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Sunday, November 28, 2010

And the Countdown Starts NOW

So I've been in Europe for nearly four months now, and my time abroad is quickly coming to an end.
During my time in various different countries I have noticed some very shocking differences that I would like to take the time to pint out.
In Paris, contrary to what I have heard in the past, the French are very polite. However they might be too polite for their own good.  For example, random people come up to you and ask for cigarettes, and if you say 'no' the people are offended.  As if for some reason I owe them my cigarettes!!! In NY people rarely ask for them, and when they ask they offer to pay for one, and if you say 'no' they just walk away...as the world should be.
In London while they may speak English, there are plenty of difference when it comes to defining words.  I'm sure we all knew chips means fried in London.  But did everyone know that fag meant cigarette?  Because I sure didn't and neither did my friend.  So when a guy came up to him and said "Could you spot a fag?" he replied with "Well that guy looks pretty homo over there."
In Amsterdam marijuana is legal.....enough said!
Salamanca is the smallest town in the world. (Yea I measured it) During the day time besides eating and shopping there is nothing to do.  In fact, the entire town shuts down for three hours for 'siesta' and everyone just sleeps and relaxes during that time.  However the party scene is amazing.  The bars sell 12 shots for 5 euro!
In Morocco (which is in Africa by the way) the women are totally covered up in head scarves and whatever else Muslim women wear, so sufficient to say I was hit on A LOT!
In Malts (which I don't really know what they are considered.  It's an island between Spain and Italy and depending on who you ask they are Spanish, Italian, or Maltesian. )  But in Malta, chivalry is not only dead, but Chris Brownism has taken over.  I saw domestic violence at its fullest one night at a club, where a man threw a woman down to the ground and dragged her half way down the block and no one seemed to think it was out of line. O by the way, rabbit is like chicken to these people.
Barcelona is where the Jersey Shore cast vacations.
And in Rome there is not the Italian food that you would so imagine.  For example, everything at the  OLIVE GARDEN was a LIE!!! There are no unlimited breadsticks, or chicken parmigiana, or pasta alfredo or any of that good shit.

Besides the individual differences each country has, Europe as a whole has characteristics that are completely shocking.
It seems like no one has anywhere to go because they walk at the speed of molasses and they sit and restaurants and cafe's eating and drinking ALL DAY!
At a restaurant don't expect to get your check without waving down the waitress because they assume that like everyone else in Europe you want to spend hours at a time in an uncomfortable chair way after the food has been devoured.
Everyone in Europe speaks a zillion different languages.  Now I understand why people come from other countries and think that at least one person will speak their language, because in Europe no matter what country Ive been in, there was always one person in each establishment that was able to communicate with me in English.  This is something you would expect more from America because there are so many different cultures there.  I never would have expected that in France, everyone would speak English.
They never make coffee the right way.  Not in any part of Europe.  They even screwed up Starbucks.
The McDonald's is too salty.
The women are very plain looking, and anorexic.
And even though I was told over and over again not to be the 'Ugly American' by wearing the kind of clothes I wear, and being loud, and only speaking English, and getting drunk....the Europeans aren't as sophisticated as they would like to believe.  The most Jersey Trash looking outfit I have was purchased in Paris, I'm only loud so I can hear myself over the natives, I resort to only speaking English because when I attempt to speak the language they realize I'm American and only speak to me in English, AND I know I love to drink but it's not like we drink in our rooms..We drink in clubs and bars around the country where natives are just as loud, belligerent, and obnoxious as we are.
Whose the Ugly American now?

I have love my time in Europe and I must say it will be bitter/sweet leaving this.  But I do miss my life back in good old Long Island, New York.

I think it's safe to start counting down.....20 More days until I smell the sweet scent pollution in NYC!!


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