Welcome to Uuughhh

A place for me to finally get my unheard opinions out to anyone who would be willing to read it (people with way too much time on their hands)

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Saturday, December 11, 2010

8. But Still Trust No One

I'm not exactly saying don't ever trust anyone with anything.  I'm saying don't trust anyone with information that you wouldn't want anyone else to know.
There is only one person in this entire world that knows everything about me.  He knows ever detail about my life, the past, present and what I want for my future.  For eight years I confided everything in him, and he has totally disappeared from my life completely.  The one person I though I could count on always, no matter what happened, has out of the blue has just decided to not associate with me anymore for god knows what reason.
That fact alone is really painful, but what's even more annoying is that he has so much shit on me that if he is for some reason mad at me the personal aspects of my life, my deep dark secret may be plastered all over the world.
Coming to Europe has showed me the truth about a lot of people.  Spending four months without people who you thought were your friends or your enemies is a life changing experience. People I thought were always there for me, aren't, and people I thought I could speak to again have become my most frequent chat buddies.
I've been apart of it.
When my best friend and I in freshman year stopped speaking I told everyone she had an abortion when she was 13.
When my best friend junior year in high school and I stopped talking she told people the names of the guys I had sex with, and I told people she was adopted and her real parents didn't love her enough to even find out where she is.
In college, I've seen sorority sisters who were once the best of friends tell each other's parents about what drugs they were doing.
People, friends, relationships, they will always come and go, but keep your secrets to yourself.


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