feel so obligated to help her? Why do people always say friends come and go but family is forever? I've had friends for six years that I would put before many people in my family. I have sorority sisters that are a family that I would trade some of my cousins for in a heartbeat.
Blood is clearly thicker than water, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that. But who the hell wants to be around blood. It's gushy and gross and it makes people queasy. And to be healthy you should drink eight glasses of water a day. I think I'll stick with the water.


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