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A place for me to finally get my unheard opinions out to anyone who would be willing to read it (people with way too much time on their hands)

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I Don't Think You Understand Who You're Fucking With....

It seems that I have had to dedicate a lot of my blog entries to the incompetence of St. Johns University.

Here's one word of advice...if you think I'm a bitch, if you think I'm hard to handle....just think about the people who raised me.

My parents are not the relaxed, sit at home, even tempered type.  If there's a problem with ANYTHING in my life....after I'm done ripping you apart, my parents come around to shred what's left.

Let me first explain what St. Johns did this time:
So before I left NY for Europe in August,my parents paid a $500 deposit for residence living because I plan to live in the dorms for the 2011 Spring Semester.  So we paid early with the understanding that this would guarantee me in spot in the dorms.
That being said yesterday I get a personalized email from R.D. McCullen and she seems to think that I owe $500 for a deposit. So I think this is a common mistake because I wasn't in Queens this semester so maybe she mistakenly assumed I was waiting until the end of this semester to pay for next semester.  So I simply email her back requesting that she check the records because my parents have already paid this deposit.
The arises with the response email I get from this woman.  She tells me that since I didn't live on campus this semester, she took it upon herself to apply the $500 dollars elsewhere.

WTF don't you people need some type of authorization for that?  You can just take my fuckin money and use it for whatever you feel is necessary....even though it's sole purpose was for my living arrangement. Plus...I don't have any legit outstanding balances.  So that means this bitch either stole the money, or used it for one of the imaginary charges St. Johns has a habit of dreaming up.

My next email to this bitch read as follows:
Im sorry, I didn't really you had the authorization to use students money for any area you felt was necessary.  Did you ever intend to tell me or my parents that you applied my money 'elsewhere'?  And furthermore what do you mean by elsewhere?  By elsewhere do you mean on a pair of designer shoes you otherwise wouldn't have been able to afford?  Or by elsewhere do you really mean this is another one of your mistakes and you are going to come up with $500 dollars from I don't care where just do it, because I have already paid and if you thought you were getting a free $500 out of me because you assumed I'm young and naive you have another thing coming.
In fact, send me the email and phone number of your supervisor because you are clearly incompetent and I have every intention of reporting you.

Erica Curtiss

Now this bitch is lucky I can't call her from here because I would have made her ears bleed.  However, she's not lucky that I have parents like mine.

My father calls my school on a daily basis because of how many times they fuck up.  And when the hang up on  him, or as they like to put it 'lose connection' my dad, who lives approximately 15 mins away, has no problem making a public appearance.  And believe me you do not want my dad in your face and angry.  All the color of our nationality come out then.  Try to ignore him now.

I don't know how the conversation with the bitch....I can imagine she's wishing she would have just used the $500 for what it was intended for.

To bring my point to a close....St. Johns University...you have no idea who your fucking with.


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