Welcome to Uuughhh

A place for me to finally get my unheard opinions out to anyone who would be willing to read it (people with way too much time on their hands)

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Monday, November 15, 2010

You Found Me?

I Am personally in love with this song. But I have heard many different commentary about what this song is actually about. I am going to help you all out. As I have proven in the past, I am right about everything. I know what this is talking about.

In the first verse, he is clearly talking about God. "I found God." Which is an interesting take on the situation, because the song is called "you found me" but the first lyrics state that the subject found God. Which immediately pulled me into the story because it shows that if there is a God, he isn't perfect. He was hanging out on some corner smoking cigarettes. I guess when your God you don't have to worry about cancer or anything. And further more he must know how to cure cancer....it would be nice to share such vital information.

When the singer says "Where have you been" and "Where were you when everything was falling apart? All my days were spent by the telephone and it never rang" implies that he needed help or advice from God for a long time, and God never came. Not only did he never come, but to add insult to injury he had to find God himself. Your God, you can find anyone you actually wanted to. It's kind of sad that some heartbroken guy had to walk all the way to the corner of first and Amistad to find God.

The chorus says "lost and insecure you found me" it appears that God finally decided to come "just a little late" so He decided to wait until the poor guy was completely devastated before he made a move.

The next verse talks about a girlfriend who is sick, probably dying of cancer. When he says "in the end everyone ends up alone" and "no way to know how long she will be next to me" implies she is sick and will unfortunately die soon.

In the bridge he talks about how he's "been calling for years" and God "never left no messages never sent no messages" and how God has "some kind of nerve taking all i want" shows that the singer blames God for his girlfriends sickness.

The burning question is "Why'd you have to wait to find me?" WTF took so long. This guy has spent what sounds like years begging for God's help, advice or attention, and he stumbles across God hanging out on corners smoking. I'd be pretty pissed too. Nice to know that when your lying on the floor surrounded, God might be around the corner smoking cigarettes.

And there you have it, that's what lies behind the minds of The Fray (this in no way, shape, or form embodies my personal opinion on God or religion)


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