In this world there are a lot of people who try to tell you how and what to think. I'm not going to tell you to think for yourself, because that's not what I want. I want you to think like me. Because I'm right about everything.
Welcome to Uuughhh
A place for me to finally get my unheard opinions out to anyone who would be willing to read it (people with way too much time on their hands)
But this isn't just for me. If you have something you want to wine about but don't want to leave a comment feel free to email me at
Listen to some hot new music by my personal friends, read some crap post some crap, and share with your friends because this really is a spectator sport.
But this isn't just for me. If you have something you want to wine about but don't want to leave a comment feel free to email me at
Listen to some hot new music by my personal friends, read some crap post some crap, and share with your friends because this really is a spectator sport.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
And the Countdown Starts NOW
So I've been in Europe for nearly four months now, and my time abroad is quickly coming to an end.
During my time in various different countries I have noticed some very shocking differences that I would like to take the time to pint out.
In Paris, contrary to what I have heard in the past, the French are very polite. However they might be too polite for their own good. For example, random people come up to you and ask for cigarettes, and if you say 'no' the people are offended. As if for some reason I owe them my cigarettes!!! In NY people rarely ask for them, and when they ask they offer to pay for one, and if you say 'no' they just walk the world should be.
In London while they may speak English, there are plenty of difference when it comes to defining words. I'm sure we all knew chips means fried in London. But did everyone know that fag meant cigarette? Because I sure didn't and neither did my friend. So when a guy came up to him and said "Could you spot a fag?" he replied with "Well that guy looks pretty homo over there."
In Amsterdam marijuana is legal.....enough said!
Salamanca is the smallest town in the world. (Yea I measured it) During the day time besides eating and shopping there is nothing to do. In fact, the entire town shuts down for three hours for 'siesta' and everyone just sleeps and relaxes during that time. However the party scene is amazing. The bars sell 12 shots for 5 euro!
In Morocco (which is in Africa by the way) the women are totally covered up in head scarves and whatever else Muslim women wear, so sufficient to say I was hit on A LOT!
In Malts (which I don't really know what they are considered. It's an island between Spain and Italy and depending on who you ask they are Spanish, Italian, or Maltesian. ) But in Malta, chivalry is not only dead, but Chris Brownism has taken over. I saw domestic violence at its fullest one night at a club, where a man threw a woman down to the ground and dragged her half way down the block and no one seemed to think it was out of line. O by the way, rabbit is like chicken to these people.
Barcelona is where the Jersey Shore cast vacations.
And in Rome there is not the Italian food that you would so imagine. For example, everything at the OLIVE GARDEN was a LIE!!! There are no unlimited breadsticks, or chicken parmigiana, or pasta alfredo or any of that good shit.
Besides the individual differences each country has, Europe as a whole has characteristics that are completely shocking.
It seems like no one has anywhere to go because they walk at the speed of molasses and they sit and restaurants and cafe's eating and drinking ALL DAY!
At a restaurant don't expect to get your check without waving down the waitress because they assume that like everyone else in Europe you want to spend hours at a time in an uncomfortable chair way after the food has been devoured.
Everyone in Europe speaks a zillion different languages. Now I understand why people come from other countries and think that at least one person will speak their language, because in Europe no matter what country Ive been in, there was always one person in each establishment that was able to communicate with me in English. This is something you would expect more from America because there are so many different cultures there. I never would have expected that in France, everyone would speak English.
They never make coffee the right way. Not in any part of Europe. They even screwed up Starbucks.
The McDonald's is too salty.
The women are very plain looking, and anorexic.
And even though I was told over and over again not to be the 'Ugly American' by wearing the kind of clothes I wear, and being loud, and only speaking English, and getting drunk....the Europeans aren't as sophisticated as they would like to believe. The most Jersey Trash looking outfit I have was purchased in Paris, I'm only loud so I can hear myself over the natives, I resort to only speaking English because when I attempt to speak the language they realize I'm American and only speak to me in English, AND I know I love to drink but it's not like we drink in our rooms..We drink in clubs and bars around the country where natives are just as loud, belligerent, and obnoxious as we are.
Whose the Ugly American now?
I have love my time in Europe and I must say it will be bitter/sweet leaving this. But I do miss my life back in good old Long Island, New York.
I think it's safe to start counting down.....20 More days until I smell the sweet scent pollution in NYC!!
During my time in various different countries I have noticed some very shocking differences that I would like to take the time to pint out.
In Paris, contrary to what I have heard in the past, the French are very polite. However they might be too polite for their own good. For example, random people come up to you and ask for cigarettes, and if you say 'no' the people are offended. As if for some reason I owe them my cigarettes!!! In NY people rarely ask for them, and when they ask they offer to pay for one, and if you say 'no' they just walk the world should be.
In London while they may speak English, there are plenty of difference when it comes to defining words. I'm sure we all knew chips means fried in London. But did everyone know that fag meant cigarette? Because I sure didn't and neither did my friend. So when a guy came up to him and said "Could you spot a fag?" he replied with "Well that guy looks pretty homo over there."
In Amsterdam marijuana is legal.....enough said!
Salamanca is the smallest town in the world. (Yea I measured it) During the day time besides eating and shopping there is nothing to do. In fact, the entire town shuts down for three hours for 'siesta' and everyone just sleeps and relaxes during that time. However the party scene is amazing. The bars sell 12 shots for 5 euro!
In Morocco (which is in Africa by the way) the women are totally covered up in head scarves and whatever else Muslim women wear, so sufficient to say I was hit on A LOT!
In Malts (which I don't really know what they are considered. It's an island between Spain and Italy and depending on who you ask they are Spanish, Italian, or Maltesian. ) But in Malta, chivalry is not only dead, but Chris Brownism has taken over. I saw domestic violence at its fullest one night at a club, where a man threw a woman down to the ground and dragged her half way down the block and no one seemed to think it was out of line. O by the way, rabbit is like chicken to these people.
Barcelona is where the Jersey Shore cast vacations.
And in Rome there is not the Italian food that you would so imagine. For example, everything at the OLIVE GARDEN was a LIE!!! There are no unlimited breadsticks, or chicken parmigiana, or pasta alfredo or any of that good shit.
Besides the individual differences each country has, Europe as a whole has characteristics that are completely shocking.
It seems like no one has anywhere to go because they walk at the speed of molasses and they sit and restaurants and cafe's eating and drinking ALL DAY!
At a restaurant don't expect to get your check without waving down the waitress because they assume that like everyone else in Europe you want to spend hours at a time in an uncomfortable chair way after the food has been devoured.
Everyone in Europe speaks a zillion different languages. Now I understand why people come from other countries and think that at least one person will speak their language, because in Europe no matter what country Ive been in, there was always one person in each establishment that was able to communicate with me in English. This is something you would expect more from America because there are so many different cultures there. I never would have expected that in France, everyone would speak English.
They never make coffee the right way. Not in any part of Europe. They even screwed up Starbucks.
The McDonald's is too salty.
The women are very plain looking, and anorexic.
And even though I was told over and over again not to be the 'Ugly American' by wearing the kind of clothes I wear, and being loud, and only speaking English, and getting drunk....the Europeans aren't as sophisticated as they would like to believe. The most Jersey Trash looking outfit I have was purchased in Paris, I'm only loud so I can hear myself over the natives, I resort to only speaking English because when I attempt to speak the language they realize I'm American and only speak to me in English, AND I know I love to drink but it's not like we drink in our rooms..We drink in clubs and bars around the country where natives are just as loud, belligerent, and obnoxious as we are.
Whose the Ugly American now?
I have love my time in Europe and I must say it will be bitter/sweet leaving this. But I do miss my life back in good old Long Island, New York.
I think it's safe to start counting down.....20 More days until I smell the sweet scent pollution in NYC!!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
This Shit Stop Now
I'm so sick this.
That is Lil Kim's wackass I personally loved Lil Kim back in the mothafuckin day. Get over it bitch, your time is done. Shut up and bow down gracefully. Your not 10 years strong...the last song anyone cared about from you was the jumpoff in 2003....for the past 7 years you haven't said shit and you might have been better off keeping it that way. In fact, why don't you go back to jail...where we were all safe from your bad lyrics.
That is Lil Kim's wackass I personally loved Lil Kim back in the mothafuckin day. Get over it bitch, your time is done. Shut up and bow down gracefully. Your not 10 years strong...the last song anyone cared about from you was the jumpoff in 2003....for the past 7 years you haven't said shit and you might have been better off keeping it that way. In fact, why don't you go back to jail...where we were all safe from your bad lyrics.
This is wtf is wrong with the world!!!!
If people are going to post these kinda pics on fb.....they deserve to be ridiculed.
And even weirdo...who the fuck took this picture?????? just succeeded in getting deleted off my fb friends list
Thursday, November 25, 2010
I Swore I Was Going to Marry Him Someday But I Realized Some Bigger Dreams of Mine
I have compiled some song lyrics to describe my love/hate relationship with the men of the world.
"what do you do when you know somethings bad for you and you still can't let go?"
"you see right through me, how do you do that shit?"
"what you got boy is hard to find, i think about it all the time. i'm all strung out my heart is fried. i just can't get you off my mind. because your love is my drug."
"i want you to run through the door, and take me away. no more mistakes. because in your eyes i'd like to stay."
"i hope the ring you gave to her turns her finger green, i hope when your in bed with her you think of me"
"i think i should warn before i get up on you, once i'm done on you i ain't gonna call you."
"your love was like candy, artificially sweet, i was fooled by the wrapping"
"my steeze is gunna be affected if i keep it up like a love sick crackhead."
"shawty imma only tell you this once you the illest"
"when your gone the pieces of my heart are missing you."
"she may believe you, but i never will. never again."
"i was prey in your bed, and devoured completely"
"don't be a little bitch with your chit chat, just show me where your dicks at."
"for your lovein I'm a die hard like bruce willis"
"it's like your a leech, sucking the life from me."
"i've never felt this way before. everything that i do reminds me of you."
"a trophy wife? o how cute. ignorance is bliss."
"i keep going right back to the one thing that i need to walk away from"
"Boy come on now and put a little love in my glove box. Wanna dance with no pants on."
"and i just wanna tell the giirls that can feel me, that i just play the card that niggas deal me"
"we were made for each other."
"never again will i hear you, never again will i miss you, never again will i fall to you. never. never again will i kiss you. never again will i want you. never again will i love you."
"he comes from a foreign place, an island far away, intrigues me with every move till I'm breathless, i'm helpless can't keep my cool"
"it's like i can't breath. it's like i can't see anything.but you."
"you think I'm pretty w/o any makeup on. I know you get me so I let my walls come down."
"all i ever wanted was for you to know everything for you i give my heart and soul."
"remember all the things we wanted? now all the memories there haunted. we were always meant to say
"fuck me? lay me? fuck you pay me. this is what you made. said you wouldn't betray me turn around and raped me."
"you've taken over me. it's like im not me"
"you say you dream of my face but you don't love me you just love the chase."
"and your thinking he's 'the one'"
"ay amor mi duele tanto"
"caught between my mothers words and what i feel inside, wanting to explore his world but part of me wants to hide. should i risk it? can't resist it. this has caught me by surprise. should i let him take me to puerto rico? i can't fight it no more lets go tonight."
"Lets go all the way tonight. No regrets, just love"
"papi hold me. say u adore me. never let go never leave me lonely"
"boy you pms like a bitch i would know"
"i was young and in love. i gave you everything but it wasn't enough."
"guess it wasn't enough to take up some of my love guys are so hard to trust. did i not tell you that im not like that girl? the one who throws it all away"
"we were never meant for do or die. i didn't want us to burn out. i didn't come here to hurt you now i can't stop."
"i go through guys like money flyin out the hands"
"when a female fires back suddenly the target don't know how to act. so he does what any little boy will do, making up a few false rumors or 2. that for sure is not a man to me, slandering names for popularity"
"we fight we break up, we kiss we make up"
"when your 15 and somebody tells you they love you you're gunna believe them."
"if you look back in history it's a common double standard of society. the guy gets all the glory the more he can score while a girl can do the same and yet you call her a whore."
"when im with him i am thinking of you"
"dont think that your charm and the fact that your arm is now around my neck is gunna get you in my pants."
"i want you to move on so im already gone."
"in life i did greater things than dating the boy on the football team, i didn't know it at 15."
"here's to all my ladies with a man who be trying to mack, do it right back to him and let that be that. you need to let him know that his game is wack."
"your love is just a lie"
"he kissed my lips i taste your mouth. he pulled me in i was disgusted with myself. "
"if your gunna be my man understand i can't be tamed, i can't be blamed, i can't be saved, i can't be changed."
"get out of my head, get off of my bed, yeah that's what i said."
"started with a perfect kiss then we could feel the poison set in. perfect couldn't keep this love alive."
"he must talk so big to make up for smaller things."
"solo, im riding solo."
"your the best, and yes i do regret how i could let myself let you go. now the lessons learned. i touched and i was burned."
"you were all the things i thought i knew. you were everything that i wanted. we were meant to be, supposed to be but we lost it."
"I love you enough to let you go."
"i want you, but im not giving in this time."
"i think you know where you belong, i think you know it's with me."
"you and me could write a bad romance"
"back then i swore i was gunna marry him someday but i realized some bigger dreams of mine, and abigail gave everything she had to a boy who changed his mind."
As you can tell...I'm a little schizophrenic on how I feel about men.
"what do you do when you know somethings bad for you and you still can't let go?"
"you see right through me, how do you do that shit?"
"what you got boy is hard to find, i think about it all the time. i'm all strung out my heart is fried. i just can't get you off my mind. because your love is my drug."
"i want you to run through the door, and take me away. no more mistakes. because in your eyes i'd like to stay."
"i hope the ring you gave to her turns her finger green, i hope when your in bed with her you think of me"
"i think i should warn before i get up on you, once i'm done on you i ain't gonna call you."
"your love was like candy, artificially sweet, i was fooled by the wrapping"
"my steeze is gunna be affected if i keep it up like a love sick crackhead."
"shawty imma only tell you this once you the illest"
"when your gone the pieces of my heart are missing you."
"she may believe you, but i never will. never again."
"i was prey in your bed, and devoured completely"
"don't be a little bitch with your chit chat, just show me where your dicks at."
"for your lovein I'm a die hard like bruce willis"
"it's like your a leech, sucking the life from me."
"i've never felt this way before. everything that i do reminds me of you."
"a trophy wife? o how cute. ignorance is bliss."
"i keep going right back to the one thing that i need to walk away from"
"Boy come on now and put a little love in my glove box. Wanna dance with no pants on."
"and i just wanna tell the giirls that can feel me, that i just play the card that niggas deal me"
"we were made for each other."
"never again will i hear you, never again will i miss you, never again will i fall to you. never. never again will i kiss you. never again will i want you. never again will i love you."
"he comes from a foreign place, an island far away, intrigues me with every move till I'm breathless, i'm helpless can't keep my cool"
"it's like i can't breath. it's like i can't see anything.but you."
"you think I'm pretty w/o any makeup on. I know you get me so I let my walls come down."
"all i ever wanted was for you to know everything for you i give my heart and soul."
"remember all the things we wanted? now all the memories there haunted. we were always meant to say
"fuck me? lay me? fuck you pay me. this is what you made. said you wouldn't betray me turn around and raped me."
"you've taken over me. it's like im not me"
"you say you dream of my face but you don't love me you just love the chase."
"and your thinking he's 'the one'"
"ay amor mi duele tanto"
"caught between my mothers words and what i feel inside, wanting to explore his world but part of me wants to hide. should i risk it? can't resist it. this has caught me by surprise. should i let him take me to puerto rico? i can't fight it no more lets go tonight."
"Lets go all the way tonight. No regrets, just love"
"papi hold me. say u adore me. never let go never leave me lonely"
"boy you pms like a bitch i would know"
"i was young and in love. i gave you everything but it wasn't enough."
"guess it wasn't enough to take up some of my love guys are so hard to trust. did i not tell you that im not like that girl? the one who throws it all away"
"we were never meant for do or die. i didn't want us to burn out. i didn't come here to hurt you now i can't stop."
"i go through guys like money flyin out the hands"
"when a female fires back suddenly the target don't know how to act. so he does what any little boy will do, making up a few false rumors or 2. that for sure is not a man to me, slandering names for popularity"
"we fight we break up, we kiss we make up"
"when your 15 and somebody tells you they love you you're gunna believe them."
"if you look back in history it's a common double standard of society. the guy gets all the glory the more he can score while a girl can do the same and yet you call her a whore."
"when im with him i am thinking of you"
"dont think that your charm and the fact that your arm is now around my neck is gunna get you in my pants."
"i want you to move on so im already gone."
"in life i did greater things than dating the boy on the football team, i didn't know it at 15."
"here's to all my ladies with a man who be trying to mack, do it right back to him and let that be that. you need to let him know that his game is wack."
"your love is just a lie"
"he kissed my lips i taste your mouth. he pulled me in i was disgusted with myself. "
"if your gunna be my man understand i can't be tamed, i can't be blamed, i can't be saved, i can't be changed."
"get out of my head, get off of my bed, yeah that's what i said."
"started with a perfect kiss then we could feel the poison set in. perfect couldn't keep this love alive."
"he must talk so big to make up for smaller things."
"solo, im riding solo."
"your the best, and yes i do regret how i could let myself let you go. now the lessons learned. i touched and i was burned."
"you were all the things i thought i knew. you were everything that i wanted. we were meant to be, supposed to be but we lost it."
"I love you enough to let you go."
"i want you, but im not giving in this time."
"i think you know where you belong, i think you know it's with me."
"you and me could write a bad romance"
"back then i swore i was gunna marry him someday but i realized some bigger dreams of mine, and abigail gave everything she had to a boy who changed his mind."
As you can tell...I'm a little schizophrenic on how I feel about men.
Happy Thanksgiving
Since we celebrated ME yesterday I guess it's only fair to take s little time to celebrate to a great American holiday. Because as Americans we came together centuries ago to trick and steal the land from the Native's and force them into Reservations where they can drink, gamble, and waste away for years and years to come. That being said, we all have a lot to be thankful for.
I am thankful that I had the opportunity to travel around Europe this semester.
I'm thankful that while I love everyone in my family, I didn't have to sit at dinner with that awful woman who isn't even part of my family
I am thankful for my friends that I can't wait to see when I get home.
I am thankful for all the friends I have made while in Europe.
I am thankful that I'm pretty much a genius.
I am thankful that my liver is strong.
I am thankful that I have let go of every negative aspect in my life.
I am thankful that I know that I was meant to do great things with my life, and my life is not revolved around a guy.
I am thankful that I have been blesses with enormous common sense.
I am thankful for the information I have fathered about people back at home.
I am thankful that I am me....and not you.
I am thankful that I had the opportunity to travel around Europe this semester.
I'm thankful that while I love everyone in my family, I didn't have to sit at dinner with that awful woman who isn't even part of my family
I am thankful for my friends that I can't wait to see when I get home.
I am thankful for all the friends I have made while in Europe.
I am thankful that I'm pretty much a genius.
I am thankful that my liver is strong.
I am thankful that I have let go of every negative aspect in my life.
I am thankful that I know that I was meant to do great things with my life, and my life is not revolved around a guy.
I am thankful that I have been blesses with enormous common sense.
I am thankful for the information I have fathered about people back at home.
I am thankful that I am me....and not you.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
The Best of Me
I just wanted to take this time to celebrate ME! Because I am very special to this world. And we all need to appreciate me and good looks I bring to this planet.

Here's me at bar in Salamanca, Spain with Theta Phi Beta (a mixture of Kappa phi Beta and Theta phi Alpha)

Me standing outside of my residence in Salamanca Spain

This is me and my sorority big sister...I'm so proud of my graduate!!!

Me when I first fell in love with hair extensions

Senior Dinner 2007...ahh High School days

Me and Krista having the best drink every in Salamanca Spain

jMe with the girls in Rome, Italy

lLast day in Salamanca Spain

These are my REAL tits and that is Krist'a left hand

Leopard print has always been a good color for me

oo you didn't know I was a bartender


Same night in Paris with Alex

First night in Rome!!! Don't worry I have more amazing pictures of me to come!!!
Life just ain't life without me!
Here's me at bar in Salamanca, Spain with Theta Phi Beta (a mixture of Kappa phi Beta and Theta phi Alpha)
Me standing outside of my residence in Salamanca Spain
This is me and my sorority big sister...I'm so proud of my graduate!!!
Me when I first fell in love with hair extensions
Senior Dinner 2007...ahh High School days
Me and Krista having the best drink every in Salamanca Spain
jMe with the girls in Rome, Italy
lLast day in Salamanca Spain
These are my REAL tits and that is Krist'a left hand
Leopard print has always been a good color for me
oo you didn't know I was a bartender
Same night in Paris with Alex
First night in Rome!!! Don't worry I have more amazing pictures of me to come!!!
Life just ain't life without me!
Monday, November 15, 2010
You Found Me?
I Am personally in love with this song. But I have heard many different commentary about what this song is actually about. I am going to help you all out. As I have proven in the past, I am right about everything. I know what this is talking about.
In the first verse, he is clearly talking about God. "I found God." Which is an interesting take on the situation, because the song is called "you found me" but the first lyrics state that the subject found God. Which immediately pulled me into the story because it shows that if there is a God, he isn't perfect. He was hanging out on some corner smoking cigarettes. I guess when your God you don't have to worry about cancer or anything. And further more he must know how to cure would be nice to share such vital information.
When the singer says "Where have you been" and "Where were you when everything was falling apart? All my days were spent by the telephone and it never rang" implies that he needed help or advice from God for a long time, and God never came. Not only did he never come, but to add insult to injury he had to find God himself. Your God, you can find anyone you actually wanted to. It's kind of sad that some heartbroken guy had to walk all the way to the corner of first and Amistad to find God.
The chorus says "lost and insecure you found me" it appears that God finally decided to come "just a little late" so He decided to wait until the poor guy was completely devastated before he made a move.
The next verse talks about a girlfriend who is sick, probably dying of cancer. When he says "in the end everyone ends up alone" and "no way to know how long she will be next to me" implies she is sick and will unfortunately die soon.
In the bridge he talks about how he's "been calling for years" and God "never left no messages never sent no messages" and how God has "some kind of nerve taking all i want" shows that the singer blames God for his girlfriends sickness.
The burning question is "Why'd you have to wait to find me?" WTF took so long. This guy has spent what sounds like years begging for God's help, advice or attention, and he stumbles across God hanging out on corners smoking. I'd be pretty pissed too. Nice to know that when your lying on the floor surrounded, God might be around the corner smoking cigarettes.
And there you have it, that's what lies behind the minds of The Fray (this in no way, shape, or form embodies my personal opinion on God or religion)
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
So while 'studying abroad' I am on a ten day vacation to do whatever the hell I want!!
I went on this vacation with three other people. Krista (who is just like me! She likes to party, she's from New York, she thinks like I think, it's a match made in heaven) Rick (whose from a frat at St. Johns. He's really cool. Also a big patier. Also romantically involved with Krista but I don't think people are supposed to know) and Marc (in the same frat as Rick, there best friends, a huge partier and super funny.)
Our vacation begins on Friday October 29, at around 3:30 pm when we go to the bus stop to get a ticket from Salamanca to Madrid airport.
Walking Krista and I get left behind and attacked by a freaking monsoon. (this is important later on in the story)
The only bus leaves at 9pm that night, which would bring us to the airport at around midnight. Our flight isn't until 6am the next morning. So what do we do? Krista and I drink 14 beers and create a beer castle in a 24 hour bar.
Arriving in Malta, hungover and sleep deprived, we sleep, eat, and go out.
The next day I am suffering severe coughing attacks. Luckily it's a sunday and everthing shuts down so we can't go out anyway.
Monday, we go on a lovely boat cruise. We have an amazing dinner....and then I throw up.
Tuesday we snorkle, we have another amazing dinner....and then I throw up.
If you're not getting the pattern here, I have the fucking flu while in beautiful Malta!!!!!
Tonight is our last night (then off to Barcelona) and I refuse to be miserable!!!!!
-a very sick B.S.
I went on this vacation with three other people. Krista (who is just like me! She likes to party, she's from New York, she thinks like I think, it's a match made in heaven) Rick (whose from a frat at St. Johns. He's really cool. Also a big patier. Also romantically involved with Krista but I don't think people are supposed to know) and Marc (in the same frat as Rick, there best friends, a huge partier and super funny.)
Our vacation begins on Friday October 29, at around 3:30 pm when we go to the bus stop to get a ticket from Salamanca to Madrid airport.
Walking Krista and I get left behind and attacked by a freaking monsoon. (this is important later on in the story)
The only bus leaves at 9pm that night, which would bring us to the airport at around midnight. Our flight isn't until 6am the next morning. So what do we do? Krista and I drink 14 beers and create a beer castle in a 24 hour bar.
Arriving in Malta, hungover and sleep deprived, we sleep, eat, and go out.
The next day I am suffering severe coughing attacks. Luckily it's a sunday and everthing shuts down so we can't go out anyway.
Monday, we go on a lovely boat cruise. We have an amazing dinner....and then I throw up.
Tuesday we snorkle, we have another amazing dinner....and then I throw up.
If you're not getting the pattern here, I have the fucking flu while in beautiful Malta!!!!!
Tonight is our last night (then off to Barcelona) and I refuse to be miserable!!!!!
-a very sick B.S.
Sometimes the Best Thing to do in Life is....
When it comes to people, friendships, relationships everyone is bound to have their ups and downs. No person or situation (besides me) is perfect. People have to be willing to work through their differences and their arguments for the greater good. Even the best of friends are not going to agree on everything all the time. It's not always your place to dictate and force your opinions on them. But it is always your place to support and help them through the decisions they have made. If you have someone who is always there for you and expects nothing in return that is someone you will always want in your life. That is someone you should hold on to. Sometimes the best thing to do in life is keep the best people in your life the closest to you.
There are some people that you're going to think are supposed to be in your life, that aren't. If you can only depend on a person 50% of the time or that person does great things for you but constantly expects something in return that person isn't who you think they are. This person is false advertisement. At times they seem like the perfect friend or significant other because when you need them they are there or becuase they always want to do things for you, but think about it...are they really always there? Or are there times you want to talk because you're upset, or lonely, or just need to vent and they are no where to be found? Do they really nice things for you, or at the slightest sign of trouble do they want compensation? Maybe this is someone who has changed over time. Maybe you aren't even holding on to that person. In most cases you are holding on to who that person used to be, without realizing what they have become. Sometimes you just have to leave the past in the past. Sometimes the best thing to do in life is walk away and never look back.
There are some people that you're going to think are supposed to be in your life, that aren't. If you can only depend on a person 50% of the time or that person does great things for you but constantly expects something in return that person isn't who you think they are. This person is false advertisement. At times they seem like the perfect friend or significant other because when you need them they are there or becuase they always want to do things for you, but think about it...are they really always there? Or are there times you want to talk because you're upset, or lonely, or just need to vent and they are no where to be found? Do they really nice things for you, or at the slightest sign of trouble do they want compensation? Maybe this is someone who has changed over time. Maybe you aren't even holding on to that person. In most cases you are holding on to who that person used to be, without realizing what they have become. Sometimes you just have to leave the past in the past. Sometimes the best thing to do in life is walk away and never look back.
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