Welcome to Uuughhh

A place for me to finally get my unheard opinions out to anyone who would be willing to read it (people with way too much time on their hands)

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

So this is the situation.......


Why on earth would anyone ever think that Bristol Palin or The Situation could ever change anyone's mind to do anything at all?  There are like the two worst examples of what anyone should aspire to.  Bristol ruined the shred of dignity her mother had left in politics, and Mike is a 30 year old pervert who would fuck anything at all.  At least Mike was honest in his part of the public service announcement, because I have seen a lot of condoms in the smoosh room.  Where as I don't believe for one second the Bristol is now abstinent.
Further more, every time I here the word situation....a part of my soul dies.


And who the fuck told this asshole he could legitimately write a book?  He doesn't even speak proper English!  His book is probably a literary disaster that would have Charles Dickens turning in his grave.

This is what our world has turned into, these are the role models of the 21st century, good job society!


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