Welcome to Uuughhh

A place for me to finally get my unheard opinions out to anyone who would be willing to read it (people with way too much time on their hands)

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Friday, July 16, 2010

65 and Older

I have a bone to pick with the elderly Americans.  IT'S YOUR FAULT THE COUNTRY IS THE WAY IT IS NOW!  You know all the financial problems in the world that my generation has to live with and work our way out of?  This financial ruin took decades to get into, therefore anyone 65 and older is to blame.  And you would think you people would learn from the Great Depression.
So while you people retire to Florida and stock up on hair dye why don't you do the world a few favors and admit a few things to yourselves.
1)  No matter how advanced of a glasses prescription you take, you can't drive.  Stop cluttering our highways with your broken down 1949 Buick's at 20 miles per hour.  People who still receive their period and don't need Viagra have places to go.
2)  You can't work.  Even the simplest of tasks are too hard for you because you refuse to join the rest of the world in the 21st century and learn to use a computer.  You people type at five words a minute and slow down major corporations. 
3)  You can no longer engage in conversations with people who are more than 15 years younger than you.  Frankly I'm tired of repeating myself.  You people can't hear me when I talk to you, and the things you do hear you forget in less than ten minutes.
4)  And last, but certainly not least, no one cares about how different things were back then.  No one wants to hear you play your old time music, no one wants your fashion advice on bell bottoms and clogs, and furthermore no one born after 1970 wants to talk about Watergate!

No offense, but you all have one foot in the grave already, so why don't you practice being dead and sit alone in your dark room for a few years.


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