Welcome to Uuughhh

A place for me to finally get my unheard opinions out to anyone who would be willing to read it (people with way too much time on their hands)

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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Confession 29

Well I have the word 'fearless' tattooed on my left wrist.  This tattoo might have been an exaggeration.  I would love to change that tattoo to say 'dangerous' instead.  Because it's a dramatic over statement to say that I am fearless.  I may do a lot of dare-devil/crazy things but that's not because I'm fearless, it's because I'm dangerous. Half the things I do actually scare me a lot, I am just too hard headed to use my common sense and refrain from doing them.  And that will probably never change.
That being said something that I am actually physically scared of are thunder/lightening storms.  When they happen I might break down into tears if I'm alone.
Something that I'm emotionally afraid of is settling for something.  I always have a fear that I'm going to think someone or something is great but it won't be as great as it could be and because I'm settling I will never know what else is out there.

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