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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

This Might Offend My Political Connects

There are a few things in life all Americans must come to terms with.
Former President George Bush had a hand in setting up the attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. And he did this because not only does he secretly hate America but he also wanted to impress his father by going to war.
Sara Palin, while completely unfit to have any political position in this country or any other besides Indonesia or some other third world area no one pays attention to, she would make an amazing porn star. Like in those tapes where they bang old toothless mothers in the back of a van? I think she really missed her calling there.
Moving away from politics, Americans must also admit that as a country, we are huge. With all the fast food and drive thru's and holidays we use as an excuse to eat enough for a small country, of course we're fat. Drop the big mac and try jogging.
White people try way too hard to be black. Between the vicious tans (there are white people darker than me) and the ghetto slang it's like they will never be happy. I mean first they want to enslave us, then keep us segregated, and now be us? You're white...put down the tanning oil and embrace your paleness.
And black people need to get over slavery, I mean whens the last time you heard a Jew complain about the holocaust? And there all bankers and such now. White people don't want to hurt you, if anything they want to be your friend because they'll get street cred. So quit sitting in he back of the bus and using the "n" word which white people gave us, and then being angry when they use it!
Speaking of black people, Rodney King deserved to get his ass beat for speeding on the highway high as a kite and then not only resists arrest, but then attack an officer. If I were a cop I would beat him with a metal baton too. And if it were a white man in that time with the same circumstances no one would have gave a damn.
And as for all you people living in America and "no speaky ingles" either learn the language or go home. I know half you aliens are here illegally anyway so don't further disrespect this country by not knowing how to speak the dominant language of the country so gracious to allow you to stay here. When I go to the Domincan Republic I don't expect the natives to learn English for me, so why the hell would you reside in a country and never think to learn the language. And now that I think about it, McCain was totally legit in his plan to immediately force every illegal immigrant out of the country. They take our jobs, they don't pay taxes, and even worse is THEY DON'T SPEAK ENGLISH!!
Now let's get off race and move to religion, whether you follow God, Jesus, Allah, Budah, it doesn't matter, because they're all crap. Like do you really think God zapped the bible down here? Is revolving your beliefs around someone else (someone you never see) and their idea of what's right and wrong considered normal? Because maybe it's just me but taking orders from a non-existant voice in the sky seems a little odd in my opinion.
This is what happens when you stop being polite, and start getting real. This is what happens when you allow people to just say whatever they want with no consequences. I wonder if our four father's had this in mind when they wrote the 1st amendment. Damn this totally explains 9/11. I get it Osama, I really do!


1 comment:

  1. Something else America might want to come to terms with is the fact that we are not the all powerful all knowing United States we pretend to be.
    We need to stop invading other countries claiming to "help" them change their government and spread democracy. News flash America, if the country is fighting us, they probably don't want our help.
    And who are we to say that our method is best method? And even if it were why do we care if other countries aren't following our lead? If they want to kill each other in mass homicides why should we stop them when it in no way affects us?
    If we resort to bombing countries that don't believe in our government, who becomes the terrorist?
    And I don't know if our government has realized this, but we have problems right here that we should be worrying about.
    Maybe we want to take care of Americans (legal citizens) before we attempt to take over the world.

