Welcome to Uuughhh

A place for me to finally get my unheard opinions out to anyone who would be willing to read it (people with way too much time on their hands)

But this isn't just for me. If you have something you want to wine about but don't want to leave a comment feel free to email me at bajastiletto@gmail.com

Listen to some hot new music by my personal friends, read some crap post some crap, and share with your friends because this really is a spectator sport.


Monday, February 21, 2011

day 12+

I also love tequila

Day 12

Erica Simone

Yess i love myselfffff

Day 11

Day 10

Colie Em

My sorority sister and big guy Colie

Day 9

Karlene Wellington Curtiss

My Mommy

Day 8

Day 7

Day 6

Day 5


I'm having some technical difficulties with fb and my pics :(

Day 4

I don't have any pictures from last night....:(

But I can explain my night as being cold, long, annoying, and unnecessary!!

Day 3

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 2

A picture of me and whose been with me the longest is (not the bottle of jose cuervo...even though it was a close second) this little white bitch right here!!!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

day 1

1. This is a picture of me when I was in Italy
2. My name is Erica Simone Maria Curtiss
3. I'm 21 years old
4. I'm in a sorority
5. I go to St. Johns
6. I major in journalsims
7. I double minor in criminal justice and public relations
8. I'm single
9. I have two younger sisters
10. I was born and raised on Long Island New York
11. I love to shop
12. I love Olive Garden
13. I can't cook anything
14. I love dogs
15. I love summer


My life in 30 days

So I really enjoyed doing the 30 days of confessions, so I'm going to do this now which will just be pictures.  I'm sure you will enjoy it more because I know how difficult words are for most of you guys. 

Day 01 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts

Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest

Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show

Day 04 - A picture of your night

Day 05 - A picture of your favorite memory

Day 06 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day

Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item

Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh

Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most

Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most wildest things with

Day 11 - A picture of something you hate

Day 12 - A picture of something you love

Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist

Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without

Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die

Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you

Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently

Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity

Day 19 - A picture and a letter

Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel

Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget

Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at

Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book

Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change

Day 25 - A picture of your day

Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you

Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member

Day 28 - A picture of something you're afraid of

Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile

Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss

cold cut meat is left over parts of meat, filled with filler (plastic, bones, 'meat particles')

think about it...when you go to a deli and they have a big circle of meat they cut for you.....since when did u see a turkey in the shape of a big circle?

Oh And By The Way

KFC breeds their own gross deformed chickens from birth that they don't clean or take care of.  Franken Fried Food is what I'm going to have to call it...

I'm NEVER Eating Again

So I am currently sitting in the back of my Public Relations Campaigns class and I AM DISGUSTED!

I'm sure we all remember the mad cow disease catastrophe that had everyone (including Oprah Winfry refusing to eat to meat.  What I didn't realize is what mad cow disease was.  So first I want to inform you all that mad cow disease happened when meat industries fed dead cows to live cows. GROSS!

So PR companies were able to get people to eat dead cows by calling it a hamburger, Because if we called it a dead diseased cow no one would eat it.  However we call chicken 'chicken' because it's usually not diseased.

Something more recent is that taco bell doesn't use beef in their meat products.  Taco Bell used 14 percent meat and the rest of it all meat product that you would find in a dog food bag. I didn't want to believe this about Taco Bell when I read it in the New York Times a few weeks ago, but in class with the information I am currently looking at, I can't deny it any longer. I stood by taco bell during the ecoli issue....but dog food....I don't know man...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Last Night

So I am no stranger to partying and drinking but at what point have I crossed the line into alcoholism?

My lifestyle guru (this really hot guy I met last year who helps me eat well and exercise) just suggested that I see a therapist for my drinking problems.

I don't even remember most of the details that happened last night.  By 10:30 I was wasted, and that didn't stop me from continuing to drink. I had to decipher through jumbled text messages I was attempting to send to see if anything rang a bell.  After I read one message that read "sasha is peeing" I realized the messages weren't really a big help. And I guess because of the type of people I hang out with I thought it was totally normal to drink and black out on a regular basis.  Last night I learned that its not.

I know it not normal to drink with the intent to black out every night.

And knowing is the first step....that next step that involves change and shit is going to take a while.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Confession 30

If you're going to talk about it, you better be about it

That's my motto.

I feel like too many people are all about talk and very little action.  If you haven't seen something, don't tell me what it looks like.  If you haven't done something, don't tell me how it is. And if you say you're going to do something FUCKING  do it it!

So that's it....those are my 30 confessions.....I hope that gave you a little more insight into my life.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


"I hate the ocean, it's full of whale sperm.  Google it.  That's why the water is so salty."

Confession 29

Well I have the word 'fearless' tattooed on my left wrist.  This tattoo might have been an exaggeration.  I would love to change that tattoo to say 'dangerous' instead.  Because it's a dramatic over statement to say that I am fearless.  I may do a lot of dare-devil/crazy things but that's not because I'm fearless, it's because I'm dangerous. Half the things I do actually scare me a lot, I am just too hard headed to use my common sense and refrain from doing them.  And that will probably never change.
That being said something that I am actually physically scared of are thunder/lightening storms.  When they happen I might break down into tears if I'm alone.
Something that I'm emotionally afraid of is settling for something.  I always have a fear that I'm going to think someone or something is great but it won't be as great as it could be and because I'm settling I will never know what else is out there.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

There's Got To Be More To Life Then Chasing Down Every Temporary High To Satisfy Me

I don't know how to explain this because it is just so different than how I've felt for the majority of my life.  But I want something more. 
I have an empty space in me, and I don't know what I would want to fill it.
My philosophy is that this void didn't just appear out of nowhere in my soul, I think that for years I have been filling the void with alcohol, drugs, parties, and sex.  While all those things are fun, it's not enough for me anymore.
I don't know what exactly I would need to feel whole again.  It could be that I am really ready for a serious relationship.  It could also be that I am feeling extremely anxious about the future because I'm a second semester junior who has never had an internship and will most likely still be working at TJ Max with a Masters Degree. 
I can't explain where this feeling of emptiness came from but lately I have just been bored with my life.  Which is in no way normal because, not to brag, but I live a pretty exciting life. 

Well when I figure it out I will be sure to keep you all posted.

For now I will continue being dazed and confused.

Confession 28

This is super cliche because the fact that I spend my free time writing on an internet blog makes it clear that I love writing.  Writing is a passion of mine and it is possibly my favorite hobby. 

Another passion that is less obvious is the fact that I love to dance.  I was in a dance studio when I was younger and I always thought it was a hassle going to classes and spending 30 hours a week in dance studios and practicing but as soon as I graduated I missed every second of it. And now I practice alone in my room to Jar of Hearts and Thinking of You.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

PR Tactics To Make You Uncomfortable at Popular Dining Establishments

So today I'm in my Public Relations Campaigns class and my professor revealed tactics a lot of food industries use to get you to maximize the amount of money you spend, while minimizing the amount of time you spend at the place of business.
For example, at Burger King many of the colors used to advertise special deals and even to decorate the building are red, orange and yellow.  They choose these colors because statistics show that these colors make people anxious.  Therefore people usually just pay for their food, eat and immediately leave.
Another tactic is at IHOP.  While they don't use colors they do use other ways to get the same results.  At IHOP they give you a big pot of coffee to drink and all you can eat pancakes and it seems as though they want you to just hang out forever.  What you don't notice is that statistics show that by raising the level of the table by two inches the counter is now at an uncomfortable level for anyone who is of normal height sitting at the booth.  Therefore, even though you don't feel anxious enough to leave the restaurant you are slightly uncomfortable and can't sit any longer in your chair.
Check out these tactics the next time you're out and you feel the urge to leave prematurely.


So I have two option thanks to an anonymous facebook friend.  Both options have to do with sex and rather than choose between the two I am just going to answer them both.

First I am going to describe my fantasy sex/ ideal night of sex would be.  I have actually thought about this a lot so it's not so hard to communicate.  I want to be teased.  With most guys, once it is physically obvious that we are going to have sex they just pretty much want to fast forward to the sex and there is no longer any type of foreplay. Before the sex actually happens I would want to be touched all over.  I would want my special spots touched.  Meaning i want fingers running through my hair while kissing my ears and neck.  I want his hands to run  slowly up and down the small of my back.  I am also very interested in having things poured on me.  I've never had sex with the typical food items that I've seen in the movies (and by movies I mean porn.)  I would love to have honey poured on me or whip cream surrounding parts of his body.  And as for sex positions I almost always prefer to start with him on top.  But then I like to quickly move into doggy style because I love the way my ass jiggles.  And I almost always like end it on top because i think the guy has an amazing view looking up at my DD tits.

As far as describing what the best sex I ever had is that is a little more difficult because in my past I have had a lot of sex.  So I guess I can just describe really good sex that I had while I was in Europe.  So the whole time I was involved with one guy in particular and we started having sex, and the sex was always really really good.  But the last time was just amazing.  I think it was one of the few times we actually had sober sex, so the fact that I could remember all the details was a good thing.  But the way he started was just so slick.  Like when he came to my room I had no idea that we would end up having sex.  And he slowly came on by bed n started breathing in my ear which is definitely a sex spot of mine.  Then he kissed me and started caressing my boobs.  Then my grandmother called  me on the phone and while I was laying in the bed talking too her he got a condom and just went in.  And it was that much better because it felt so naughty.  I will never forget that day.