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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Franken Babies!!!!!

It’s no secret that I do not like children. I think I have made that perfectly clear.

But when I saw something on Basketball Wives (another Grade A show for moral values) I had to bring it to everyone’s attention (and by everyone I mean the 4 people who read this shit)

Evelyn , from Basketball Wives, who is now engaged to Chad ‘Ocho Cinco,’ a football player, (I know the irony kills me too) are trying to have children together. But not just any type of children. They want twin boy athletes. Very specific. When I first heard this request I thought, “yea and I want something more interesting to do with my time then talk about you people on my pathetic blog, but that’s not going to happen.” But as the show progressed, I saw that it was possible.

The illegitimate couple went into a doctor’s office and revealed their ridiculous request to the doctor. To my surprise, it wasn’t ridiculous at all. In fact the procedure is pretty simple. Chad has to give a sample of his sperm to the doctor. The doctor then extracts the sperm that would create twin boys if it met with Evelyn’s eggs, and then inject that particular sperm into Evelyn.

I’m totally not kidding that’s basically what the doctor said, but in more scientific terms.

So at first I thought that was pretty interesting. Because if I ever did get married and have children, I would only want one son. So if there was a way to make that possible for sure, instead of just trying and hoping for a boy I thought I would have no problem.

But then after hearing my parent’s opinion on these kids that are basically built in a lab I thought it was a little strange. Using science to engineer the perfect babies? That does sound a little farfetched and unsafe. What if you do get twin boys, but then they have missing toes and arms and shit?

And then I thought, science has come such a long way, now we can give our sperm and eggs to some other bitch and have her carry the baby for us. So why is this so strange? Also, people take risks of their kids coming out with down syndrome or whatever every time they get pregnant, so I don’t think that by involving science the risk would increase.

It’s a totally strange topic, and for once I don’t know which side of the fence I’m standing on. Are we in favor of genetically modified babies? Or do we like our rugrats the old fashioned way?

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