Welcome to Uuughhh

A place for me to finally get my unheard opinions out to anyone who would be willing to read it (people with way too much time on their hands)

But this isn't just for me. If you have something you want to wine about but don't want to leave a comment feel free to email me at bajastiletto@gmail.com

Listen to some hot new music by my personal friends, read some crap post some crap, and share with your friends because this really is a spectator sport.


Monday, August 29, 2011

Hitting Below the Belt

When arguing with someone you know very well and have developed a strong bond with and even might love in some way (whether it be friendship or otherwise) it is easy to 'hit below the belt.'

Hitting below the belt is when you say something in an argument that you know will not only really hurt the other person but usually has nothing to do with the initial argument.

While most people believe hitting below the belt is always a bad thing I believe it is sometimes necessary.

On Bad Girl's Club Season 5 Brandi and Danielle got into an argument regarding throwing things in the house. Danielle said "I'm not a stripper at least I don't take my clothes off for money bitch." When saying this Danielle was low blowing Brandi and calling her out for being stripper. So Brandi retaliated by saying "I'm not a heroine addict hoe." Because Danielle struggled with a heroine addiction. While what Brandi said might have affected Danielle in a more intense way, it doesn't mean what Danielle said was any less hurtful. If you can't take a low blow you shouldn't throw one.

A real life example is when I was in high school and I was best friends with a girl who turned on me for some reason that I still don't know we would get into little spits and spats on a daily basis. But one day in class we got back quiz results that we both failed and the professor, who was so hot, said what did you guys do cheat off each other? And the girl said "don't compare me to that slut" so I said "Please if I was going to be compared to anyone it wouldn't be a fat Mexican whose own parents didn't love her." She was adopted so it really struck a nerve with her and she left the class crying. I only attack when I feel threatened. I'm a pit bull, most girls are just kittens. Kittens are loud and they do that little scratching thing but I can kill you in a heart beat and walk away with no remorse.

Lesson: if you know your a pussy don't try and play with the big boys

Cheating is in the pants

Have you ever heard the saying that "cheating is in the heart?"

I just recently heard the saying while watching an episode of Degrassi where Marco (a gay characto) hooked up with Ellie (his female roommate) and when he discussed the incident with Paige (his other female roommate) he asked her if he should tell his boyfriend and if it's considered cheating and Paige's response was "I think cheating is in the heart, I think it depends on what you were feeling."

I don't know if it's just me...but I personally don't care what anyone was thinking if you kiss someone else while I'm dating you you could have been thinking about arson for all I care but you still cheated.

Why does it mater what someone was thinking when they shoved their tongue down someone else's throat?

Cheating isn't in the heart because that would mean it has something to do with feelings outside of your hormones. If you are with someone you love and you cheat on them thats from the libido.

Cheating is in the pants

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Why do women think the only way to get a man to do what they want is by manipulating them?


Friends with Benefits

In light of the summer hit movie Friends with Benefits starring actress Mila Kunis and ex N'Sync member wanna-be actor but he's horrible at is Justin Timberlake. In the film two adults who look to have just escaped from disturbing relationships decide that the only thing they want from each other is sex. I have lived in the friends with benefits land many times and it really isn't as complicated as people make it out to be.
The ingredients for this mix are simple.
1. Take 1 part confident woman. You can't substitute for a girl pretending to be confident. If she doesn't have high self esteem she will bring other ingredients to the mix that can just ruin a meal, such as jealousy and annoyance.
2. Take 2 parts understanding man. Don't confuse this for a guy who thinks by having a friend with benefits means he has a whore. If he wants one of those he can hang around that sleezy motel on the corner for the cops to raid and wait for whatever prostitutes escape from the back window and he'll probably get a discount.
3. Take massive amounts of communication. It's important that both parties involved understand exaclty what the other expects. You want to be friends and hang out and talk but you also want to have sex. You will have to discuss with your special friend protocaul for seeing other people and having other "friends" because if one of you isn't comfortable with one aspect of the relationship the whole thing will undoubtedly fall apart.
4. Add honesty. Don't pretend to be okay with something that you are not okay with. Speak up about what you expect otherwise you have no one to blame but yourself.
5. Mix in a dash of self respect and be able to realize that if you start having feelings for the other person by sticking around and continuing to have sex with them without any form of commitment is not going to make the other person think of you any different. Think about it, how is doing the same thing going to make anyone thing anything different?
&. Sprinkle a bit of fun. The reason most people get involved in friends with benefits is because they like all the perks of a relationship without the drama. The benefits in your arrangement are great but don't forget your friends and should be able to go out and have fun being with each other without having sex.
7. Take all the ingredients and stir in the bedroom and just pray not to get a bun in the oven. Good luck

Thursday, July 7, 2011

For the fashion impared

Now I’m usually always all about looking sexy. Even at the office I try to pull off the Kim Kardashian-esque attire she wears for business meetings and such. But when I look sexy at work it is in a very professional way. I cover up my cleavage (as much as I possibly can) and when I wear skirts they are still knee length. I’m 21 years old and I grasp the concept of sexy vs. skanky in the work place.
With that being said, it boggles my mind how people in at least their 30s can get dressed in the morning, look in the mirror and truly believe they look acceptable for work.
I just walked into the office today and I’m walking behind one of the professional people (not an intern) and she’s wearing a sky blue mini skirt, I mean a legit mini skirt. Like with the color and the length I wouldn’t be surprised if she wore that last night, stayed out too late and just came to work in the same outfit. Coupled with the scandalous skirt was a barely-there tank top. I couldn’t tell if this bitch was going to the beach or to the office. And to top off the entire ensemble were 6” wedges that, even if they were on some planet considered work appropriate, didn’t even match her tacky outfit.
Maybe it’s me. Is it possible at my young age that I am old fashioned when it comes to office attire? Have I been brain washed by movies, society and my parents that led me to believe that if I dressed to much like what I would normally wear that I wouldn’t be taken seriously? I don’t think it’s me. I think people have been confusing work clothing with everyday clothing and club clothing and even beach clothing.
My mother has been going on various job interviews since completing her nursing classes. She just recently informed me that she went on one job interview where all the applicants, with the exception of her and one other woman, were wearing jeans, flips flops and tank tops. And the people wearing these frumpy outfits saw nothing wrong with it.
I admit that times are changing, I mean we have a black president, gays can unite in holy matrimony and teens getting pregnant is part of the norm, but it is not in today’s time or any time acceptable to go to work looking like the hot mess you were last night.
Time’s aren’t changing that much.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Modern Day Slavery

A slave is defined as a person who is the property of and wholly subject to another; an intern is a person who works as an apprentice or trainee in an occupation or profession to gain practical experience, and sometimes also to satisfy legal or other requirements for being licensed or accepted professionally, they don’t sound like the same thing to me.
But the two have various similarities, the biggest one being that you are working for no pay under the constant command of someone else.
I was just scolded by my bosses for not “taking this internship seriously,” and not “putting enough into it.”
Oh I’m sorry I didn’t realize I was slacking off so much.
It takes me two hours to get to work from home sometimes. Up until recently I was the only intern who came at 10 a.m. and left at 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday.
I did everything I have ever been asked to do, plus came up with numerous ideas on my own.
I got sexually harassed doing an assignment for their paper, I got lost in ghetto doing another assignment and I got into a car accident just trying to get to work. I work my ass off while I’m here, and when I’m not doing anything, before I start working on my blog, I always ask if anyone needs help with anything.
Until today, I have never turned down an assignment. I have gone to Maspeth, Flushing, St. Albans and god knows where else just to do stories that sometimes don’t get printed anyway!
Today, they asked me to do an assignment in Astoria Queens at 6:30 p.m. I work until 5 p.m. I have a life outside of this non-paying internship. I babysit, I go to the gym, I work at another bullshit job in order to have a little pocket change since this internship takes the majority of my time. So even if I had my car I could not do an assignment that late because I have to be home by 8 p.m.
I think it’s disgusting that the bosses, who have by the way been sitting in the office all day doing nothing, are trying to guilt me into doing an assignment that I can’t do. And to tell me that I need to use my resources and take public transportation, are you paying for my train ticket??? Or the new shoes I would have to buy to walk up and down streets?
I have never complained (to the bosses or my coworkers) about this job because I know it’s a good opportunity and a foot in the door of journalism, but this is ridiculous.
You can’t treat people this way, I don’t care what their title is.

Girls Never Change

As a woman, it is not a secret that girls can be vicious. We have all seen exactly how horrible girls can be in movies such as Mean Girls, Jawbreaker and Heathers. But those movies all have something in common, the movies were centered around high school girls, meaning the villains in these movies were 15, 16 and 17 years old. You would think the cattiness would end after high school, maybe even after college…but now that I have taken a step into the real world, I see that girls, tweens, teens, women or old ass bitches, there all the same.
Throughout my adolescence I had to deal with girls not liking me for no reason. They would call me names, they would say I was stuck up and thought I was too good for any of them (which was totally true.) But I thought all that would end once I closed the doors of Copiague High School behind me. Apparently I was wrong.
Even in college at St. John’s University, which is a top rated New York school (just so you realized I didn’t attend college with the same assholes from H.S. at Nassau or Suffolk.) And even then I have dealt with drama between girls ages ranging from 18-25. To be fair, I am in a sorority, so therefore levels of maturity must be taken into account. It can totally be compared to being in a gang. We are identified by our colors, we have ‘beef’ with groups of girls in other colors and we like to mark our territory. So there have been instances where we have had issues with other sororities and even fraternities.
But then when you enter the working world, you think you are surrounded by intelligent, well educated, mature people. Think again.
I’m not counting my four years of experience at TJ Max because anyone is hired there. You don’t need any type of degree or any type of intellect; therefore you are bound to witness immature pettiness because you work with immature petty people.
But when you are working at a real place of business, it would be nice to feel safe from that kind of stupidity.
I am an intern, and I think my female boss hates me, for reasons unbeknownst to me. It feels just like H.S. all over again. At first, I thought she was just a bitch, which I could respect because I’m a bitch. And a woman who is running a company would have to be a bitch for people to respect her. But then I started noticing she was only a bitch towards me, and no one else. She’s very nice to the other employees, but then I thought I’m just an intern maybe she doesn’t respect me enough to show me the same courtesy she shows the real workers. But then when new interns started showing up and she was being so nice to them I knew it must be a personal vendetta against me. On my first day at the office I was yelled at. When I got lost on the job I was shown no sympathy. I was criticized for mistakes I didn’t make. My work was edited harshly while others were applauded. She constantly gives me looks of disgust whenever I try to talk to her, which only makes me nervous. Then I hear her laughing and joking with other interns in her office.
So now that we have established a pattern of behavior that proves the dragon lady does not like me, let’s try to come up with some valid reasons why she could possibly not like little old me.
1. I’m extremely good looking.
Like believe it or not it is a curse, and it has been the basis for a lot of girls I’ve dealt with to not be too fond of me. She dresses really nice and looks really good, and for the most part, no one in this office pays attention to their looks. So she was the hottest thing at the office (in her mind) and then I come along, being at least 15 years younger, with amazing fashion sense (even for drab business attire) and she feels like I’m competition. (For what I have no idea, she spends her whole time in the office with the bigger boss, who is bigger in EVERY way, trust me she can have him!)
*For the next reasons it’s either one or the other, I don’t think it’s possible to be both.
2. She thinks I don’t work hard enough
She started here as an intern, and now she’s the managing editor. Maybe she’s holding me to a standard that she lived up to and she doesn’t thing I deserve to be here.
3. She thinks I’m too good at my job
Since she started as an intern and made it all the way to where she is now, maybe she thinks I’m gunning for her job or something. Maybe she sees all the work I put into this job as an insult. Especially when I come up with new ideas to write about that she didn’t come up with, maybe she thinks her time as the reigning queen of the office is coming to an end and she’s blaming it on me.
4. I’m young with my whole life ahead of me
In journalism there are many outlets you can write for. My dream it to write for Cosmopolitan Magazine, and since I’m only 21 and still in school that dream is still an opportunity to for me. However, she started working here years ago as intern, and maybe it wasn’t something she planned on doing forever. But as time went on and she kept getting promoted she stuck around and maybe now she feels trapped with no way out.
5. She just doesn’t like me
I have a very distinct personality. I don’t want to say you either love me or hate me, because there can be an in between with me. Some people can tolerate me in small doses. Some people want to be around me all the time. I can’t help who I am, but maybe who I am annoys her, and I can respect that. A lot of people that haven’t actually done anything to me I find really annoying and would never choose to spend my time with them.
For example, there’s an intern who I can’t stand. Her name is something September 11th like and she thinks she knows everything about journalism. Bitch you’re the same age as me and you go to a lower ranked school and you started this internship after me, know your place. But once again, she did nothing personally to me, I just don’t like who she is as a person.
Anyway, no matter why my boss hates me, I can’t change it, but I do have to find a way around it. Let’s face it we live in an ass kissing world and I need good references.