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Monday, April 11, 2011

I Don't Want To Miss A Thing

How do you know if you're moving too fast in a relationship?  

When watching the movie 'How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days' we see how women can drive men away by getting too comfortable too quickly.  However how do you know what is considered too fast for a guy?  How do you know when a guy is moving fast on his own, or when he's moving fast because he thinks your moving fast and he's trying to catch up?

I basically spend as much time as possible with my boyfriend and we've only been together for a couple of months, so it is a general rule to make yourself less available so that a guy who is relatively new in your life won't get bored and lose interest. But he's the one that is making most of the invitations.  He says he wants to spend like every day with me, and for the first time that doesn't freak me out.  And so we do almost everything together.  We have a lot of the same interests, and even if we don't we try new things to make each other happy.  We've hung out with each others friends and met each others families, but theres more!!!

Also in the above mentioned movie, we see that men get uneasy when women try to control and be a part of every aspect of their lives.  This is especially seen in the scene where the woman moves all her girlie items into her new boyfriends bachelor pad.  She puts stuffed animals on his bed, pink decorations in the hallways, and tampons in his bathroom!!!!!  I think we can all agree that that is going way too far.  

But what if it's the guy that's slowly moving/or keeping some of your things at his place?

A few weeks ago I left a tank top at my boyfriends house and he washed it, and put it in an empty drawer.  He also added a pair of his sweatpants and t shirts for me to wear when I'm sleeping over.  Yesterday, he purchased a toothbrush and loofah for me to keep in his bathroom so I wouldn't have to bring my things back and forth.  He also told me that he's moving next month and wants me to help with the decorating.  

Over the past few nights he started saying the sweetest things.  First he was bringing up future plans, not too far into the future but just things like over the summer, and next semester.  And usually I would think that's weird because who plans on having someone else in their life for that long?  But I find myself making plans with him.  One night this weekend I swear he said he loved me as we were going to bed, but we were both really fucked up so I wasn't going to bring it up if he wasn't.  And perhaps the sweetest thing he said, sober, was that he didn't want to go to sleep because because he knew that would mean he wouldn't see me until the morning when it was time to take me home and we wanted to spend the most amount of time with me as possible. 

So I feel like we're moving in a great direction but we're moving in it too fast. But I also don't want to slow down....that is my dilemma.  

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