Welcome to Uuughhh

A place for me to finally get my unheard opinions out to anyone who would be willing to read it (people with way too much time on their hands)

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Monday, June 27, 2011

Modern Day Slavery

A slave is defined as a person who is the property of and wholly subject to another; an intern is a person who works as an apprentice or trainee in an occupation or profession to gain practical experience, and sometimes also to satisfy legal or other requirements for being licensed or accepted professionally, they don’t sound like the same thing to me.
But the two have various similarities, the biggest one being that you are working for no pay under the constant command of someone else.
I was just scolded by my bosses for not “taking this internship seriously,” and not “putting enough into it.”
Oh I’m sorry I didn’t realize I was slacking off so much.
It takes me two hours to get to work from home sometimes. Up until recently I was the only intern who came at 10 a.m. and left at 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday.
I did everything I have ever been asked to do, plus came up with numerous ideas on my own.
I got sexually harassed doing an assignment for their paper, I got lost in ghetto doing another assignment and I got into a car accident just trying to get to work. I work my ass off while I’m here, and when I’m not doing anything, before I start working on my blog, I always ask if anyone needs help with anything.
Until today, I have never turned down an assignment. I have gone to Maspeth, Flushing, St. Albans and god knows where else just to do stories that sometimes don’t get printed anyway!
Today, they asked me to do an assignment in Astoria Queens at 6:30 p.m. I work until 5 p.m. I have a life outside of this non-paying internship. I babysit, I go to the gym, I work at another bullshit job in order to have a little pocket change since this internship takes the majority of my time. So even if I had my car I could not do an assignment that late because I have to be home by 8 p.m.
I think it’s disgusting that the bosses, who have by the way been sitting in the office all day doing nothing, are trying to guilt me into doing an assignment that I can’t do. And to tell me that I need to use my resources and take public transportation, are you paying for my train ticket??? Or the new shoes I would have to buy to walk up and down streets?
I have never complained (to the bosses or my coworkers) about this job because I know it’s a good opportunity and a foot in the door of journalism, but this is ridiculous.
You can’t treat people this way, I don’t care what their title is.

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