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Sunday, May 22, 2011

What She Said/What He Heard

So it's not secret that most men are communicationally challenged. But there is a thin line between being shy, and being stupid. There is only so many ways one (the woman) could say things, id the other (the man) cannot grasp the concept, how long should one (the woman) try to explain. A lot of magazines try and give communication advice to women, we don't need communication advice. I know how to talk, I talk extremely well. It's the men in my life that not only don't know how to voice their opinions and feelings, but they also don't know how to listen. I'm going to share some parts of a conversation that I had earlier today with my boyfriend. You tell me if I was being unclear.

1. I said "I have a lot of things that I need to say, so please let me just say what I got to say and then you can add in when I'm done"
He said, "Okay go ahead."
What he must have heard was "O I"m going to talk but feel free to disregard it and interject whenever you see fit"
Because what he did was interrupt me with every sentence I sad.

2.I said "I don't want to dwell or argue about this, but the way you spoke to me was really uncalled for."
What he must have heard was "I just want to beat a dead horse"
Because what he did was argue about the same shit I said I didn't want to argue about.

3. I said, "I really don't want to break up, I just want you to see where I'm coming from"
What he must have heard was "I'm going to talk your ear off and then dumb you"
Because what he said was "If you want to break up just say it, we don't have to go through everything."

4. I said, "I think you should have done certain things differently."
What he must have heard was "I think I'm perfect and everything you do is wrong."
Because what he did was attack me and my life and complain about his life is full of drama and hardships that I couldn't possibly understand.

5. I said, "I just need you to work on your communication because I can't be in a relationship like this."
What he must have heard was, "I'm threatening you, do this or I'm dumping you."
Because what he did was interrupt me and ask if I was threatening him.

6. I said, "So you can you at least promise to work on your communication skills for the sake of our relationship."
What he must have heard, "Give me the shortest and rudest reply possible, because I enjoy when you hurt my feelings."
Because he said, "I don't know we'll see."

7. I said, "Whatever bye."
What he must have heard was, "Call me back and act like a grown up for 5 minutes"
Because what he did was call me back in like two minutes and apologize for everything.

8. I said, "It's not going to be that easy."
What he must have heard was, "Okay I'm off the hook now."
Because then he tried to be all lovey dovey and shit.

So is it me? Am I the crazy one? Because I believe myself to be a very clear, accurate, and blunt person. I say what I mean, there is no double talk with me. So the question stands....are women hard to understand? Or are men just stupid?

1 comment:

  1. The issue between men and women is that men are raised to be non-emotional creatures because that shows a sign of weakness. Also not to defend your boyfriend but most guys have at least on file that talks in circles for no reason and makes communication impossible, Personally BSing should be a class so most people would be able to pass high school
