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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Gay Love is True Love

The state of New York is currently considering amending the laws and rights referring to marriage between people of the same sex.
I’ve been saying this for years, if gay people want to get married and be miserable then why should anyone stop them?
I really don’t understand the huge issue between what people do in their personal lives.  Why should someone’s sexual orientation stop them from having the same rights as everyone else?  
The reasons for not allowing homosexuals to marry are ridiculous.  Of course people want to bring the bible and religious beliefs into the conversation when it has no place here.  Our country is based on separating the church and state.  Therefore we can’t make something a law just because it was in the bible.  That would make us no better than the Muslims if we did that.  
Another reason people claim is that since gays cannot produce children they should not be permitted to get married.  That’s another stupid reason.  There are like 6 million orphans in the world.  Since these couples can’t make more they can take some of the kids no one else wants.  In fact, I wish more people would be gay so that less people would have children.  
The real reason people don’t want gay people to have the right to be married is because it’s different and it’s probably scary for the more close-minded people.  And that is a theory I can respect.  If legislation just said that they felt uneasy about giving same sex couples the right to get married I could understand that way more than the lies and reason they try to wrap their beliefs around.  It makes sense that after centuries of living life one way, that opening the door to something that used to only be kept in the closet would freak out a lot of people.  
But through change is how our country evolved.  It used to be that people of different races were not allowed to have relationships with one another.  And without changing that law a lot of influential people would not be here (including myself)  In the past women were not able to walk around in public without a man, let alone vote (those laws might still exist in some countries where no one cares about) and in the last presidential election we had a woman as one of the democratic candidates and a woman as the Vice President to the republican candidate (as pathetic as those women were it was still a step in the right direction)  Centuries ago our four fathers kept black slaves and today a black man is our president.  Just a few decades ago there was no alcohol permitted anywhere in our county, and now I work within a 2 minute distance from 3 bars and 20 restaurants that will all serve drinks after 11 a.m.  
So I ask you, hasn’t change made our country better? Or do you still want to wearing a corset and having your father trade pigs so some 50 year old man will marry you at 12?  In fact, children marry and incest used to be okay, are we really going to stand in the way of true love just because it’s gay love?  
Well I’m not!
They’re here, they’re queer, get used to it!

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