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Monday, August 29, 2011

Cheating is in the pants

Have you ever heard the saying that "cheating is in the heart?"

I just recently heard the saying while watching an episode of Degrassi where Marco (a gay characto) hooked up with Ellie (his female roommate) and when he discussed the incident with Paige (his other female roommate) he asked her if he should tell his boyfriend and if it's considered cheating and Paige's response was "I think cheating is in the heart, I think it depends on what you were feeling."

I don't know if it's just me...but I personally don't care what anyone was thinking if you kiss someone else while I'm dating you you could have been thinking about arson for all I care but you still cheated.

Why does it mater what someone was thinking when they shoved their tongue down someone else's throat?

Cheating isn't in the heart because that would mean it has something to do with feelings outside of your hormones. If you are with someone you love and you cheat on them thats from the libido.

Cheating is in the pants

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