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Saturday, July 17, 2010

I'd Rather Be The One You Cheat With Than The One You Cheat On

We've all heard stories about 'the other woman.'  In most stories she's the selfish, backstabbing, slutty, bitch.  She's evil and conniving and only thinks of herself.  She's always half dressed in the office, or coming on to married men at the gym, and with her seductive and temptress ways she lures the poor unsuspecting husband into her trap of lust and adultery and the whole affair is completely and totally her fault. 
But this isn't a story.
And in the real world the other woman isn't that bad. 
Newsflash to the world...guys lie.  Half the time the other woman doesn't even know she is the other woman until she starts getting threatening phone calls from his baby momma.  Don't get me wrong, I was always fully aware that I was the other woman and I'm not ashamed.  Think about it, I don't know this girl and I don't owe her anything.  Meanwhile, her boyfriend (who probably has done this numerous times with dozens of other girls) gets off scott free. 
Why don't we forget all the stereotypes and imagine this:  A woman dates a man for three months.  Everything is going great.  Then he tells her that he's married, but in the process of a divorce.  So she stays.  The divorce never happens.  It's months of secret dates and out of town hotel rooms and pushed back divorce court dates.  Eventually the woman realizes he's not leaving his wife, but by this time she's pregnant.  Whether she and her boyfriend stay together is irrelevant, because they will be apart of each other's lives forever.  Does this woman sound calculating? Selfish?  Slutty?  Or does she sound more vulnerable? Lonely?  Naive? 
The other woman doesn't always have to be a bitch.  Sometimes she is just in over her head. 
Now I'm not saying the other woman is an angel.  Imagine this:  A woman meets a guy at a bar, without a wedding ring.  They talk, as they drink the talking turns to flirting, flirting turns to touching...I really shouldn't have to spell this out for you.  Anyway, the next day the guy tells her he's married and he made a big mistake, but the woman doesn't care.  She had fun, and she wants to continue having fun.  So I guess she must have really had to twist his arm because he started seeing her three times a week.  Yes she is wrong, but he's wronger.  He's the one with the ring, the oath, and the devoted wife at home.  Instead of all these "other woman" stories why don't we talk about the "cheating asshole" stories.
The world is full of men who want to have their cake and eat it too.  I don't know about you, but I hardly ever get hurt when I'm the one being eaten.


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