Welcome to Uuughhh

A place for me to finally get my unheard opinions out to anyone who would be willing to read it (people with way too much time on their hands)

But this isn't just for me. If you have something you want to wine about but don't want to leave a comment feel free to email me at bajastiletto@gmail.com

Listen to some hot new music by my personal friends, read some crap post some crap, and share with your friends because this really is a spectator sport.


Sunday, May 22, 2011

What She Said/What He Heard

So it's not secret that most men are communicationally challenged. But there is a thin line between being shy, and being stupid. There is only so many ways one (the woman) could say things, id the other (the man) cannot grasp the concept, how long should one (the woman) try to explain. A lot of magazines try and give communication advice to women, we don't need communication advice. I know how to talk, I talk extremely well. It's the men in my life that not only don't know how to voice their opinions and feelings, but they also don't know how to listen. I'm going to share some parts of a conversation that I had earlier today with my boyfriend. You tell me if I was being unclear.

1. I said "I have a lot of things that I need to say, so please let me just say what I got to say and then you can add in when I'm done"
He said, "Okay go ahead."
What he must have heard was "O I"m going to talk but feel free to disregard it and interject whenever you see fit"
Because what he did was interrupt me with every sentence I sad.

2.I said "I don't want to dwell or argue about this, but the way you spoke to me was really uncalled for."
What he must have heard was "I just want to beat a dead horse"
Because what he did was argue about the same shit I said I didn't want to argue about.

3. I said, "I really don't want to break up, I just want you to see where I'm coming from"
What he must have heard was "I'm going to talk your ear off and then dumb you"
Because what he said was "If you want to break up just say it, we don't have to go through everything."

4. I said, "I think you should have done certain things differently."
What he must have heard was "I think I'm perfect and everything you do is wrong."
Because what he did was attack me and my life and complain about his life is full of drama and hardships that I couldn't possibly understand.

5. I said, "I just need you to work on your communication because I can't be in a relationship like this."
What he must have heard was, "I'm threatening you, do this or I'm dumping you."
Because what he did was interrupt me and ask if I was threatening him.

6. I said, "So you can you at least promise to work on your communication skills for the sake of our relationship."
What he must have heard, "Give me the shortest and rudest reply possible, because I enjoy when you hurt my feelings."
Because he said, "I don't know we'll see."

7. I said, "Whatever bye."
What he must have heard was, "Call me back and act like a grown up for 5 minutes"
Because what he did was call me back in like two minutes and apologize for everything.

8. I said, "It's not going to be that easy."
What he must have heard was, "Okay I'm off the hook now."
Because then he tried to be all lovey dovey and shit.

So is it me? Am I the crazy one? Because I believe myself to be a very clear, accurate, and blunt person. I say what I mean, there is no double talk with me. So the question stands....are women hard to understand? Or are men just stupid?

Saturday, May 21, 2011

May 21, 2011

So it has come to my attention that the end of the world starts today. Apparently according to the Bible (of course something so stupid had to come from something just as stupid) And the world is to endure five months of torture before the world comes to a complete end on October 21, 2011.

While I believe in the end of the world just as much as I believe that Spongebob Squarepants is a great heterosexual role model for this nations youth, I choose to entertain this idea for the purposes of my blog.

And to start off, I am going to make a list of reasons why the world should end.

1. crocs
2. people wearing open toed shoes without a pedicure
3. denim jeans with a matching denim jacket
4. denim jeans with mismatching denmin jackets
5. glee
5. buildings with no wheel chair ramp
6. homophobic people
7. racist people
8. knock off designer bags
9. celibate people
10.pregnant teens
11.people who don't use condoms
12.maxi dresses
13.people who can't keep secrets
14.the south
15.adult virgins
17.small dicks
18.floral dresses
20.a week full of rain
22.bad boyfriends
23.george bush
24.george w. bush

Add ons are welcome....

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Health Tips on the Go

Okay so I am currently trying out weight watchers diet (which is so far a beautiful invention. I never feel deprived of anything but I’m still some how losing weight) Anyway, the fact that I am on weight watchers should clue you into the fact that I am not a skinny a girl, and if you don’t understand words as well there a numerous photos of myself plastered all over this blog that can clarify what I am trying to say. I’m not skinny, I am not trying to get skinny, I do not want to be skinny, and I will never be classified as skinny….I’ve seen skinny girls. It’s kind of sickly looking. A lot of of skinny people don’t look healthy at all. With to ass, tits, thighs, hips….rappers don’t just sing about it because it rhymes ladies, it’s because without those attributes you have a boy figure….and no straight man wants to date a bitch who’s flatter than he is.
Despite what the last few sentences might have sounded like, this entry isn’t about bashing skinny people (it was just a perk out of the entire situation) because to each his own. For example, my mom just lost a massive amount of weight and she was classified as in her healthy weight range for her height. However, after Easter she gained 10lbs and looks fabulous, because when she was at her “healthy weight” she was a size A cup and had lost all form in her ass. Now she wears a C and has her shape back in all the right places, but she would rather lose the 10 pounds and look the way she did before, which is far beyond my understanding.
Anyway, while I am not trying to look anorexic, I am trying to tighten up certain features. My stomach and arms are at the top of my priority list. For women who are in m same position I have developed a few eating and exercise tips that seem to have been working for me.
1. I understand a gym membership is expensive (because my gym costs $40 a month for a year contract) and since we are in a recession (or if you are working at an unpaid internship like I am) there is very little extra spending cash for necessities such as food and clothing, definitely not for luxuries like gym memberships. And there is no need to waste that kind of money, when all the exercise you need is on this great earth. For all you outdoors bitches out there, go on a brisk walk outside, take a hike, go swimming. Now that the weather is nice there is a limitless amount of free options you could take part in to lose weight and be health. If you r an indoor kind of girl try the FitTV network if you have Verizon FiOs. That channel has 24 hours of workout routines that are free! And if you don’t have the channel try buying a workout DVD and seeing how that works out (great play on words.)
2. Getting the necessities for a workout is only part of the problem. If you’re like me, waking up at 7 a.m. working until 6 p.m. not getting home until 8 p.m. and by that time you just want to pass out, finding time to work out is another huge problem. I have incorporated a few ways to lose weight while doing your normal every day activities. I work in queens where parking sucks, so I end parking my car a few blocks away from my office. It takes me between 7 to 10 minutes to walk from my car to the office. I make at least four trips to and from my car a day while at work, so I just added 28 to 40 minutes of exercise to my day without even trying. Another trick is when using public bathrooms don’t create a nest of toilet paper so you can sit on the toilet. Instead squat in front of the toilet. If you use the public rest room 3-5 times a day, and your urination time is the average of 30 seconds, you have done between 1 ½ to 3 minutes of squatting without even trying, which not only burns calories but it shapes you thighs and butt.
3. Eating has always been a huge problem for me. Because I love food, and I never want to deprive myself of food and I never want to feel hungry. I’m never going to be a twigs and berries kind of girl, I like meat and potatoes and rice and all those things that aren’t good for you. But they can be good for you if eaten in the right nmoderation. Last night I ate steak and mashed potatoes without breaking diet. Because the steak was a small serving size, and I only had 1 cup of mashed potatoes. I companied with broccoli and the chips appetizer and I was full for the entire night. So I guess what I’m saying is eat filling foods, have veggies with them, and drink a lot of water because that fills you up as well.
4. I’m not saying calorie count, I’m saying calorie compare. Sure you could have a small fry from McDonald’s and throw away 250 calories on something that will only hold you over for an hours at most, or you could have grilled chicken, rice, and veggies which will amount to the same amount of calories but keep you full for at least 3 hours.

Dieting is hard, so don’t diet, change your lifestyle for the better.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My Job Is Done

Wow I've finally actually offended someone!!! YESSSS!!!  Keep the comments coming <3

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

DAY 13

I know I'm like months late with the rest of this, but it appears that I am uselees at work right now so I'm going to take advantage of the 13 minutes I have left.

Nicki Minaj - Gold (2011)

With God As My Witness

This world has become a breeding ground for ‘religilous’ idea.

Never mind the fact that there are so many beliefs and religions in this world you can’t even differentiate between the nonsensical from the down-right stupid.

It was one thing when we had basic Christianity and Judaism, but with Rastafarianism, Mormons, and Scientology it’s more apparent than ever that any religion is just a big joke. And furthermore, if there is a God, he’s probably really annoyed that people keep coming up with more ridiculous ways to worship Him. I know if I were God, (which I sometimes believe myself to be) I’d be pissed if people thought that by going to building (church, temple, whatever you want to call it) and reciting some bogus poetry (prayers) to some child molester (priest) would guarantee such a person of residing in my beautiful Heaven in their after-life……I’d be pissed!

So unlike the religions of the world, I’m not just going to tell you to believe in something with no explanation whatsoever, I have actual methods behind my madness.
Let us first pick apart the Bible.

In Catholicism, people are taught the Jesus was born from a virgin birth. However, that fact is nowhere in the Bible. You would think if one was compiling stories of important events in Jesus’ life, you wouldn’t want to leave out the fact that he was somehow conceived by a virgin. There are two simple explanations for the conception of Jesus.

1. The Virgin Mary was a whore who was throwing her pussy cat and any and everybody, so therefore when she turned up pregnant she decided to make up the whole virgin birth thing. Since the men she slept with were all married and weren’t going to set the record straight there was no one to contrast her story.

2. God raped The Virgin Mary and didn’t want to be known as a rapist so he made up the virgin birth story to keep his name clean. And The Virgin Mary was too embarrassed to dispute it (because you know how rape victims are.
While we’re still on the subject of the Bible, even if you could get passed the fact that Mary was a whore or God was a rapist, could you really believe in something that was based on so much racism, sexism, abuse and hypocrisy? The Bible endorses slavery and domestic violence. There is a line in the Bible that tells us it is okay to beat your wife with a stick as long as it is no thicker than your thumb. In Catholicism we are taught God loves everyone. I guess homosexuals don’t count, at least not according to the Bible.
And if there is a Jesus, I’m sorry for all you racist honkeys out there, BUT HE IS NOT WHITE! If we are going to follow the Bible, Jesus was from Egypt, which is in Africa. You can’t go to church, have a bible and have a picture of white Jesus in your living room, it’s sacrilegious.
Okay I’m getting a little tired of picking on Catholics, what about Muslims? If September 11 wasn’t a huge wake- up call on how dangerous this religion is, let me open your eyes. Muslims want us to believe that there are just a few radical thinkers in a bunch of relatively normal believers, which is not the case. When was the last time a Jew killed anyone for disagreeing about something in the Torah? Well I don’t really know, but there’s no way Jewish people can double as accountants AND murderers. Muslims have been killing there own kind for years for writing certain books or singing certain songs. Once they can kill one of their own, the lines of decency have been crossed and everyone is a target. (Don’t get me started on black on black crime.)

We don’t even have to talk about religion, we can just talk about people. Why do people say “thank God” every time something good happens. But when something bad happens no one ever says “blame God” the excuse is always “everything happens for a reason.” What the fuck kind of logic is that. So if my friend dies of cancer, it was for a reason unbeknownst to any of us, but if she survives rather than thank the doctor, I’m to “thank god?” Something about this situation isn’t sitting right with me.

And if there is a God, how lazy can he be? There’s war and shit going down here buddy, maybe you want to snap your fingers and make it all go away…thanks for all your support.

Then again, if I were God I would let the world go to shit every once in awhile so that I can be entertained.

Wouldn’t it suck if right after posting this God literally came down here, and slit my throat? He’s capable of that shit, read the Bible.


Sunday, May 15, 2011

My Guide To Parenthood

It seems like millions of authors are getting rich quick from parenting books.  Even if you don't have the money to spend on a five pound book you can google anything these days.  So the question remains why are so many parents being arrested for negligence and abuse of their children? I think the reason is because most parenting books are written by 60 year old grandparents who haven't dealt with the problems of parenting in approximately 30 years.
Don't worry, I'm here to help, a 21 year old college senior who has never had kids, and never wants them.  I am going to give you all the best parenting advice that ever lived.


Babies cry.  There is no need to dote on them every single time the little bugger makes a peep.  I'm not saying to neglect the child.  But if you try feeding it and changing it and playing with it, maybe the little niglets just spoiled.  And by you constantly giving it attention every single time it whimpers isn't making the situation any better.


Disciplining young children is most affective when hitting is involved.  Lessons not learned in blood are soon forgotten.  Just to reiterate, I am not suggesting abusing your child.  However, if a two year old child is constantly running into your medicine cabinet, you can't reason and explain to it why it is so dangerous.  The only thing that kid is going to understand is a slap on the hand or on the buttocks.  Keep in mind that a punch in the head or stomach will be considered child abuse, you will be arrested and prosecuted to fullest extent of the law...and I do not take responsibility for that.


One of the reasons so many parents abuse their children is because they spend way too much time with them. Get your kids into activities.  Think about it, if it's in school until 3pm, get some extracurricular activities going.  Believe me, as little as you want your kids at home, that's as little as they want to be there.  Put them in dance, or gymnastics, or football, or whatever would be gender friendly to your particular child.


Now that we have pretty much taken care of the years from birth to adolescence, let's tackle the teen years.  I've heard so much parenting advice relating to privacy.  It is very important for your teen to believe that you respect their privacy.  The word to pay attention to is think.  I was a teenager not too long ago, and believe me too much privacy is a breeding ground for your teen to get into sex, drugs, and alcohol.  However, if you make it obvious that you don't give them any privacy they are going to think you don't trust them, which will shut down all lines of communication, which is not good!
That being said, you don't trust your teen.  Trusting your teen is the biggest mistake you could make.  This is going to sound extremely cliche, but as long as it is living under your roof, it should follow your rules.
Therefore, one way to ensure you and your teen have an open and healthy relationship, read it's personal information.  For example, if you're going through their room to clean (aka snoop) don't be afraid to check their facebook or twitter or diary.  What they don't know won't hurt them and what you find out could save their lives!
The second part of this snooping that is where most parents fuck up is the don't say shit part.  Once you have found out certain information, you can't use it because you can't let your teen know you snooped.  You can use it as a guide to help you in the future, and to know exactly what they are capable of.  But you can't punish them for something you only knew because you were creeping.


Remember those lines of communication we were talking about earlier?  While they are important, they are not always necessary.  A lot of parents want to push their kids to talk to them all the time.  Do you really have nothing better to do that you really want to talk to 15 year old all day?  If your kid is giving you the silent treatment, thank your lucky fuckin stars you don't have to listen to it bitch about the most important thing that happened in 7th period today.


So you know how I said if your child is living under your roof it follows your rules?  That doesn't really apply once the kid is 18 and working or going to school.  Sure there are some rules you implement like there's no fucking and drinking or whatever, but curfews and shit isn't going to fly and you will just push you adult child away.  If that is what you want, go for it, but for a healthy relationship you need to give your adult room to grow!!

Look I just condensed all those huge useless books into one internet blog! I think this will be helpful because I  am still a kid a heart, and I think I know what kids need.  So for all those cliche's saying parenthood is so hard because there is no instructions manual....EAT THIS