Welcome to Uuughhh

A place for me to finally get my unheard opinions out to anyone who would be willing to read it (people with way too much time on their hands)

But this isn't just for me. If you have something you want to wine about but don't want to leave a comment feel free to email me at bajastiletto@gmail.com

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Friday, July 16, 2010

Tell Me About It..Stud

I've recently discovered that I love musicals!  I think I first knew it when I heard Rizzo in Grease, because she was the character I related to most.

"There are worst things I could do/ Then go with a boy or two/  Even though the neighborhood thinks I'm trashy and no good/  I suppose it could be true/  But their are worst things I could do/  I could flirt with all the guys/  Smile at them and bat my eyes/  Press against them when we dance/  Make them think they stand a chance/  Then refuse to see it through/  That's a thing I'd never do/  I could stay home every night/  Wait around for Mr. Right/ Take cold showers everyday and throw my life away on a dream that won't come true"

These are a few lyrics from Worst Thing I Could Do (or whatever it's called) and it was sung beautifully in the movie and the play was amazing!

But I fell completely head over heals in love after seeing Chicago!

"They had it comin'/ They had it comin'/ They only had themselves to blame/ If you'd a been there, if you'd a seen it/  I bet you would have done the same."

Okay so that's the chorus and then the singers tell their story

"My husband had a pretty annoying habit.  He like to chew gum, wait no not chew...POP  he liked to pop his gum.  So I come home after a long days work and there he is, lying on the couch chewing...no not chewing POPPING his gum.  So I said 'you pop that gum 1 more time' and he did.  So I grabbed the shot gun and fired two warning shots, right through his head."


"I met a guy at this club downtown, he said he was single and we hit it off.  He'd go to work, he'd come home, I'd fix him dinner and his drink.  Single? Ha.  Not only was he not single but he had six wives.  Six!  So he came home, I fixed hm his drink...Some men just can't handle their arsenic."


"I was in love with a guy named Lipshitz.  But he was an artist always trying to find himself.  He went out every night trying to find himself.  Along the way he found Maria, Jennifer, Lisa and Astrid.  I guess you could say we broke up over artistic differences...he saw himself as alive, I saw him dead."

"I didn't do it/  I didn't do it/  They had it coming all along/  I didn't do it/ But if I'd done it/  How could you tell me that I was wrong?"

And so now I know that musicals truly inspire me.  In fact because I can't sing and such I'm forced to express my passion for music through this blog.  So you have my horrible lungs to blame for this. 

And now, thanks to these musicals, I'm going to purchase a leather jacket and kill someone!  (Just kidding about the killing...please don't send me to Guantanamo bay)


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