Welcome to Uuughhh

A place for me to finally get my unheard opinions out to anyone who would be willing to read it (people with way too much time on their hands)

But this isn't just for me. If you have something you want to wine about but don't want to leave a comment feel free to email me at bajastiletto@gmail.com

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Friday, December 17, 2010

2. When in Rome

It's not necessary to do as the Roman's do.
Roman people are proud to be Roman because of all the history.  (history that i learned in class but if you want that information your going to have to pay the st johns university tuition)
People here have no sense of personal space.  If someone is talking to you, don't expect to have room to breath because they are all over you.
The wear winter coats in 65 degree weather.
They hate flip flops.
They don't or drink on the go.
Everything is taken extremely seriously.
I'm an American.  I'm not going to act as if I have sophistication if I don't, or pretend I have a level of class that I don't.  I wear a lot of make up, I wear name brand clothes, I like fake nails and hair extensions, I''m loud, I drink to an excess, and I have a lot of tattoos!  I'm not going to alter who I am to fit in with another culture.  I'm here to experience the culture, not conform into it.


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