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Monday, June 13, 2011


There are a million and one things that I could despise about working in queens. For example, the hours of traffic I sit in twice a day to get to work and home from work. Or the tumultuous pot holes I hit on every street. But nothing is more inconvenient than the lack of parking. I don’t understand how businesses can get away with not offering parking spaces for their customers and clients.
It is the parking issue that I am going to rant about today. It’s bad enough that in order to shop (aka work) as a reporter in Queens I have to drive my car all over the borough and then hope that I find a miraculous parking without a meter. However, doomsday finally happened last Tuesday and I was forced to park at a meter spot. I think it is ridiculous and unconstitutional that first of all Starbucks doesn’t have a parking lot, but second of all you expect me to pay to park my car on a random street. What service am I receiving for my money? Is someone protecting my car from hooligans? Is someone going to paint over the scratches on my car? Is someone going to vacuum all the crumbs out of my car? NO! So what I am paying for is the right to park my car on a public street? Oh okay I totally get it now.
But then after I park, pay, and place my receipt on the dash board that says I have 2 hours to reside in this parking spot, I return 1 hour later to find a ticket on my windshield. A ticket for not putting my receipt the exact way for the ticketing officer to read it. Now I’ll admit, I’m not savvy to the art of placing a piece of paper on a dashboard. Partially because I don’t drive that often (or I didn’t before my new job) but mostly because in Long Island (where everything makes sense) I am not forced to pay to park my car on the side of road.
What really irks me about this situation is that I put my receipt on the dash at 11:45 a.m. and the ticket was issued to me at 11:52 a.m. which means ticket cop saw me purchase a receipt, saw me put the ticket on the dashboard in a way he wouldn’t like, waited for me to leave and then GAVE ME A FUCKIN TICKET!!!!! What the fuck kind of world are we living in?
First you limit any parking spaces, then any available space must be paid for and even when you put $2 in quarters in the machine you get a $38 ticket anyway.

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