I have been around the world.
I have seen different types of beautiful things all around this beautiful earth.
However, despite how much we all complain about all the problems we have at home, no matter how much drama there is in our lives, no matter how many people we want to kill.....we always return home.
I missed the big hair, the hot dog stands, the malls and the polluted hair.
Home is where the heart is, and my heart is in New York.
1. Slept naked? All the time
2. Taken a shower with someone?: haha yes
3. Made out with a stranger:? on various occasions. What else is there to do with strangers?
4. Drove a car?: lol yes and i think im a good driver
5. Stole anything?: yea check my record.
6. Been in love?: the word love is to easily used by preteen puppy love but yes I have
7. Been dumped?: i do the dumping ...srry.
8. Stole money from a friend/family member?: perhaps.
9. Gotten in a car with people you just met?: haha yes... I do it so often I'm gonna get raped one of these days
10. Been in a fist fight?: yes my manicure has come up close and personal with many ppls face.
11. Snuck out of your/someones house?: once or twice...thanx 2 my window.
12. Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back?: um no...who wudnt hav feelings for this
13. Been arrested?: ive tangod w/ the law b4...but never bn arrested
14. Hugged a stranger? We already have established that I'm very friendly with strangers
15. Met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere?: um u mean like a date? yea
16. Left your house with out telling your parents?: isnt that the same as sneaking out?
17. Had a crush on your neighbor?: um ive hooked up w/ my neighbor...i wouldnt call it a crush ...he was just ther.
18. Ditched school to do something more fun?: whenever I get the chance
19. Slept in a bed with a member of the opposite sex?: yea....i get a lil tired afterwards lol
20. Lost a friend?: they werent realli friends...so no
21. Been on a plane?: many times
22. Been to an island?: yes ..i live on an island
23. Slept in until 3?: wenever i get the chance.
24. Love someone or miss someone right now?: um...no not realli.
25. Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?: yea n its realli fun
26. Made a snow angel?: i tried....but like it ddnt work.
27. Played dress up?: yea with all my old dance constumes.
28. Cheated while playing a game?:no not realli. im a natural winner.
29. Been lonely?: if i werent lonely rite now do u think i would b doing this stupid quiz?
30. Kissed more than 1 person in one night? i think the magic number is 8 lol
31. Been to a club?: yupp
32. Felt an earthquake?: no
33. Touched a snake?: yes....lol.. And the reptile too
34. Ran a red light?: it was still kinda yellow
35. Been suspended from school?:yeah...
36. Had detention?: had it yes showed up no
37. Been in a car accident?: yeah ive never bn so scared in my life
38. Hated the way you look?: yea
39. Made yourself throw up?: yeah
40. Crawled through a window?: haha of course
41. Been lost?: I always get lost easily
42. Been to the opposite side of the country? um...not realli
43. Felt like dying?: oh yeah
44. Cried yourself to sleep?: yeah its a lil bit too usual
46. Sang karaoke?: that one time....at ariels partii
47. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't?: yeah lol I have no will power
48. Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose?: no but i did fart lol
49. Caught a snowflake on your tongue?: no...that seems unsanitarty
50. Kissed in the rain?: I love too
51. Sang in the shower?: all the time
52. Changed your clothes in a car?: a lot.
53. Had a dream that you married someone? No thank god I don't need those thoughts just yet
54. Glued your hand to something?: haha no and please tell me if u have
55. Got your tongue stuck to a flag pole?: hahaha nooo.. But during those cold practices its possible...
56. Ever gone to school partially naked?: for guard praxtice yes
57. Been a cheerleader?: is still am.
59. Didn't take a shower for a week?: ew
60. Ever too scared to watch scary movies alone?: no i love them ..especialli wen im high or drunk w/ like kelsey n sara
61. Played chicken?: yea...its wasnt pretty
62. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?: yup
64. Broken a bone?: not my own someone else maybe
65. Been easily amused?: if its shiny then yes
66: laughed so hard you cried? yup
67. Moon flashed someone? Lol yeah
68. Cheated on a test?: yea
69. Forgotten someone's name?: yes all the time I just smile and say hi!
71. Done something dumb while drunk? all the effing time
73. Blacked out from drinking?: yea
74. Played a prank on someone?: when don't i ?
75. Gone to a late night movie?: yes remember yen?
76. Made love to anything not human?: ew.
77. Failed a class?: um...math.....i think thats it.
78. Choked on something you're not supposed to eat:? lol yeah
79. Almost died?: car accident yes..
80. Buried in the snow?: no
81. Celebrate 4th of July?: its an excuse to drink
82. Thrown strange objects?: all the time
83. Felt like killing someone?: tooo often
84. Thought about running away?: lol been there
85. Ran away?done that
86. Got a piercing?: nothing but my ears
87. Cut your own hair?: oh god no
89. Made a parent cry?: yea lol but we wer both cryin .
90. Cried over someone?: too often
91. Owned more than 5 sharpies?: sharpies=life
92. Dated someone more than once?: lol yes
93. Have a dog?: no
94. Have wanted to cuddle forever?: yeah lol its my fave
95. Smoked a cigarette?: just once or twice...in the last 10mins
96. Been in a band?: nope
97. Are you bored:? rite now...yea..thus the need for this test
98. Broken a promise?: I like to keep my word
99. Shot a gun?:a watergun
100: Wanted someone u could never have? nope...i always get was i want.....
Im A lOnG iSlAnD gIrL & pRoUd<3
2. You know exactly what they mean when they say "Don't change at Jamaica."
3. You know that The Drift Inn and Neptunes are in the same building, but you also know that they are NOTHING alike.
4. Screw the SAT, you know the exact pronuncuation of Islip, Wantagh, Commack, Mattituck, Shinnecock, Quogue, Ronkonkoma, Hauppauge, Mineola, Islandia, Massapequa, and Patchogue.
5. You and your friends are going to the beach, but the word beach never comes up in the conversation. Instead, it sounds something like this..."Well, we could go to Jones, but Robert Moses is closer, the North Shore is too rocky...whatever lets go to the Hamptons."
6. You have no idea what jimmies are, or why someone would want to put them on their ice cream
7. You have never used "wicked" as an adjective
8. You know that Americana Manhasset is NOT a type of coffee
9. You know that it's possible to take Jericho all the way to queens...but you would never EVER do it
10. Parallel parking in your drivers ed class was pointless...you only had to do it next to one car
11. You live in the shadow of the greatest city in the world, but you almost never go there.
12. When you're away from Long Island, you love it and when you're home, you don't.
13. You think if you're not from Long Island or NYC, you're not really from New York.
14. You know the exact point at which Queens turns into Nassau simply on intuition.
15. You don't go to Manhattan, you go to "The City."
16. You never realize you have an accent till you leave.
17. Everything north of the Bronx is "upstate."
18. At some point in your life you've gone clamming.
19. Either your parents or your grandparents lived in the city.
20. You'd pay $11.50 for a movie.
21. You don't live in Long Island. You live ON Long Island.
22. You know where the Commack Motor Inn is.
23. Your distant future might involve the state of Florida.
24. You know the location of 6 malls and a dozen McDonalds and 36 7-11's.
25. You've tried to find the Amityville Horror house.
26. No, you don't want mustard on that burger!!
27. You can't understand why a diner would ever close.
28. You've had a seagull poop on your car.
29. You don't really see the big deal about the Hamptons, unless you got smashed at the Boardy Barn.
30. You know White Castle is terrible for you and it gives you a stomach ache, but you periodically "Get the Crave."
31. You want the Yankees to stay in the Bronx, but would probably go to more games if they moved to Manhattan.
32. You think that somehow, the Jets and Giants still play in New York.
33. You've missed that "Drunk Train," the 2:42 out of Penn, and had the dreaded wait until 5:30.
34. You or someone you know has owned an animal that came from North Shore Animal League.
35. You've never taken an MTA bus.
36. The Long Island Expressway isn't really as bad as everybody thinks.
37. You don't associate Fire Island with gay men.
38. You know which parts of the Godfather were filmed on Long Island.
39. You've paid a $10 cover charge to get into a bar, but got nothing for it.
40. You miss whiffle ball and running through sprinklers.
41. Billy Joel said it best, "either you date a rich girl from the North Shore, or a cool girl from the South Shore."
42. You have or someone you know has fallen asleep on the LIRR and ended up in one of these three places; Babylon, Port Washington or Hicksville.
43. You know that there is a big different between any of the other hamptons, and hampton bays
44. The Belt Parkway sucks!
45. You've been stuck in a traffic jam for more than 2 hours (without moving).
46. Your parents took you to All American, Nathans or Carvel (on the way home from the beach).
47. You don't have to go far to see your family.
48. You remember Grumman.
49. You know the color of the water at Jones Beach is not BLUE!
50. You were upset when all the Roy Rogers turned into Wendy's and Arby's closed for good.
51. You can spout off all the LIRR stops between Penn Station and Ronkonkoma.
52. Paying $35 for a haircut doesn't sound so crazy.
53. You think the people from Brooklyn are "da wunz dat tawk wit a accent."
54. You went sledding in the sumps.
55. You knew of Massapequa before the Amy Fisher-Joey Buttafuoco nightmare.
56. You think going to Queens is a hike.
57. The first time you heard the term "Long Island Iced Tea" you were somewhere else and you laughed.
58. When you live somewhere else and are astounded to see that people actually stop at yellow lights.
59. Its rare to get really bad bagels or pizza on long island, almost as rare as it is to get good bagels and pizza anywhere else.
60. You can name at least three bands that came from Long Island.
61. You've partied in the woods at least once in your life.
62. You know what Pilgram State and Sweet Hallow Road are...and you are NEVER going again
63. You are never more then 20 minutes away from the water.
64. You have been to at least one concert at jones beach.
65. When you hear "the end", you think Montauk. Orient Point never crosses your mind.
66. Wandering around Fire Island trashed is an acceptable plan for any night.
67. Doing 90 over the Robert Moses bridge or on Ocean Parkway is perfectly fine.
68. When you say that you are going to "the outlets", Tanger is implied.
69. You have a friends who swears they saw Billy Joel somewhere in Oyster Bay
70. When people ask "where are you from?" you answer Long-Guy-Land and automatically assume everyone in the world knows that answer means New York.
71. You've seen the commercials, and you've craved their shakes, but you know damn well there are no DQ's or Sonics on Long Island.
72. You remember all the good times had at Nunleys, and the emotional distress it caused when it was closed down.
