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Monday, June 27, 2011

Girls Never Change

As a woman, it is not a secret that girls can be vicious. We have all seen exactly how horrible girls can be in movies such as Mean Girls, Jawbreaker and Heathers. But those movies all have something in common, the movies were centered around high school girls, meaning the villains in these movies were 15, 16 and 17 years old. You would think the cattiness would end after high school, maybe even after college…but now that I have taken a step into the real world, I see that girls, tweens, teens, women or old ass bitches, there all the same.
Throughout my adolescence I had to deal with girls not liking me for no reason. They would call me names, they would say I was stuck up and thought I was too good for any of them (which was totally true.) But I thought all that would end once I closed the doors of Copiague High School behind me. Apparently I was wrong.
Even in college at St. John’s University, which is a top rated New York school (just so you realized I didn’t attend college with the same assholes from H.S. at Nassau or Suffolk.) And even then I have dealt with drama between girls ages ranging from 18-25. To be fair, I am in a sorority, so therefore levels of maturity must be taken into account. It can totally be compared to being in a gang. We are identified by our colors, we have ‘beef’ with groups of girls in other colors and we like to mark our territory. So there have been instances where we have had issues with other sororities and even fraternities.
But then when you enter the working world, you think you are surrounded by intelligent, well educated, mature people. Think again.
I’m not counting my four years of experience at TJ Max because anyone is hired there. You don’t need any type of degree or any type of intellect; therefore you are bound to witness immature pettiness because you work with immature petty people.
But when you are working at a real place of business, it would be nice to feel safe from that kind of stupidity.
I am an intern, and I think my female boss hates me, for reasons unbeknownst to me. It feels just like H.S. all over again. At first, I thought she was just a bitch, which I could respect because I’m a bitch. And a woman who is running a company would have to be a bitch for people to respect her. But then I started noticing she was only a bitch towards me, and no one else. She’s very nice to the other employees, but then I thought I’m just an intern maybe she doesn’t respect me enough to show me the same courtesy she shows the real workers. But then when new interns started showing up and she was being so nice to them I knew it must be a personal vendetta against me. On my first day at the office I was yelled at. When I got lost on the job I was shown no sympathy. I was criticized for mistakes I didn’t make. My work was edited harshly while others were applauded. She constantly gives me looks of disgust whenever I try to talk to her, which only makes me nervous. Then I hear her laughing and joking with other interns in her office.
So now that we have established a pattern of behavior that proves the dragon lady does not like me, let’s try to come up with some valid reasons why she could possibly not like little old me.
1. I’m extremely good looking.
Like believe it or not it is a curse, and it has been the basis for a lot of girls I’ve dealt with to not be too fond of me. She dresses really nice and looks really good, and for the most part, no one in this office pays attention to their looks. So she was the hottest thing at the office (in her mind) and then I come along, being at least 15 years younger, with amazing fashion sense (even for drab business attire) and she feels like I’m competition. (For what I have no idea, she spends her whole time in the office with the bigger boss, who is bigger in EVERY way, trust me she can have him!)
*For the next reasons it’s either one or the other, I don’t think it’s possible to be both.
2. She thinks I don’t work hard enough
She started here as an intern, and now she’s the managing editor. Maybe she’s holding me to a standard that she lived up to and she doesn’t thing I deserve to be here.
3. She thinks I’m too good at my job
Since she started as an intern and made it all the way to where she is now, maybe she thinks I’m gunning for her job or something. Maybe she sees all the work I put into this job as an insult. Especially when I come up with new ideas to write about that she didn’t come up with, maybe she thinks her time as the reigning queen of the office is coming to an end and she’s blaming it on me.
4. I’m young with my whole life ahead of me
In journalism there are many outlets you can write for. My dream it to write for Cosmopolitan Magazine, and since I’m only 21 and still in school that dream is still an opportunity to for me. However, she started working here years ago as intern, and maybe it wasn’t something she planned on doing forever. But as time went on and she kept getting promoted she stuck around and maybe now she feels trapped with no way out.
5. She just doesn’t like me
I have a very distinct personality. I don’t want to say you either love me or hate me, because there can be an in between with me. Some people can tolerate me in small doses. Some people want to be around me all the time. I can’t help who I am, but maybe who I am annoys her, and I can respect that. A lot of people that haven’t actually done anything to me I find really annoying and would never choose to spend my time with them.
For example, there’s an intern who I can’t stand. Her name is something September 11th like and she thinks she knows everything about journalism. Bitch you’re the same age as me and you go to a lower ranked school and you started this internship after me, know your place. But once again, she did nothing personally to me, I just don’t like who she is as a person.
Anyway, no matter why my boss hates me, I can’t change it, but I do have to find a way around it. Let’s face it we live in an ass kissing world and I need good references.

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