Welcome to Uuughhh

A place for me to finally get my unheard opinions out to anyone who would be willing to read it (people with way too much time on their hands)

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Friday, December 17, 2010

Europe Just Can't Let Me Go

Well, I know everyone was looking forward to my return to America tomorrow night at 9pm.  However, it appears that Europe and British Airways will not allow that happen to happen.
Let me explain step by step how tomorrow, which was theoretically a day that I was looking forward to has transformed into the reason I need to do hard drugs right now.
I'm going to start by giving you all a little historical background.....it snows like once every 20 years in Italy.
That being said....I guess the last time it snowed was 1990 because I woke up this morning to a white Rome.  Which I thought was beautiful. and I thought it was a perfect way to say goodbye.  I didn't realize that because of this practical joke from mother nature, I might never say goodbye....because here's a newsflash....planes don't fly in snow storms.
A group of my friends have already had their flights for tomorrow morning cancelled.  My flight is currently 'awaiting confirmation' meaning I might not find out until the last minute if my flight is cancelled or not.
If by some stroke of luck my flight does leave Rome tomorrow, it will most likely be delayed, which normally wouldn't be a problem.  Except, my flight from Rome takes me to London.  And I am supposed to arrive in London at 4:40pm and I'm supposed to be leaving to New York at 5:55pm.  If my flight is delayed for even the slightest few minutes, I will miss my connecting flight.  And therefore, I will be stuck in London.
Another addition to this scenario is that my luggage will get to New York at 9pm with or without me....however, no one will be there to pick it up.  I believe they confiscate bags that are left at JFK airport over night.
Also, if I get stuck anywhere that's not NY tomorrow, I will not be able to get home Sunday either, because apparently it's supposed to snow in NY.
We can't forget about the fact that we are in the season of Christmas AND flights are totally booked.  If I don't get on a flight this weekend, I won't be home until 2011.
And to wrap up this lovely experience, I have to be out of the residence by 12 noon tomorrow, whether my flight leaves or not I cannot stay here!
Lesson Learned......STAY IN AMERICA


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