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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Racism in Celebrity Sentencing

We all know that Lindsey Lohan has been using drug and alcohol rehab to avoid going to prison.  However, time may be running out for the out of control actress and she may finally find herself behind bars.  With that said, who cares?  It's not like she will serve any real time.  If celebrities have taught us anything it's that the laws do not  apply to them.
Paris Hilton served jail time for a DUI and that lasted less than a fraction of the time she had been assigned in court.  Documents show that she was released because it was an unhealthy environment.  Apparently she was refusing to eat and use the bathroom because she was uncomfortable.  Someone should have warned the heiress that she wasn't going to her daddy's mansion, she was going to jail.  Their are no maids or chefs and you're not supposed to be comfortable in prison.
Nicole Richie was driving on the wrong side of a busy highway, and she was sentenced to less time than her frenemy Paris Hilton.  Not like it matters because she didn't serve it either.
But perhaps the most disturbing is Khloe Kardashian who was sentenced to only 30 days in jail for a DUI and violating her parole and she served a total of three hours in the local prison.  Supposedly the jail was over crowded.  It's jail!!  Personal space has no place in jail, just shove them all in one cell together!
All of these people put innocent civilian's lives at risk with their selfish and dangerous behavior.  However, the law clearly doesn't take celebrity crimes seriously, therefore why should we.
But maybe it's not all celebrities who get off easy, it looks to be only talentless white ones do.  Lil Wayne and T.I. were both sentenced to real jail time do to gun possession.  Clearly it's against the law to have fire arms without a license, but why weren't the jail cells too crowded for them?  Nicole Richie is anorexic! You could have placed her in a shoe box.  Paris, Nicole, and Khloe could have killed someone with their recklessness, T.I. and Weezy have had guns for years without killing or even shooting anyone.  It seems like the message isn't that laws don't apply to celebrities, they just don't apply to white ones.
So sit back and relax Lindsey, have a cocktail, smoke a blunt, drive into a homeless shelter.  You'll be out in not time.


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