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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I'm Glad I've Wasted A Forth Of My Life

As I previously stated, The Hills finale was tonight at 10:00pm. Let me first start out by apologizing for suggesting anyone watch this television program ever. I'm sorry for giving my praises to this show, and if you had the unpleasant opportunity to actually watch the show, then you understand why.
The Hills has gone on for 5 or 6 seasons, preceding The Hills was Laguna Beach which went on for god knows how many seasons before that. And the show finale end of all time, the circle will not continue, this is the last of these spoiled brats the world will ever see ends on the most confusing note possible.
The whole season comes to a crash because everyone is "growing up" and in a "mid twenties crisis" and Lo sophisticately puts it, but the real issue is Kristen randomly picking up and moving to Europe because Brody has a girlfriend. Don't these people have lives outside of each other? And why doesn't Kristen ever have anything to do? She can just pick up and move to Europe? Did she ever go to college? And if so is she ever going to put her degree to any use? Or are the rumors true and you really can major in tanning and prada? Hopefully all these questions will be answered at the super finale reunion.
Regardless, for the entire 10 minutes of the show, interrupted by 20 minutes of commercials, I was on the edge of my seat wondering if Kristen was really going to leave and how this phenomena of a show would leave their legacy, and after the show was over....no one knew what happened. The show ends with Kristen driving down the street, then the background of the town is picked up and we're on a tv producing set and Kristen comes back and Broady's like "are we good?" The camera guys are like "okay we got the shots." And the loyal audience is left confused and just down right upset. This finale was worse than the Sopranos!
We all knew or suspected that the show was scripted, but was this finale an admittance of guilt from the producers and cast? Was everything we've ever seen from any reality show always a lie? Did Kristen take a trip to Europe or a road trip around the block? Did I just waste what I think to be 5 or 6 years of my life on a lie? Left alone to sort out the pieces of what just happened? I feel like The Hills just broke up with me via text message, and even worse it was in that weird text language people can't understand so I actually have to call and embarrass myself and then be dumped again in terms that I canactually understand.
And wtf happened to Heidi and Spencer...and for that matter where's Enzo???

-a dazed and confused B.S.

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