Welcome to Uuughhh

A place for me to finally get my unheard opinions out to anyone who would be willing to read it (people with way too much time on their hands)

But this isn't just for me. If you have something you want to wine about but don't want to leave a comment feel free to email me at bajastiletto@gmail.com

Listen to some hot new music by my personal friends, read some crap post some crap, and share with your friends because this really is a spectator sport.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

He Strikes Again

I don't even have to say who I'm talking about, because everyone will know.
A certain R&B singer beat up his R&B singer girlfriend before a certain musical awards show.  He went to anger management and he wanted to convince the world that he had changed, and he had his anger under control and he was no longer that person.

The same guy goes on Good Morning America and is interviewed about his new album.  During the interview the 60-year-old reporter asks him about Rihanna and he gets agitated with the elderly woman.  If that wasn't bad enough, he went to his room backstage and destroyed it, breaking a window.

Then he had a press release where he made excuses and gave a weak apology.

Changed man?  Or abusive psycho?

You decide.

Because I already did.

When Is It Too Soon

There are three little words that you think everyone wants to hear when they are in a relationship with someone.
"I Love You"
But those words carry a lot of meaning, or at least, there supposed to.  I remember in high school I started dating this guy, and on the first day of our relationship he said "let's just start this early and get it over with, so I love you."  And I was like....."oh okay love you too."
That's not the way most people want to share those words.
Clearly saying it on the first date is not only stupid, but it's really creepy.
But when is the right time to say it?
When do you know you love someone?
Is it after a month?
Two months.
Three months.
A year.
A lifetime?
Sometime you think you have strong feelings for someone, but when can you tell if it's love?

Anyone with answers is urged to email me.

Tonic East

I have been someone of color my entire life, last night at Tonic East bar in NYC was the first time I had experienced racism.
I went to the bar last night to celebrate my sorority sister's 22nd birthday.  We were drinking before hand and I had a water bottle of vodka/water/lime juice in my purse.  I smoked a cigarette before getting on the line so I could scope out the bouncers and see if he was checking bag or anything.  He wasn't.  So I left the bottle in my bag so I could drink it inside the bar.
Then as soon as I woke up there he makes me open my bag.  He says there are no water bottles allowed.  So I immediately offer to throw it out.  Before I can even throw it out he grabs it out of my hand and smells it.  He says theres alcohol in it (which is true but you can't smell it because the lime juice is so acidic the smell is plain citrus) and that he can't let me in at all.  So I'm like even if there was alcohol in it I'm throwing it out so why would I not be allowed in at all.  The entire time my sorority sisters are outside with me arguing with the bouncer.  While this is happening he allows three girls after me (three white girls) with water bottles inside.  He either let them chug it or throw it out.  So now I'm getting really sad mixed in with my anger it was clear that he was a racist and the only reason it was different for me was because I'm not white.  I had to call the manager and explain everything to him. '
When I got in I couldn't even have fun anymore.  I was so sad.  I have never been treated like that in my life.  I'm never the person to call the race card.  I guess in my naive mind I thought all the prejudices in the past were so far back in history that there is no way that in NYC (one of the most diverse places in the world) I would experience a white man treating me like I was less than he was.  Every time I heard a person of color claim they weren't able to do something or get something because they were discriminated against I thought it was a cop out.  I thought they were making excuses.  I thought it's 2011, our president is black, and everyone has the same rights at this point of time.
But that's not true.  We don't all have the same rights.  I've joked around with racist jokes before because first of all I'm not white so I can do that, and second of all I never really meant it.  But there all people in the world that do mean what they are saying, and it is painful.
I feel like I'm prepared for everything when I go out.  I'm prepared for perverted guys and jealous bitches, but I was never prepared for racism.  And I shouldn't have to be.  But the reality of the situation is.....that I need to be.
And if racism wasn't enough, at Tonic the employees are rude.  Many of them push through paying customers without even so much as an "I'm sorry" or an "Excuse me."
The drinks were $10 for a small, thin cup.  I was better off keeping my bottle and staying the fuck home.
The bottom line is if you want expensive drinks, rude service and racism Tonic East is the place for you.

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Fun Doesn't Stop Here

Good news everyone!
I have decided to start another blog.
I love ranting on this blog about shit that really annoys me, but on my new blog I am going to talk about something that I enjoy....SEX!
The new blog is called SEXcapades, and it can be found on www.sexcapades.blogspot.com
Follow it
Love it
If you have any sexy stories you want to share to have posted on the site and I would be happy to rephrase it and make it sound better than it was so it won't embarrass me to have on my blog.
While I am starting a new chapter in my life, this chapter will not be neglected.  Because while I love sex, I hate a lot of other things.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

My Resume

I'm a junior in college and it's getting close to that time when I'm going to be ejected from the safety of my parents home and undergraduate classes, and forced to figure what I want for my life.  For years I have been participating in activities and flourishing at school to prepare for my future.  But now that my future is literally right around the corner I realize that I do not have the experience to live in the real world.
Today, I was attempting to create a resume so that I could apply for internships and jobs for this summer when I realized that I have lived on this earth for 21 years and I have absolutely nothing to show for it. 
I have done nothing to indicate that I belong in the professional world.
A traditional resume starts with your education.  In this portion I would right that I graduated from Copiague High School (a less than decent Long Island high school) and that I attend St. John's University (with an average GPA.) As for awards and scholarships, I received honor roll my freshman and sophomore year of high school, and a journalism award my senior year, and I also receive a $12,000 scholarship to St. Johns. 
With education, it is customary to include a list of extracurricular activities.  In high school I was cheerleader captain (of a horrible squad) editor of the school paper (a really bad paper) and a member of the color guard team (which was always over shadowed by the award winning band we performed next team.)  At St. Johns I write for the newspaper and am a valued member of Kappa Phi Beta (which is a notorious party sorority.)
Next on the resume would be work experience.  I worked at Adventureland (a Long Island amusement park) for two summers and I worked at TJMaxx (a gross discount clothing store) for four years.
Then if you have any special skills, it is normal to put that on your resume as well.  Such as how many words you type a minute, or PowerPoint, excel, and Microsoft word experience.  However, for my special skills I should just write sex, because that is something I'm really good at.
Actually if I wanted to be honest....my resume would look a little more like this:

I have smoked bud, I blew lines, I've taken E, I've also taken numerous pain killers.  I started drinking when I was 15 and the problem has just progressed.  I go to St. Johns where I live right around the corner from a bar.  I'm a double major in partying and sex.  In fact I've probably had sex with more guys then there are letters in the alphabet.  So am I hired?