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Friday, July 16, 2010

They Just Keep Coming Back for More

We all know that women are considered less than human beings in many countries around the world.  Countries like Russia and Romania traffic women and young girls into prostitution, Middle Eastern countries like India and Iran beat women like dogs and even kill them for disobeying the laws that separate them from the human race.  It's no secret these things happen in countries like those, and those woman have no choice.  They are born worthless, they are raised to believe that their only purpose in life is to be a slave and they don't fight the laws because they know that they can't.  For those women I have nothing but pity. 
But in America, in a country where we have worked so hard to consider every human being equal, the same thing happens millions of times a day.  A coworker at my job came into work today with two black eyes and bruises all over her arms because she "fell."  Now I'm as clumsy as they come.  And I've fallen and gotten bruises on my legs, I've hurt my back, and I've pulled muscles.  Never in my life have I fallen and gotten black eyes.  Clearly she was beaten, and I assume it's her husband because the woman doesn't have a life outside of her family and if it were a stranger I don't think she would lie about it. 
We're in 21st century America and in case you were unaware their are laws protecting people from domestic violence.  There's always a way out, instead this woman leaves work everyday to be beaten by her abusive husband.  And you know what the sad thing is, it happens every day multiple times a day right in your town.  The nice man around the corner is probably beating the shit out of his wife and children on a daily basis.  People don't speak up and the abuse never stops.  Even sadder, is that I don't feel sorry for these women.  They have every opportunity to leave these men.  If you can leave the house to go to work, you can leave the house to go to the police.  If you choose not to, then your as much to blame to as the abuser.
Advice of the day ladies...the first time a man puts his hands on you should be the last.


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