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Thursday, July 7, 2011

For the fashion impared

Now I’m usually always all about looking sexy. Even at the office I try to pull off the Kim Kardashian-esque attire she wears for business meetings and such. But when I look sexy at work it is in a very professional way. I cover up my cleavage (as much as I possibly can) and when I wear skirts they are still knee length. I’m 21 years old and I grasp the concept of sexy vs. skanky in the work place.
With that being said, it boggles my mind how people in at least their 30s can get dressed in the morning, look in the mirror and truly believe they look acceptable for work.
I just walked into the office today and I’m walking behind one of the professional people (not an intern) and she’s wearing a sky blue mini skirt, I mean a legit mini skirt. Like with the color and the length I wouldn’t be surprised if she wore that last night, stayed out too late and just came to work in the same outfit. Coupled with the scandalous skirt was a barely-there tank top. I couldn’t tell if this bitch was going to the beach or to the office. And to top off the entire ensemble were 6” wedges that, even if they were on some planet considered work appropriate, didn’t even match her tacky outfit.
Maybe it’s me. Is it possible at my young age that I am old fashioned when it comes to office attire? Have I been brain washed by movies, society and my parents that led me to believe that if I dressed to much like what I would normally wear that I wouldn’t be taken seriously? I don’t think it’s me. I think people have been confusing work clothing with everyday clothing and club clothing and even beach clothing.
My mother has been going on various job interviews since completing her nursing classes. She just recently informed me that she went on one job interview where all the applicants, with the exception of her and one other woman, were wearing jeans, flips flops and tank tops. And the people wearing these frumpy outfits saw nothing wrong with it.
I admit that times are changing, I mean we have a black president, gays can unite in holy matrimony and teens getting pregnant is part of the norm, but it is not in today’s time or any time acceptable to go to work looking like the hot mess you were last night.
Time’s aren’t changing that much.

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