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A place for me to finally get my unheard opinions out to anyone who would be willing to read it (people with way too much time on their hands)

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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sometimes the Best Thing to do in Life is....

When it comes to people, friendships, relationships everyone is bound to have their ups and downs.  No person or situation (besides me) is perfect.  People have to be willing to work through their differences and their arguments for the greater good. Even the best of friends are not going to agree on everything all the time.  It's not always your place to dictate and force your opinions on them.  But it is always your place to support and help them through the decisions they have made. If you have someone who is always there for you and expects nothing in return that is someone you will always want in your life.  That is someone you should hold on to.  Sometimes the best thing to do in life is keep the best people in your life the closest to you.
There are some people that you're going to think are supposed to be in your life, that aren't.  If you can only depend on a person 50% of the time or that person does great things for you but constantly expects something in return that person isn't who you think they are.  This person is false advertisement.  At times they seem like the perfect friend or significant other because when you need them they are there or becuase they always want to do things for you, but think about it...are they really always there?  Or are there times you want to talk because you're upset, or lonely, or just need to vent and they are no where to be found?  Do they really nice things for you, or at the slightest sign of trouble do they want compensation?  Maybe this is someone who has changed over time.  Maybe you aren't even holding on to that person.  In most cases you are holding on to who that person used to be, without realizing what they have become.  Sometimes you just have to leave the past in the past.  Sometimes the best thing to do in life is walk away and never look back.


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